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  • Nov 27, 2006, 05:03 PM
    Thinking about getting tubes tied
    Hi all,
    I am new to this and need some advice. I am 21 years old and I have 2 beautiful children. I have a boy and a girl what I always wanted. I seem to be very fertile because they are only 18 months apart. I have been taking the pill to prevent having another child and have been thinking about getting my tubes tied. My Mother just keeps saying to think about it, but all I keep thinking about is that both of my children were conceived unexpectedly and one of them was conceived while I was on the pill and we used a condom. So, I was hoping that someone that has had the operation could help me in deciding if this is right for me. I would like to know what to expect and to know what problems came after the operation. Again, I have not had it yet, but I am really considering it.
    Thank you in advance.
  • Nov 27, 2006, 05:59 PM
    I would tend to agree with your mother. First of all, most doctors will not do it at your age.

    Secondly, my first 2 were conceived in almost the same circumsances you describe. Unfortunately, 4 years later my husband and I divorced. I then remarried a man who had no children but dearly wanted at least 2. Had I had my tubes tied I would not have been able to give him the 2 beautiful children he has now. I have 4. They range in age from 20, 18, 13, and 4.

    Yes, a tubal ligation is reversible, but the success rate is not as high as many people think.

    I finally had mine done in 2003, more due to health reasons regarding my personal circumstance.

    There were no problems after the operation, it was actually very simple. It took longer to prepare the operating room and put me under. The operation itself only took about 30 minutes and I went shopping later that day.

    But remember that this is a FINAL decision. Like I said, it is reversible, but the likelihood of pregnancy after revarsal is slim and NEVER guaranteed.

    Please think long and hard about this. If I had it done at 22, I would not have the 2 beautiful young children I have now.
  • Nov 27, 2006, 08:11 PM
    I would definitely wait. You never know what the future will bring. You may change your mind and it is very hard to conceive after having a tubal ligation reversed. Have you thought about the Depo Provera shot or an IUD or anything else?

    I had a tubal after five babies and I can tell you that I didn't have any complications what-so-ever. They went in my belly-button and there is only a centimetre scar there. I know there can be complications with any surgery. Even I have moments where I wonder if I did the right thing.

    Take care and good luck.
  • Nov 27, 2006, 10:28 PM
    I tried the pill and I got pregnant and I tried the Depo shot and I gained 100lbs. In 6 months. I am scared to take the patch because of the problem with blood clots. I have heard of people being hurt during the nora plant and that scares me too.
  • Nov 27, 2006, 10:37 PM
    Well I can't really blame you for being a little (or a lot) hesitant. I don't think anyone will be able to tell you what to do. It is a very personal decision and I think that the people who care about you just don't want you to have any regrets in the future. You are very young and just about anything could still happen. Personally, I wouldn't do anything permanent. However, maybe two is your limit... five was one past my limit.

    I think you should ask yourself if this is what you really want. If there is any doubt what-so-ever... DON'T DO IT! I would talk to your gynecologist and see if there isn't a combination of things to do besides what you have already tried. I have heard a lot of good things about this IUD that they put in your uterus. Apparently even the copper they make it out of is a spermicide. A friend of mine absolutely loves it.

    Take care Tiffany
  • Nov 27, 2006, 10:44 PM
    Thank you! I am going to my OB/GYN on Thursday and we are going to talk about this and about having surgery for incontience. I have had this problem my whole life, but after I had kids it got a lot worse and I have tried everything. He said that if I get the surgery and I have more children it will undo the surgery, but we didn't talk about getting my tubes tied. Thank all of you so much. I hope that I can make up my mind after I talk to him.
  • Nov 28, 2006, 07:05 PM
    Oh... I didn't know there was another problem. For me, this would change things. You have to think of your health first. You have two children and I'm sure you want to do what is best for all those involved. I hope you get things figured out with your doctor.

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