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  • Aug 9, 2014, 06:54 PM
    What if Japan invaded Australia before the bombing of Pearl Harbour?
    If the Japanese can somewhat can able to occupy at least the Northern tip of Australia until the bombing of a Pearl Harbor. After Pearl Harbor, US declared war on a Japan. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese finally surrenders. But what about for Australia, had the occupation made a huge impact for the Australians(including ones in the Northern Territory) forever, if it did, would the relationship between Australia and Japan 68 years after the war.

    Would have you think that Australia would still hated Japan for the occupation or would they end as a friendly apology. YOU CHOOSE..
  • Aug 9, 2014, 08:34 PM
    Let's put this in perspective. Northern Australia was sparcely populated in 1941, so sparcely populated that the government was resigned to withdraw to what was called the Brisbane line. The average Australian hasn't got a lot of time for the japanese, the governments might have cordial relations but we don't think the japanese people have taken responsibility for what their soldiers did to their prisoners or civilian populations. There was a huge impact on the australians from the fall of Singapore to the bombing of Darwin. This was a place that had not known war. As to Pearl Harbor, if the japanese had struck Australia before bringing america into the war, then Australia would have fought alone, just as Britian did. can't see how they would have accomplished that without attacking the Phillipines, an American dependency


    Tojo stated that:
    We never had enough troops to [invade Australia]. We had already far out-stretched our lines of communication. We did not have the armed strength or the supply facilities to mount such a terrific extension of our already over-strained and too thinly spread forces. We expected to occupy all New Guinea, to maintain Rabaul as a holding base, and to raid Northern Australia by air. But actual physical invasion—no, at no time.[

    A further perspective, the japanese would not have been able to live off the land in Australia as they did in Asia, no rice or other crops in Northern Australia, they would have quickly died of starvation and disease and the japanese knew this, they had no intention of invading Australia at that time, their momentum had carried them too far south severely affecting their ability to supply their troops. What they had wanted were the oil fields in Indonesia

    Remember a very small force of Australians stopped the japanese advance in New Guinea, one of the reasons for this was the size of the japanese force, it wasn't even at divisional strength

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