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  • Mar 16, 2005, 10:34 AM
    Clicking in Left ear??
    I am wondering if anyone can tell me why I have a clicking in my ear. I already have a hearing loss in both ears, wear hearing aids, have buzzing tinits. And now I am experiencing a Click.
    I talked to my hearing doc and she has no indication of what would cause this. My family doctor is also trying to Dx me with MS. Could the click be caused from MS or something inside my ear??

    Any help helps.. thanks...

  • Jun 18, 2005, 08:55 AM

    Read your thread on clicking in ear. I have it as well but it only clicks when I swallow particularly saliva. It is very irriitating. I have been to the doctor and ENT and they say I will have to live with it. Now if you go to GOOGLE and search for CLICKING NOISE IN MY EAR U will see some very intersting suggestions. Click on each one in turn, U will read about the Euchalian tubes and seemingly this is the cause. Read up on it and thread me back.

    Barry Robinson : ::
  • Jun 20, 2005, 05:23 AM
    I do not know what the "clicking" is or how to stop it. I am posting this just so you will know you are not alone!
    I, too, have 2 hearing aids, also have 2 T-tubes in my eardrums... which keep my ears from becoming infected as much as they use to.
    I am sorry your ear doctor doesn't know the answer; perhaps you might want to see another one to get another opinion.
    I do have my ears cleaned out every 6 months, and do experience a "hum" in both ears that will never go away. I don't even realize it's there now, most of the time.
    I do wish you the best,
  • Oct 21, 2005, 08:28 AM

    Originally Posted by bdrobins

    Read ur thread on clicking in ear. I have it as well but it only clicks when I swallow particularly saliva. It is very irriitating. I have been to the doctor and ENT and they say I will have to live with it. Now if u go to GOOGLE and search for CLICKING NOISE IN MY EAR U will see some very intersting suggestions. Click on each one in turn, U will read about the Euchalian tubes and seemingly this is the cause. Read up on it and thread me back.

    Barry Robinson : ::

    I too have this kind of problem and my doctor said this happens because of my all the time stuffy nose. I am very sensitive with the draft and all. Can you give me the links you found on Google please ?
  • Oct 21, 2005, 08:35 AM
    Ok guys,
    Thanks for all the replies. The clicking has not gone away,, it sounds like two pencils tapping together. Not when I swallow, just when ever it wants to. LOL I borrowed a stethascope from my vet and used it to see if my hubby could hear it.. He did. 3 different times...
    Now the Neurologist has Dx'd me with Transverse Myelitis. Which in turn caused serious nerve damage.. May be why I have this click..

    Anyway, thanks all..
  • Oct 22, 2005, 04:50 AM
    Clicking in ear
    Thank you so much for your recent post on what the problem might be. It's always good to know what the reason is.
    I do wish you the best.
  • Oct 28, 2005, 03:24 AM

    Originally Posted by Seven0h7
    Ok guys,,
    Thanks for all the replies. The clicking has not gone away,,, it sounds like two pencils tapping together. not when I swallow,, just when ever it wants to. LOL I borrowed a stethascope from my vet and used it to see if my hubby could hear it.. He did. 3 different times...

    Fortunately I only hear it when I swallow and not quite every time I do it. Did you check your blood pressure ?
  • Oct 28, 2005, 07:14 AM
    I have my blood preassure checked every month,, just because I am 33 and falling apart. LOL Im not sure if I mentioned it but my neurologist thinks I have Transverse Myelitis. (Which caused nerve damage) but he's not sure if that's the cause of the clicking..
    I also have what I call "the Woo Woos". That is a feeling and sound I have throughout my entire body, and I see small flashes of light when I move my eyes,, LOL Like I said, FALLING APART like I am 80 not 33.

  • Oct 29, 2005, 09:31 AM

    Originally Posted by Seven0h7
    LOL Im not sure if I mentioned it but my neurologist thinks I have Transverse Myelitis. (Which caused nerve damage) but hes not sure if thats the cause of the clicking..

    Maybe you are "only thinking" that you are falling apart. You know... sometimes when we encounter problems in our lifes... we just give up hope and that's where the depression starts. You don't have to think like that...
    BTW: What is Transverse Myelitis?
  • Nov 18, 2005, 03:04 AM
    Moggy no2
    My ear
    I have left far that clicks non stop.
    I was involved in a RTA with my scooter.
    I only noticed my ear clicking after the accident.
    It feels like it's always been here I can not remember from before the RTA.

