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  • Aug 3, 2009, 04:59 PM
    Christianity and Suicide.
    A friend of mine committed suicide about a week ago, claiming he was a Christian. I grew up Southern Baptist and had always heard that the one thing that separates you from God is taking your own life, is this true?
  • Aug 3, 2009, 05:15 PM

    No. God knows we are temporarily trapped on this earth and subject to failed relationships, mental and physical illnesses, financial problems, family difficulties, along with many other fears and anxieties. He looks into our heart and knows our struggles. He has told us to be strong but knows we cannot always be.
  • Aug 3, 2009, 05:54 PM

    I have always stumbled on this, but in the end, the choice I have decided on is this.

    No one sane would kill thierself, so if you do, there is a mental defect or some emotional problem, that caused it.

    Thus a person who does this,is not of clear mind and they are not responsible for their actions.

    But on the other hand, merely "claiming" to be a christian is not saving you either, most christians are not saved. The real question only they know is if they accepted Christ as their Savior at some point in their life.
  • Aug 3, 2009, 08:02 PM

    See, I look at it from another prospective. Murder is a sin and suicide is murder. How can you seek forgiveness for the sin of committing murder if you are already dead? It is a paradox for sure, and no one will have a definitive answer until the day of judgment.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 01:47 PM

    Suicide is in contrast with the Power of Life that God gives us. The Bible does say that you should not murder. (This can be understood as "taking your own life and the life of another.)

    Each person, whether Christian or not, will have difficult and very low times in their life. But as Christians, we each have the power to face everything that this world brings before us with God's help. That includes those things that "throw us for a loop." We have a source of help that can sustain us through.

    This was taken from something I had read. "We no longer belong to ourselves, but to God. We are overseers of our bodies and our lives (which belong to Him), and we are responsible to guard that which has been entrusted to us."

    There have been suicides in the Bible and most of them were from despair, fear, and disappointment. You can even look at Samson who in taking the lives of those in the arena, knew that he would be taking his life. Did he have another choice? Was his revenge! Here is another verse about causing your death. "Do not be a fool--why die before your time?" (Ecclesiastes 7:17b) Clearly, God is against it and wants us to have life.

    Here is what Job said in his lowly state, So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than my life. I loathe it; I would not live alway: let me alone; for my days are vanity" (Job 7:15-16). David and Jeremiah are just a few others that were in despair at times.

    The Bible lists the only unforgivable sins as rejecting Christ (Mark 16:16) and blaspheming the Holy Spirit. He does not spell out what happens to those that commit suicide (do they go to Heaven or Hell). Maybe that was for a good reason. If He had said that suicide was forgivable and not a sin, then more people would probably take their lives. Either way, it is clear that each person will stand before God and give an account of his/her life. God will be our ultimate Judge.

    For now, it is important as Christians to remain close in our walk with God so when the rough times comes, we will remember from where our help comes.

    As 450donn said, we can not know the answer until Judgment Day.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 08:12 PM

    Originally Posted by AMachell View Post
    A friend of mine committed suicide about a week ago, claiming he was a Christian. I grew up Southern Baptist and had always heard that the one thing that separates you from God is taking your own life, is this true?

    My take on the life is that God has sent us on this earth to accomplish a mission. We have varied things to do. Some accomplish that mission by doing the jobs they have, some accomplish by doing after-work things for people. A person is intelligent enough to distinguish between a work for God and work for Devil. When Lord God has counted our breathes and we CAN NOT take one more or one less than that, then, in my opinion, committing suicide will not please God. Shortening our lives means that we have taken over the control of life in our hands and have kicked God out of driving seat of the life. When that happens then we are no more in relationship with God.

    Christians do face all the obstacles during this journey of life which non-christians face, rather I would say life for a Christian is harder that for a non-believer. The Bible tells us II Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. And also we know that HE never puts a burden on a person more than the bearing capacity of the person. Matthew 16:30 "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." When we have this assurance, why don't people seek help from God. Satan is always on the go to find a weak soul and devour it. Only those people get crushed under the burden who do not seek strength from God. They trust their own capability rather than having faith on Lord God. And Psalm 118:8 tells us - It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. One who leaves everything in HIS hands and ask HIM to come into HIS life, never thinks of shortening life. Life of David Livinstone is another example of leaving everything in HIS hands. Here it is if you have not heard of him earlier. YouTube - Ravi Zacharias tells the story of David Livingstone.

    I have few friends who are pretty depressed and talk of suicide. I always tell them to talk to Lord Jesus and ask HIM to lift them up out of the situation. One of my friends, who has recently accepted Lord Jesus as his saviour, told me to tell my friend, when I told him about my her thinking of suicide, that "She is a mean person if she thinks of suicide because she only thinks of herself and not of her family". How inspiring, assuring and soul lifting wordings are of hymn "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" YouTube - Paul Baloche Live - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
  • Aug 4, 2009, 08:26 PM

    A mother put a message on the board today.Eight weeks ago her son committed suicide.She wanted to know if he loved her and if he was at peace.

