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  • Feb 24, 2009, 10:32 PM
    This might sound weird
    But are ufos real? Has anyone really seen it, what proof is there... and what life is out there. While my girlfriend her family and I were looking for lulin we were talking about ufos... and her mother said her sister was playing in the field behind there house, and someone took her for two hours but she doesn't remember anything, she just remembered being taken away. But she never told anyone because she was scared that people would make fun of her or whatever. Which that story really freaked me out because I couldn't imagine. So does anybody really know or believe inthem. I don't know what to believe anymore. Lol
  • Feb 24, 2009, 11:58 PM

    Of course UFO's are real. They are simply

    Now, are aliens real? I don't know. I don't think anyone knows.
  • Feb 26, 2009, 05:09 AM
    Hello Jlesnik33

    If alien life exists on such a high technical level that they can 'fly' from wherever they are to earth, why would they not let us know they are here, or leave proof of their presence?

    Alien life most probably exists. It would be haughty to expect life to exist only on earth.
    But distances in the universe are huge, physical laws are equal all over the universe, and the chances of highly developed alien life capable of inter-starsystem travelling is very low.

    So you are correct : we simply do not know if they exist, and if so, if they are enough developed to be capable of travel between star systems.
    But aren't these SF stories nice to read?
  • Mar 3, 2009, 02:14 AM

    Not only are UFO sightings commonly reported present day, but they have been commonplace all throughout recorded history. Some would argue that the Bible contains many such sightings and that archeologists have even found strange heiroglyphic depictions of "Craft?" in ancient Mesopotamian and Chinese art that seem to resemble modern technology and saucer-like objects that carry people into the heavens. If these objects are indeed intelligently guided, surely this intelligence would supercede that of our own. And, if this intelligence does supercede that of our own then where did they come from and why are they here? A Pandora's box of speculation is all that we can currently hope to attain, except of course for those who have supposedly had contact. The truth is out there.
  • Mar 3, 2009, 03:58 AM
    Dear elelmhorst

    Although UFO sightings have been commonly reported, that does not support the suggestion that this means that each sighting 'proves' that aliens are visiting earth. As per my previous post : if alien life exists on such a high technical level that they can 'fly' from wherever they are to earth, why would they not let us know they are here, or leave proof of their presence?

    Alien life most probably exists. It would be haughty to expect life to exist only on earth. But distances in the universe are huge, physical laws are equal all over the universe, and the chances of highly developed alien life capable of inter-starsystem travelling is very low.
    UFO sightings may much more be precisely what their name describes : Unidentified Flying Objects. To suggest a link to alien life goes much too far. Unidentified is unidentified.
    That UFO's have been seen for centuries or even longer supports the claim that unidentified flying objects have been observed during these sightings, but not that these movements are due to alien life forms.


    If you would fly from planet X for many (earth) years to reach planet earth, where upon arrival it is clear that the planet is full of life, you do not disappear after a couple of unexplained flight movements in the atmosphere.

    A UFO sghting can have thousands of explanations, and an alien visitor is the most unlikely explanation. :)
  • Mar 4, 2009, 01:55 AM
    Dear Sarnian,

    In no way shape or form did I say that seeing UFO's proves the existence of aliens. If you would only read my post a little more thoroughly you would have seen the phrase:

    "If these objects are indeed intelligently guided, surely this intelligence would supercede that of our own."

    Notice the two letter word "if". Critical to the whole context of the post. But, perhaps, I shouldn't expect you to notice that. People like you who sit there and snarkly assume they know more than they really do never cease to amuse us intelligent ones.
  • Mar 4, 2009, 03:44 AM
    Dear elelmhorst

    Why this negative reaction? Your question indeed implied much more to UFO as Unidentified Flying Object, i.e. it implied more than that each sighting is an UNKNOWN, that we have no idea what it was, and if it was a real observation, a mirage, or a misinterpretation of the observed.

    Your question text "and what life is out there" clearly points to non-earthly lifeforms, i.e. to alien life.

    Also your text "and someone took her for two hours .... but she just remembered being taken away" suggests the involvement of unknown (alien?) lifeforms.

    Yes, in your updated text of post #4 you indeed used the word "if". But the rest of that post mentioned "modern technology", "saucer-like objects", "intelligence (that) would supercede that of our own", "why are they here", and "the truth is out there".

    In my reply post #5 I gave you my views on that 'truth', but it seems that you refuse to accept the reality that UFO's are UNIDENTIFIED Flying Objects, i.e. we do not know what these UFO's are, if these UFO's really exist, if "they" are here, if UFO intelligence exists at all, and if it superceeds that of our own.

    The REALITY is that no UFO has ever been proved to exist, no UFO has ever been proved to be of alien origin, no alien life forms have ever been proved to exist (although we can almost be sure that alien life exists), no aliens have ever been proved to visit our planet, and no alien life has ever in any way been in contact with us.