    On top of my RTA I have been diagnosed with MS my specialist say that my ear and MS are not connected.
    I am 37 years old just to let you all know
  • Feb 11, 2006, 07:46 AM
    In response to Seven0h7,

    I think I have the answer to your problem. For over 5 years I've had similar clicking, but only in my left ear. Only yesterday I was finally diagnosed with "Palatal Myoclonus" from a very good ENT specialist. Look this up on Google and it may well be your condition. I have literally SUFFERED with this for the past 5 years, especially not knowing what it was. I went from having an MRI on the brain, to a Catscan on the sinuses (and the brain again) and a flexible endoscopy within 3 years and not one Dr could help me. The last ENT specialist I saw in Nov 2005 wrongly diagnosed me as having Neuralgia. He referred me to a Neurologist who prescribed me an antidepressant called ENDEP which had terrible side effects without even helping my symptoms. Aside from the clicking, it is the intense pressure in my left ear (behind my left eye / nose area) which is driving me CRAZY. Sometimes, I just feel like putting a needle in there to pop the pressure. It is absolutely excruciating at times. I can deal with the clicking / popping sounds but not that pressure ! Apparently the clicking sound is produced because of the eustachian tubes opening and closing. When closed for too long, it creates intense pressure in the middle ear. Anyhow, I'll be seeing another ENT specialist in the coming weeks who may consider botox injections in the surrounding muscles. In this way the eustachian tubes of the ear would naturally relax and hopefully stop the clicking. Please let me know if you relate to any of this.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 08:26 AM
    Moggy no2
    This is not an answer as there are no direct questions being asked!

    To all that suffer from this this is very like MS no one knows why it's there or where it comes from.
    I have ms it was noticed by my GP when I was pre-teens but nobody took me seriously.
    I was involved in a near death RTA at 32 years old, due to the accident I had a brain scan and it was found that the nerves had drematically lost the coating.
    My specialist dissmised any relation ship with MS.

    I could go on but that would just be scare mongering so I will leave it at this.

  • Feb 11, 2006, 05:53 PM
    Dear Moggy no2,

    I just noticed your reply to my post regarding Clicking in Ear. I am sorry to hear about your MS, but I think you have misunderstood my response. It was directed to user SevenOh7 who did in fact pose a direct question (see below). I was excited to let him know that I was only diagnosed with Palatal Myoclonus just the other day and was hoping maybe that would answer his problem. I had no answers for 5 years, so for me knowing what I have is a revelation! I have done so much research on the net and I know for a FACT that is what is causing my clicking and pressure in my ear. The doctors even have camera footage inside my nose / ear / throat showing the contractions happening within. I do realize that SevenOh7 may be suffering with something different, but sometimes symptoms can be wrongly diagnosed. I was just lucky that I went for a second opinion. Not many can recognize Palatal Myoclonus so my post was intended for those who may indeed not know anything about this condition. Anyhow, good luck on your mission to health. Tom (bluebirds)

    Below is the original question posed by SevenOh7 on March 16th 2005...

    Clicking in Left ear??

    I am wondering if anyone can tell me why I have a clicking in my ear. I already have a hearing loss in both ears, wear hearing aids, have buzzing tinits. And now I am experiencing a Click.
    I talked to my hearing doc and she has no indication of what would cause this. My family doctor is also trying to Dx me with MS. Could the click be caused from MS or something inside my ear??

    Any help helps.. thanks...

  • May 30, 2006, 07:37 PM

    I hope you get this email. Could you possible update your situation? This clicking (like screws loose clanking against each other) started 2 days ago and hasn't stopped. I'll mention Palatal Myoclonus when I go to the doctors_ definitely can't handle this for very much longer, but I'd like to know what helped you. I do have hearing lost in my right ear from childhood-I really can't afford to have hearing lost on my left ear.