    I replied that my faith tells me he is at peace.

    Would anyone care to tell that mother different?
  • Aug 4, 2009, 08:26 PM

    The bible tells us that our bodies are a temple in that we are to stay as clean and healthy of mind and body as possible if you are aware of a defect i.e. depression its up to you to find help and pray for help there's nothing I've read that has led me to believe that you COULD be forgiven for committing suicide however this may have been purposely left out so as not to encourage it as an easy way out of lifes tribulations
  • Aug 4, 2009, 08:40 PM

    I agree with Fr_Chuck, Wondergirl and zippit
    (the others too but what they said is my ususal reply)

    I knew a Christian that committed suicide.
    He was schizophrenic
    If a person gets too far over the breaking point they may not know what they are doing.

    If they do have their mental capicity then likely it isn't forgiven.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 09:23 PM
    Maggie 3
    We are all sinners but are saved by the grace of God. Sin is sin there is not one sin
    worse then another. Mark 3:28 & 29 "I tell you the truth, all sin that people do and
    all the things people say against God can be forgiven. 29 But anyone who speaks
    against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guily of sin that continues forever,"
    Anyone that has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior has unforgiveness in him and that is blasphemey against the Holy Spirit.

    Maggie 3
  • Aug 4, 2009, 09:30 PM

    This is a question that has plauged many seminary students.. myself being one. Its hard to know if u are separated from God or not. If we were ever truly His then would w ewillingly destroy His creation?
  • Aug 4, 2009, 10:39 PM

    Originally Posted by Dondi View Post
    If we were ever truly His then would w ewillingly destroy His creation?

    Yes. Mental illness such as depression, a major negative life event, inability to function normally (after a car accident or skiing accident or diving accident or fire) could cause loss of hope and not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We are human, and are beset by human failings or life losses that can overwhelm us.
  • Aug 5, 2009, 07:11 AM


    Where would suicide for someone who is terminal ill

    Fit in?
  • Aug 5, 2009, 07:13 AM

    I would say the same as WG said IF they are to the point of no return and in bad enough pain. Just being told you are terminally ill I think one should not abandon hope yet.
  • Aug 7, 2009, 12:06 AM
    I agree with Fr_Chuck on this.
    I also believe that Jesus is the judge of who goes where after this life and He KNOWS all the circumstances involved in every person's life so I must trust in His judgment regarding everyone who takes his/her own life and that include everyone one else.
    Peace and kindness,
  • Aug 7, 2009, 12:21 AM

    I think someday we will know but until that time it is nothing but speculation and folly to assume anything.
    I tried to kill myself years ago and I lived.I have huge scars on my arm that remind me everyday that it wasn't my time.
    I am a good person and good people want to die everyday.
    Don't judge and preach to them,give them love and understanding that's what Jesus would do.He saved me for a reason,I wasn't just faking it I really was serious.I almost lost my arm. Understanding is everything.
  • Aug 7, 2009, 07:44 AM

    I have a friend that did

    I felt a lot of anger because I saw what he left

    Behind,and I just kept saying you self centered bastard I was mad at him for it
    But I've got over that and just feel sorry for him now,and his wife and daughters
    When I think of them its hard not to feel anger
  • Aug 7, 2009, 08:51 AM

    I actually just had this conversation with someone the other day; she wants to accept the Bible but is struggling to because a family member that she was close to committed suicide. The Bible speaks against suicide and she wants to feel as if her family member is in Heaven, but she can't accept both things to be true.

    Sin - no matter which one it is - separates you from God. The only thing that can reunite you is repentance. That's why suicide is so iffy; most people are dead immediately and cannot repent of their sin. But I also said, he may have realized in the split second before he died just what he was doing, and may have been remorseful. He could be in heaven or he could be in hell; only God knows where we're going after we die.
  • Aug 7, 2009, 09:29 PM
    Praise God!!
    I'm glad you are still here with us.
    Peace and kindness,
  • Aug 8, 2009, 05:02 PM

    Originally Posted by arcura View Post
    Praise God!!!
    I'm glad you are still here with us.
    Peace and kindness,

    Aw, now I have tears ! Thank you Fred ,it is most heartfelt, your thanks!
    I have saved a few lives since then so ,hay It's all good:)
    Can we talk?
    I like you .The other day a mother posted saying 8 weeks. Ago my son committed suicide .Did he love me and is he at peace?
    I would like you to answer her because I was the only one who answered.
    I was afraid at first ,so I said oh no what can I say.
    I moved on and I said I can't do that.
    I didn't know what to say so I prayed and I think for a minute she knew someone was there.
    If you could help I haven't been able to get my mind off her and I am praying! BIG TIME!
    Lots of people.
    Here is the link .I think a little more love would help this Mom. All Gods Love to you :)

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