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  • Jan 8, 2007, 04:35 AM
    Need help with a Dream.
    Sorry I forgot to mention that I posted two dreams within one post..

    I do keep a dream log, and I only write down dreams that I think need interepting, these are the main two I really do need some help on.. No one else has been able to give me any insight on either of the two and what "explinations" I got out of them were very, very little.

    I had a dream about 4 years ago, I was in a "courtyard" type setting and saw a door leading underground in open view for anyone to go through. I went into it like everyone else, I walked in and was standing in a dark hall and someone began to run towards me (feeling like they were chasing me out.) so I tried to get out of the door I just came in, but it was locked. I ran down the hall and ran up a spiral staircase that lead me back into the courtyard. *dream flashed to new scene quickly* I was still in the courtyard, and started to look for the door again, but I couldn't find it at all... I was getting angry, and frustrated. I looked down and there was the opening to where I had came out of the spiral staircase at. It was round, and metal... it had a circle "valve" on it (not a door nob.) I pushed the valve up and it opened. I went down the spiral staircase, I was in the hall of doors again. This time there was a door open and white light was flooding into the dark hallway. I walked to the opening of the doorway and looked in... the room was elegant, beautiful, white light filled this room there was a middle aged woman who was also beautifull, she looked very sad and she was brushing her hair while sitting down in front of a mirror. She saw me through the mirror and smiled, she didn't appear sad anymore but happy because I had came. In the corner of her room there was a beautifull and large bathtub filled above the brim with bubbles. I began to ask her a couple of serious questions, one was "Where am I going, I'm so confused that I am lost in life." She smiled and she did answer but I couldn't remember once I was writing in my log. I remember it calming me though. I said to her "I think he is lying... I'm afraid to believe him." she replied and this one was remembered.. "He believes in what he said about you. There will come a time you come to a cross-roads and you will go left... you will be pulled back to the right, and he will be the one to do it. He is not trying to harm you, believe in yourself, because he believes in you." She gave me a gold skeleton key with two prongs on it. (the color was vibrant) I walked out of the door. *dream flashed* I was standing in front of the door I came in the very first time but got chased out of, I walked through it and back into the court yard. *dream flashed* I went back down into the "tunnel" where the spiral staircase was and went down the staircase.. I was in the hall with the doors again.. I saw a young girl walk into a door on the left (the door I walked into was on the right in the dream.) I went down the hall in the opposite way than before and found another circle "tunnel" opening.. I put my foot on the first step, and it seemed to turn into a slide that pulled me down and I woke up with the "falling" feel.

    The second dream took place 2 years ago after that one, it wasn't so long.
    I was walking in a forrest and came to a clearing, there was an opening to a cave. I walked into the cave and everything went black with the feeling that I was still walking. *the dream flashed* I was standing in the "heart" of the cave.. there was a beautifull light aqua blue pool of water (a spring) I looked around and noticed that the cave had wooden support beams going along the top and sides. The sun was shining through the top of the cave right onto of the spring. I walked over to the path which was on the left and against the wall of the cave. I stopped and looked around and saw snakes everywhere on the other side of the path. The one closest were coiled and ready to strike at me, but I had no feeling of being scared. I took one step and a python stretched down from the rafter above me... it held it's head in front of my face. Finally it touched the floor and slithered right by foot. I put my other foot on the path and looked back... all of the snakes were gone except for that one python. I got the feeling of "you're allowed to go." I looked down the path to the end of the cave and saw the sunlight on the other end.. I looked back at the snake and walked to the end of the tunnel. I walked out and I woke up.
  • Jan 8, 2007, 06:25 AM
    How about this-- light underground might symbolize spiritual knowledge available through your subconscious mind. The implication would be to pay attention to your intuition and develop ways of bringing subconscious knowledge into conscious awareness.
  • Jan 8, 2007, 06:39 AM

    Originally Posted by ordinaryguy
    How about this-- light underground might symbolize spiritual knowledge available through your subconscious mind. The implication would be to pay attention to your intuition and develop ways of bringing subconscious knowledge into conscious awareness.