    Thanks, clem
  • May 30, 2006, 08:19 PM
    Hi Clem. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In regards to your question... I have had a series of follow ups with my specialist which resulted in botox therapy. In early May I had my soft palate (back of throat) injected with low dosages of botox in order to paralyze the twitching muscle. I only noticed this after a few days, which subsequently lessened the clicking in my left ear. I am going for a second appointment next Thursday (8 June) to evaluate my situation. Basically, I have noticed about a 60% improvement so far, so I may continue with botox until I feel substantial relief has been obtained. I think your case may be slightly different as you don't mention any muscle twitching at the back of your throat. A way to test this is to block your nose with two fingers and look into a mirror. If your nostrils throb / flare every so often, then you possibly have the palate contractions (called palatal myoclonus). A side effect of this muscle contracting is that dreaded clicking in the ear, caused by the eustachian tubes rubbing against each other. Do you know what suddenly brought your condition on ? It sounds like it happened all of a sudden. Please let me know how you go. All the best ! Tom.
  • Sep 26, 2006, 05:45 AM
    Here's a copy from another post of mine - it might add something to your inquiry.

    "Does the clicking mostly occur when you talk or chew? Do you have a history of nasal allergies or ear infections? If so, it could be due to a 'floppy' eustachian tube and may respond to a course of decongestants. The headaches could be due to associated sinus problems."

    "Another source of 'clicking' could be due to a TMJ (temperomandibular joint - the joint where your jaw pivots) problem. TMJ problems are aggravated by stress and can indeed lead to headaches. In either case, see an ENT as advised above. If you think you might have TMJ problems, a visit to your dentist may be indicated too..."
  • Mar 4, 2007, 06:42 AM
    Yes I also have constant clicking in my ears all the time! I have had this problem since I was 16 now I'm 23! They are so full of stuff everyday, then at night often there will be this type or ringing sound but it turns into this roaring so loud that it's unbelievable it's like a train. Then there are the frigging headaches and jaw pains with ear pains and the pressure is pretty painful. Last but not least is the ''Hum'' what I want to no does that sound to bad enough that I might loose some hearing and is it worth going to the doctors cause I hate waiting in those offices thanks cliff
  • Mar 5, 2007, 07:29 AM
    First off, you have posted your question in the wrong place and not many people will see it here. Try re-posting it as a question under the topic "Hearing" and not under someone else's question.

    Secondly, it sounds like at least one of your problems is tinnitus - which is not a diagnosis but a descriptive term that means "ringing in the ears". Tinnitus can be of many causes - including some medicines you might take, vascular disorders, high blood pressure, prolonged exposure to loud noises, inner ear problems, and even some types of brain tumors - to name a few. The "clicking" and headaches you mention could be from TMJ (joint of the jaw) problems or "middle" ear problems. Much of the time tinnitus is "idiopathic" - that means they don't know what causes it. Therefore, your symptoms need to be thoroughly evaluated by a doctor to rule out the bad things - and possibly to find a way too much improve your condition. I would recommend that you see an ENT doctor (ear, nose and throat specialist) as soon as possible since this condition will not likely get better on its own...
  • May 14, 2007, 04:20 PM
    Mark Malthouse
    I have had this problem and I suspect it may be related to Vitamin B12 deficiency. Perhaps you are a little anaemic? Please let me know if anyone has this problem and thinks it might be the result of diet etc.
  • Sep 29, 2007, 08:16 PM
    Hi, I recently went to the ER, who directed me to an ENT Dr. All that they said was a disfunctional Eustacian Tube set. Be careful, and make sure that your symptoms are lasting more than one day. Although problems like this occur with many people, others just have bugs in their ears. I'm not joking... my cousin heard clicking in his ear, and family chuckled it off. He described it as pencils at times and nothing was done. Finally, he heard a shrill scream and went deaf in that ear. A bug had flown in and screamed at his eardrum. Clicking equalled the tiny beating of wings. This is true and it happens- my nurse said that at least twice a month they pull moths/spiders/beetles from a patient's ears. One had waited a month to get it checked, dousing his ear with peroxides only to go deaf from a decaying moth ~ just be weary of things out of the ordinary. Now... you can take the chance of not going in and paying co-pay or fees, but it is best to have it checked. That way you will know what is going on inside of your body and you can relax at least that much. If this has helped anyone, I am glad. If you are like me and found this thread because your ear is clicking- trust that it's not normal, and do NOT ignore it- whatever "IT" may be.

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