    UFO sightings may be commonly reported, but that proves nothing.
    Many mental institutions are full with people who claim to be Napoleon, Nelson, Cleopatra, etc.
    Personal claims of abduction by aliens are never accompanied by facts that provide them with any validity.

    The truth may be out there, but - as I clearly indicated in my earlier posts - so far does not contain any proved involvement of non-earthly lifeforms.


    Yes, I noticed your word "if". I reacted against the tenure of both your original question and your update post. In both posts you try to elevate UNIDENTIFIED Flying Objects (UFO) into IDENTIFIED Flying Objects (IFO), and that is incorrect. So far all sightings fail any proper identification.

    "People like you who sit there and snarkly assume they know more than they really do never cease to amuse us intelligent ones".

    Well, people like you who suggests others that aliens travel long periods of time to make a couple of loops in their "flying saucers" in our atmostphere, to return afterwards back to their planet (with or without abducting a few people for medical experiments) show strong similarities with those people who claim to be Napoleon, Nelson, Cleopatra, etc.

    In this particular case of UFO's and 'alien life' it are actually people like you who make wild claims 'and snarkly assume they know more than they really do'.
    And these same people never cease to amuse us more intelligent ones.


    I am open to any new supporting evidence. If you have any valid support for the existence of alien (intelligent) life forms visiting earth in their 'flying saucers', and any valid reasoning why these aliens seem only to fill their time here with making strange movements in their UFO's and abducting the more feeble-of-mind, than please : provide us with details. I look forward to your long list of valid supporting evidence.
    Till that time I hope you do not mind that I keep to UFO's being UNIDENTIFIED Flying Objects.
  • Mar 5, 2009, 02:08 AM
    "Your question indeed implied much more to UFO as Unidentified Flying Object, i.e. it implied more than that each sighting is an UNKNOWN, that we have no idea what it was, and if it was a real observation, a mirage, or a misinterpretation of the observed."

    False Implication is the product of a mislead mind, and a manifestation of inherent preconceptions. You do not follow logic in your thinking. By the way, I did not post a question, but rather an answer. Please remember that there is a difference between the two and you will do well.

    "Your question text "and what life is out there" clearly points to non-earthly lifeforms, i.e. to alien life."

    Once again, I did not post the question but rather answered it... oh and with surpassing grace compared to you.

    "Also your text "and someone took her for two hours .... but she just remembered being taken away" suggests the involvement of unknown (alien?) lifeforms."

    Good Lord young buck! How many times must I remind you that I did not post the question!

    "In my reply post #5 I gave you my views on that 'truth', but it seems that you refuse to accept the reality that UFO's are UNIDENTIFIED Flying Objects, i.e. we do not know what these UFO's are, if these UFO's really exist, if "they" are here, if UFO intelligence exists at all, and if it superceeds that of our own."

    Now that is amusing! I must thank you for a good laugh! BTW are you over the age of 12? Seems hardly so. There is nothing in my post that denies reality and the fact that you believe that "no UFO has ever been proved to exist" is demonstrative to your ignorance. If I see a plane in the night sky, but don't know that it is a plane, indeed if it is so high in the atmosphere that I cannot identify it, then it is unidentified to me and is BY DEFINITION a UFO. You must remember that "UFO" is a vague umbrella term.

    "(although we can almost be sure that alien life exists), no aliens have ever been proved to visit our planet, and no alien life has ever in any way been in contact with us."

    If we can be sure that alien life exists, but there is no proof, then how can we be sure? Are you saying that we can be sure of things that have no proof? LOL! It seems that you thrive on fantastical pipe dreams!

    "UFO sightings may be commonly reported, but that proves nothing."

    Wow! Ummm WOW! So if it is commonly reported that the president is seen entering or exiting the White House, according to your logic, that does not prove that he exists or that he commonly visits the White House? So if I commonly see the stars at night that does not prove their existence? You have lied your own way into a philosophical black hole and perhaps are too ignorant to know it! All SCIENCE, well... with the exception of evolution and the big bang theory, relies upon what we COMMONLY OBSERVE. You are denying science, and that is dishonest.

    "Well, people like you who suggests others that aliens travel long periods of time to make a couple of loops in their "flying saucers" in our atmostphere, to return afterwards back to their planet (with or without abducting a few people for medical experiments) show strong similarities with those people who claim to be Napoleon, Nelson, Cleopatra, etc"

    Again... WOW! What did I say about people like you being amusing! Never did I suggest such a thing, I merely open mindedly entertained the idea base on the premise that we do not know much about the phenomena, and THAT does NOT REQUIRE mental instability. What does require mental instability is to be able to put words into someone else's mouth and schizophrenially contrive hidden meanings in what other people say!

    "And these same people never cease to amuse us more intelligent ones."

    Such Dishonesty. Shame Shame. You would be wise to give up when you are defeated. Only a fool hardens his neck to the rod of correction and stifly denies an honest rebuke!

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