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  • Jun 19, 2008, 04:44 PM
    I have the picture to prove it
    The other day I went with my mom and my grandmother to the cemetery where my great grandfather is buried. While we were there I took my camera and decided to take pictures of the dates on the tombstones. On one of the tombstones the man had died March 14th 1874 and I stood there to take a picture and after I took the picture I felt someone squeeze my arm. I ran down to where my mom was and told her. She asked me to show her which grave it was at. I left to quickly though to remember exactly which grave so I took out the picture and from the dates and the name we went looking for the grave. We looked for at least 5 minutes, there were 4 of us looking and we couldn't find the grave. I did see it I'M not crazy I have the picture to prove it. How is this possible?
  • Jun 19, 2008, 04:46 PM
    You were scared, and did not remember exactly where it was. So you were not able to find it. If you have the photo with the name on it, get the grave yard management to tell you its location.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 04:53 PM
    That is only subjective supporting proof. It is not objective supporting evidence at all ! WHY ?
    You COULD have gone to another cemetery and make photographs there of a gravestone, and have shown that later to your mom on the second cemetery.
    I do not say you did that. I say you could have done that. So the photo is not proving anything at all !
    Or you took the photo on the same cemetery, but just could not find the same gravestone again.
    Nobody claims you are crazy. But you do not have a picture to prove that...

  • Jun 20, 2008, 12:14 AM

    Originally Posted by Credendovidis
    That is only subjective supporting proof. It is not objective supporting evidence at all ! WHY ?
    You COULD have gone to another cemetery and make photographs there of a gravestone, and have shown that later to your mom on the second cemetery.
    I do not say you did that. I say you could have done that. So the photo is not proving anything at all !
    Or you took the photo on the same cemetery, but just could not find the same gravestone again.
    Nobody claims you are crazy. But you do not have a picture to prove that ...


    Oh PLease stop it. You could have gone to another disscusion board and copy and pasted that answer, then acted like you thought it up in the first place, knowing all along you stole it from Idiot Help Desk to use here.
  • Jun 20, 2008, 03:01 AM
    I didn't go to another cemetery I don't have my license. Plus I think my mom would have noticed if I was gone that long there aren't any other cemeteries around. There were four of us looking for five minutes. We looked at every tombstone and could not find it. Plus weknoe the tombstone was a big tall one next to another big tall one so it shouldn't even been that herd to find.
  • Jul 11, 2008, 02:38 PM

    Originally Posted by Credendovidis
    That is only subjective supporting proof. It is not objective supporting evidence at all ! WHY ?
    You COULD have gone to another cemetery and make photographs there of a gravestone, and have shown that later to your mom on the second cemetery.
    I do not say you did that. I say you could have done that. So the photo is not proving anything at all !
    Or you took the photo on the same cemetery, but just could not find the same gravestone again.
    Nobody claims you are crazy. But you do not have a picture to prove that ...


    Not only plagerism BUT does not even add up to the stated facts given!!

    I LOVE how skeptics explain away things by using explanations that don't even line up with the circumstances stated! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  • Jan 30, 2009, 08:01 AM

    If you really have the picture then it is interesting... a mystery.

  • Jan 30, 2009, 12:39 PM

    It's trippy, all right. Did you ask the cemetery management to help you find it? The most magickal person I've ever met is David Lang, a shamanic practitioner in Eugene, Oregon. I often find I can never get to his house the same way twice. It's like the roads twist somehow. There is such a thing as shifting reality. Perhaps you accidentally walked from the graveyard you knew to a different one on a different level of being, and a helpful ghost grabbed your arm and pulled you back.

    Worth checking to see if you can find the grave again in conventional reality. You might also see if you can come up with an obituary for the person. You have his name and death date. You will either come up with a simple explanation, or find out how deep the rabbit hole really goes, as Morpheus would say.

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