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  • Feb 6, 2009, 07:34 PM
    I think I'm gifted but I don't know
    Ever since I was a little child I would either walk by any I go I could get a feeling or a vison of something that has happened in the area in the past. Sometimes I can past a place or walk some where and feel like I shoulld go another way... I don't kconfusednow if that makes it a gift or not :confused:
  • Feb 9, 2009, 08:38 PM

    That's called psychometry, being able to touch an object or a step in a flight of stairs or whatever and receive visions of its past. Some people who are really good at that help out law enforcement agencies and stuff.

    Everyone has gifts. Everyone has his or her own unique mix of talents and abilities. In your case, this particular skill or sensitivity comes easier for you. If that's something you're interested in doing, but it's up to you to manifest it if you choose. If you desire to develop the gift, you can decide to do that. As far as how to develop and train it, I'd say try a little of everything and stick with the things that speak most to you, whether it be meditation or ritual or whatever.

    There's only one way to find out how powerful of a gift you have, and what it can do, and that's to walk down the path.

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