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  • Nov 16, 2012, 11:10 AM
    Boy staring at me.. what does it really mean?
    There's this boy in my class and recently when ever I see him araound at school I've been finding him sometimes staring at me.. like following me with his eyes every move I make.
    He's cute.. a lot but he doesn't has any girls friends... I only talked to him once.. just to tell him that we didn't have any lesson that day and like acted normally and also a little shocked when I talked to him but he looked me straight in the eyes and he didn't even said thank you he just said OK and went away... he doesn't do it every time he sees me at school.. that he stares at me.. but the other day he sat opposite of me during some free time and he kept looking straight at me..
    What does this all means?
  • Nov 19, 2012, 09:23 AM
    Maybe he is interested in you. If you are interested and curious if it could turn into a relationship or something then see if he would want to hangout or do something sometime. Just go for it if you want, what's the worst that could happen.
  • Nov 19, 2012, 03:09 PM
    >texting edited<

    Wow, he must like you!! This has happened to me at school before (believe it or not :P) and I sort of freaked out over it... Anyway, you should talk to him more often if you think he likes you. It should also stop him from staring at you because you are actually talking to him. Lol boys are so strange... So follow my advice and see what happens!!
  • Nov 22, 2012, 12:43 AM
    Boys are stupid. Just go up and talk to him :) He could be just really nervous and that's why he hasn't talked to you other than about school... make the first move and put yourself out there! :)

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