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  • Jan 15, 2011, 08:19 PM
    Former Marine willing to answer questions
    If you are interested in joining the Marine Corps, I'd be happy to share my experiences with you. I am not a recruiter, so not to worry.

    I will try to answer your question promptly and to the best of my ability.

    All the best.
  • Jan 15, 2011, 08:43 PM

    Actually does not matter if you were a recruiter, as long as you are honest about who you are and tell the truth.

    But basically people don't ask you personally a question, they just ask questions, and you can look at questions people ask and answer them. You may try doing a search for military, army or the such.

    Please don't answer very old questions but have fun

    And welcome to the site.
  • Dec 19, 2011, 09:17 PM
    Hi I can't make up a choice between the marines or the navy.. How was the marines? A lot of people tell me not to do marines. Is it really as bad as they say? I want that sisterhood feel, I want the toughest, to be proud. In your Marine experience, where are all the place you've been? Do you know how it is for girls? Do the girls have a good of a chance of going to afghan or iraq as of guys? I don't want to go to either of those places, but I want to be a marine mostly. But I also would like to travel, to be able to have good job opportunities when I'm out. Is marines a good career choice? 20 years? Or would another branch be best for that... It would be much appreciated.
  • Dec 20, 2011, 04:51 AM

    Originally Posted by JennyKuheim View Post
    Hi i can't make up a choice between the marines or the navy.. How was the marines? A lot of people tell me not to do marines. Is it really as bad as they say? I want that sisterhood feel, i want the toughest, to be proud. In your Marine experience, where are all the place you've been? Do you know how it is for girls? Do the girls have a good of a chance of going to afghan or iraq as of guys? I dont want to go to either of those places, but i want to be a marine mostly. But i also would like to travel, to be able to have good job opportunities when i'm out. Is marines a good career choice? 20 years? Or would another branch be best for that... It would be much appreciated.

    Hi Jenny - when I was in that same place of making a decision, it came down to which was the toughest... I wanted to test myself. I'd say that if your mindset is similar, go with your cut. People told me the same thing about the Marines... "they're'd never make it through boot camp." All of that served me because it added fuel to my fire.

    Women do deploy to Afghanistan (no longer Iraq since the war is over there). But they serve in support roles only. Women have the opportunity to serve as Marine Security Guards at U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world, which is what I did and it was a great duty.

    To me, the thing Marines provide above the other services is a strong emphasis on professionalism and discipline... sure the other services have those things but I don't think they do to the extent the Marines does... that's my opinion. The Marines instilled virtues in me that I carry with me almost 10 years after I've left and my best friends (really my only friends) are Marines... so you will get the opportunity for sisterhood but it's up to you to foster those relationships when you are in.

    I hope I answered your questions adequately... feel free to follow up if you have more.
  • Dec 20, 2011, 04:48 PM
    Thank you, I just don't want to make the wrong decision and wish I would have went into another branch. I rather hear there experiences from someone who isn't a recruiter.. What would you say the worst thing about marines is? Did you get good job oppoturnities when you got out? Do most people get out of the marines after 4 years cause they don't want to do it any longer? Would it be good for 20 years? Sorry so many questions! I've been thinking about both branches and the pros/cons. I want to be a marine, but I also want as many good opportunities as when I'm out, and maybe to do it for more than 4 years, and to travel. The navy has that, but I know the marines get stuff done more than the navy. It's a hard decision. Ha
  • Dec 23, 2011, 03:39 PM

    Originally Posted by JennyKuheim View Post
    Thankyou, i just dont want to make the wrong decision and wish i would of went into another branch. I rather hear there experiences from someone who isn't a recruiter.. What would you say the worst thing about marines is? Did you get good job oppoturnities when you got out? Do most people get out of the marines after 4 years cause they dont want to do it any longer? Would it be good for 20 years? Sorry so many questions! I've been thinking about both branches and the pros/cons. I want to be a marine, but i also want as many good opportunities as when im out, and maybe to do it for more than 4 years, and to travel. The navy has that, but i know the marines get stuff done more than the navy. It's a hard decision. ha

    Jenny - the worst thing about the Marines? Well, you'll find that any job (military or not) has its pros and cons. I can't really answer that question for you because what's worse for me may not be an issue for you and vice versa. I'd say now the deployments troops are expected to endure are the worst thing about the Marines... but that'd be true for the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

    The Marine Corps is intense and they expect a lot out of you... but that is a good thing. Quite frankly, the opportunities you would desire really depend on the job you take while you are in. Many Marines I knew from Embassy Duty left the Marine Corps and went to work for government agencies. Serving with the Department of State opens lots of opportunities if that is something you are looking for.

    How you serve in the Marines ultimately dictates how many opportunities you have if you are looking past the military. What I mean is if you get a lot out of your military service in terms of experience, leadership opportunities, military training, you will have a lot more opportunities once you leave. But I will tell you straight up, you get what you put into it... you have to work hard and apply yourself... opportunities don't occur passively in our lives... we have to be diligent and make ourselves marketable and employable to the outside world.

    For me, the discipline and assertiveness that I learned from the Marines has served me greatly in my life outside of the military. I went on to get my degree in Finance and I have a great job now, making good money. But I worked really hard to applied the principles I learned in the Marines towards my everyday life and I have prospered... but again, I had to work hard. I'm emphasizing that because you should have no illusion that just because you join the military, you will have all kinds of opportunities waiting for you. You have to work hard in life and apply yourself in whatever you do... if you do that, you will do just fine.

    Bottom line, the Marine Corps saved my life. I was a troubled and misguided young man before I joined... the Marines changed me and gave me a life that I could not have achieved without it. I wouldn't trade that for anything. As long as I live, I will always remember the Marine Corps with a fierce pride and fondness. Is that not an opportunity?

    All the best to you, Jenny.
  • Dec 23, 2011, 05:05 PM
    Thank you! That helps a lot! I completely understand. Defiantly need to work for what you want in life. Everything you said is completely true.
    Thanks again for answering my questions. I take the asvab in about a week. Hopefully I'll do good!
  • Jan 25, 2013, 02:18 PM
    In my high school we have a military history class which I am taking this semester to close out my high school years. This coming Tuesday (1/29/13) we will have our first visitors coming in, A marine who is fresh out of boot camp. Our teacher wants us to come up with good questions to ask. I have a few but would like more. I was wondering if you could give me some good ones to use, maybe questions you have been frequently asked or one you wish you had been asked. Thank you so much.
  • Mar 27, 2013, 01:34 PM
    In school we're doing future careers we want to pursue and a friend chose Marine. I was wondering what type of person does it take to be a Marine and if your whole experience was an enjoyable one or did you regret the decision to become a Marine at some point.Thanks.
  • Mar 27, 2013, 02:06 PM
    AbBuxGail - it takes a person with a commitment to pushing himself (or being pushed). The Marines expect a lot out of its people, more so than what I've seen in other branches of service. I mean, as a culture high standards are expected and enforced.

    My whole experience was highly meaningful for me because it gave me direction and life-long friendships I still enjoy today and I've been out for 13 years. But times are different and the mission of the Marines, although technically is the same, is different now. For anybody considering the military, you must understand what our government's mission is and decide if morally it is consistent with your values. You must count the cost, basically.

    My two cents.

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