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  • Jan 11, 2009, 11:06 AM
    How long do certain drugs stay in the body?
    My son is going for custody of our grandchild. It has been rumored recently the mother has taken certain drugs. She has a history of drug involvement... my question is... how long does Ecstacy, Cocaine, Marijuana and other drugs stay in the body? He is going to ask for a urine test during the trial and we need to know time frames.
  • Jan 11, 2009, 11:09 AM

    About thirty days for marijuana. But there are ways to pass a drug test with weed in your system. I don't know about the other ones.
  • Jan 13, 2009, 09:02 AM

    Cocaine stays in the body about 3 to 4 days.. Meth is about 10 to 14 days.. Weed takes longer than that.. but there are teas and detox items you can buy to flush out your system for the Weed. Good Luck
  • Jan 18, 2009, 07:13 PM

    There's a lot of factors involved if you use cocaine it can stay in your system for varied amounts of time and in different organs, the factors I'm talking about are the quality, quantity, how often it was used and what other drugs were used, your tolerance, sex, age, health and metabolism, these all make a accurate elimination of time difficult. The metabolite is something the body produces when it ingest something in cocaine --it's benzoylecgonine that stays in your bloodstream after the drug is gone up to 30 days, if the drug is used freguently. Other drugs, like marajuanacan stay 3- 10 days to as long as 45, if you're a cronic user as long as 90 days, 3-30 days is the norm for light use. But marijuana is fat soluble it is stored in your fat cells, brain, liver, kidneys and all major organs. SO depending on the usage, type of drug, and quality of test...

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