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  • Aug 28, 2018, 12:36 AM
    What’s wrong with my mom?
    Hey guys so my mom is very bitter and people say she’s pretty evil. She has really bad mood swings , makes up lies all the time about people, constantly Complains about how much she hates her husband and how her children are letting her down. She’s religious well claims to be anyway she talks about how much her children are fallen into the evil path and the devil is after us(crazy right) . I’m so tired and sick of her I thought about putting a restraining order on her only because she once had hit me because she thought I was lying when I wasn’t. I thought she was bipolar but I think it’s far more than that . She also claims that she sees spirits. Can someone tell me what do you think is wrong her she’s been like this for years ?
  • Aug 28, 2018, 03:46 AM
    Not knowing your mother, it would be very difficult to say. It could be medically related. It could be emotionally related. Some people just are cantankerous and don't want to change. But it does sound like you need a break from the situation. If these things happen each time you are around, then make yourself scarce if you are in a situation to do so.
  • Aug 28, 2018, 06:32 AM
    How old are you Cakes? Could you give me a brief description of your family like ages and attitudes? How does your dad deal with your mom? How old are they? From the little you wrote maybe mom has issues and could stand some help, or maybe she is reacting to the situation of her life she isn't happy with. Hard to say and some info may help clear the picture.

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