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  • May 21, 2010, 09:07 AM
    Am I being followed by a ghost / spirit / thing?
    I'm now 28 and still experiencing the same phenomenon that I did as a child. I have continuously been followed by what I can best describe as a dark figure that likes to play tricks. 'It' or 'they' have followed me from my childhood home, to university to where I reside today with my partner. I would have booked myself an appointment with a psychiatrist long before now if it wasn't for the fact that others have experience the same phenomenon in my presence. Typically the entity is viewed by myself, family and friends as a shadow that is seen passing along the landing or hallway. On other occasions we experience a presence that is watching us or we feel like someone is behind us, only to find that no one is there. One of its favourite tricks is to bang on the ceiling whilst we are trying to sleep. All these occurrences have happened as a group and individually however one factor remains the same, these events only appear to happen when I'm around. My mum even asks if I'm bringing Mary (the name she has given to the entity) when I come to visit. On the whole these events are light hearted and we joke about it, there are only a few occasions when I have felt scared or threatened but these events may not be linked.
    Being an atheist who has devoted much of my life to the field of science it sounds absurd to hear myself asking 'am I being followed by a ghost?' Could this instead be some kind of mass psychosis or psychic projection where I'm somehow altering the perception of others? Any help would be appreciated.
  • May 21, 2010, 09:39 AM

    Unless you feel threatened by the presence, I wouldn't worry too much about it and consider it a guardian in some way. If you have had this presence around for such a long time, I don't think it will go any time soon. Occurrences similar to yours have been well documented as benign spirits, who are quite happy to be a small nuisance to those they attach too. It is unusual though that this spirit travels with you. Normally they are earthbound to one spot.


  • Jul 15, 2010, 11:59 AM

    If this thing has been following you for all those years, it's obvious that it isn't out to do you any harm.

    You have to decide if you want to continue having it around or if you want it to leave.

    If you want it around, try talking to it just like a firend, but if you want to get rid of it you may need a priest to help.
  • Jul 15, 2010, 02:25 PM

    Hi, I'm also an atheist and if you wanted to test whether it's something in your heads, I recommend taking a video camera around with you or a voice recorder to see if they pick up the same things you are seeing and hearing. If you don't record anything on the device and everyone saw/heard the same thing then I would think it something to do with suggestability. If you do capture it you may just get rich as no paranormal activity has ever been proven or demonstrated :)

    As far as the ceiling goes, have you looked what is above it? You hear about animals and even other people living in other people's roof spaces sometimes!
  • Jul 25, 2010, 01:10 PM

    This could be some kind of mass psychosis or psychic projection.
    But what I find interesting is that you would question what, in my humble opinion, you already know to be the answer due to having devoted much of your life to science. Isn't it science that has coined the terms "Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Dark Force"?:rolleyes:

    I wish you the best. Stay curious.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 08:50 PM

    Gods Holy word says that it is appointed unto mankind, once to die and then the judgment, so any spirit hanging around is some type of angel, be it a good or evil one, not a dead human like many want to believe, and from what you have described I would tend to believe that yours is an evil spirit. I agree with Devorameira, you should seek God and His clergy for the solution. God promises in His word that everyone who seeks Him with their whole heart will find Him, so if you truly have an open mind give God His chance too.
  • Jul 28, 2010, 09:18 PM

    There could be many explanations , the ones you pointed out are good examples.

    We know too little about many things to just say they aren't real.
    We are also learning new things everyday that may explain what was once unexplainable.

    Many people site experiences very similar to yours and have done so for many years.

    Some were reflected light, shadows from distant or unusual natural light sources.

    Changes in temperature can causes houses to make strange noises.

    Look as deep as possible into any possibility you can think of.

    Video cameras and recorders may be useful , try all you can think of.

    Go online and check research methods.

    Keep an open mind , as much as possible , and see what you find.

    Please keep us updated and informed. This could take some time but reaching a solid answer can bring you and many others help and peace of mind.
  • Jul 29, 2010, 12:05 AM

    Do not ever show the emotion fear.

    If it's friendly talk to it. Tell it that you need sleep. Make some time for it. Talk I pictures like show a pic/diagram of a digital clock that says 9:00 10:00 PM and a icture of you with the entity.

    Show 10:00 PM - 8:00 with you in Bed. Sleeping.

    Pictures are more universal than words.

    Use gestures unless you know words are understood.

    Telepathy may work. Unfortunately, your thoughts may be read and that's why it's important never to show fear. Practice when the entity is not around.

    Telepathy I have had with select individuals. I have at least 2-3 extra senses from the basic 5. Telepathy, heightened sense of the environment and premonitions. I've learned not to ignore premonitions, but sometimes I forget and I pay the price.

    My sense noticeably diminished when my grandfather died. We definitely had a spiritual bond when he was living.
  • Jul 29, 2010, 12:50 PM

    It's obviously been with you for quite some time, and has caused no harm what so ever. Trying to rid of it could only anger the spirit or entity. If you think you can deal with it being around then I wouldn't suggest messing with it for risk of it's 'hauntings' to get worse. Leave it be and I can guarantee it'll just fine.
  • Jul 29, 2010, 07:37 PM

    For sure be cautious .

    And My goal for now would be to be sure of what you are dealing with, and how you are dealing with it.

    Knowledge is power.
  • Aug 8, 2010, 05:57 PM

    I read a lot of books about ghosts and once I read that if you tell the "ghost" not to do something, they cannot do it. Try telling the "ghost" to go away, to stop following you, and to stop making noises at night!!

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