    I'm trying to figure out what exactly is with the snakes.. I keep having snakes in my dreams.. and each time there is a dream with a snake in it the colors are so much more vivid than most of my other dreams.. I don't mean just a couple of colors I mean the whole overall coloring of the dream setting. I've checked into the symbolism of the snake and what it could mean in the dream.. but I can't really piece together as to what it means within my own dream. The first dream came about 5 months after I had a couple of people tell me I had the "power" to be a priestess if so desired. I figured it to be a mind game, until the first dream came, and even after the dream... I didn't do much in consideration with what was said, even though the main person who said such a thing still values my opinion with the highest respect.. in which I didn't notice until recently... So now.. I'm just trying to find out if anyone see's a connection with all of this within these two dreams.. and if they were my.. for lack of a better word.. awakening. To me.. this is pretty seriousness business. Thanks any more help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Jan 8, 2007, 08:35 AM
    Snake in your dream. Is the snake biting? Or is the snake just there?
  • Jan 8, 2007, 11:19 AM
    In dream interpretation, as in all forms of spiritual instruction, I feel it's important to consider the source, first and foremost. So that you might do that with what I say, I will tell you that I claim no unusual psychic powers or special abilities. I am both a believer and a skeptic--a believer that there is a spiritual realm that transcends the material, emotional and mental realms that most of us agree are "real"; a skeptic that any one teacher, scripture or school of spiritual instruction can be relied upon exclusively as a guide to the spiritual realm. I feel that it is up to each individual to weigh and test every teaching, insight and instruction to determine whether it is valid and trustworthy in their own life circumstance.

    When it comes to dream interpretation, I feel that no one else can really interpret another's dreams, and all lists of supposed meanings of various dream elements such as snakes or whatever are highly suspect. The one element of a dream that needs no interpretation is the emotional content--fear, joy, surprise, anger, etc. so that's the place to start.
  • Jan 8, 2007, 06:10 PM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    Snake in your dream. Is the snake biting? Or is the snake just there?

    The snake stared at me... the rest were "just there" then disappeared, when he moved down from the "rafter"
  • Jan 8, 2007, 06:15 PM

    Originally Posted by ordinaryguy
    In dream interpretation, as in all forms of spiritual instruction, I feel it's important to consider the source, first and foremost. So that you might do that with what I say, I will tell you that I claim no unusual psychic powers or special abilities. I am both a believer and a skeptic--a believer that there is a spiritual realm that transcends the material, emotional and mental realms that most of us agree are "real"; a skeptic that any one teacher, scripture or school of spiritual instruction can be relied upon exclusively as a guide to the spiritual realm. I feel that it is up to each individual to weigh and test every teaching, insight and instruction to determine whether it is valid and trustworthy in their own life circumstance.

    When it comes to dream interpretation, I feel that no one else can really interpret another's dreams, and all lists of supposed meanings of various dream elements such as snakes or whatever are highly suspect. The one element of a dream that needs no interpretation is the emotional content--fear, joy, surprise, anger, etc., so that's the place to start.

    I think me and you share the same concept when it comes to dreams. In the second dream I felt serenity for the most part except for the very moment when the snakes head was in front of my face and I had the feel of "is he testing me ?"
    The first dream however.. when I was chased out of the hallway, and couldn't get back into the door.. I felt anger and frustration for the most part, by the second half of the dream after talking to the woman I felt calm, and at ease like everything would be fine.
    Just trying to see if anyone can lend some insight on the symbols. They always have the "negative" and the "positive" thrown together for you to decipher on your own.. and I just do not do the "dream" thing.
  • Jan 8, 2007, 08:35 PM
    Savvy, That is good. If the snake bites you then you need to becareful because there is danger, or that there are people who are going to cause you trouble. As far as the snake just being there and looking at you means that you are overcoming a difficult situation or upcoming situation. That the outcome will be good. That is my take on it.

  • Jan 9, 2007, 12:31 AM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    Savvy, That is good. If the snake bites you then you need to becareful because there is danger, or that their are people who are going to cause you trouble. As far as the snake just being there and looking at you means that you are overcoming a difficult situation or upcoming situation. That the outcome will be good. That is my take on it.


    Have you any thoughts on the first dream ?
  • Jan 9, 2007, 02:33 AM

    Below is my take on your first dream.

    You might find it helpful. -

    I am an expert in nothing but my own life. ~

    This Is For Entertainment Purposes Only:

    Underground - going down as in going down stairs in a dream, not so good as going up but still some interesting exploring to do - perhaps deep 'down' inside of you.

    Someone coming at you - everyone in your dream represent an aspect of you. So you were coming closer to yourself - your true Self.

    You tried to run away but the door was locked - you can't run away from yourself.

    You ran up a spiral staircase - 'up' is good, spiral not so good straight up would have been better. But it only means you are moving ahead but need more focus in order to follow a straighter path.

    "I was still in the courtyard, and started to look for the door again, but I couldn't find it at all... I was getting angry, and frustrated."

    You may miss an important opportunity and end up back where you started, feeling angry and frustrated because of it.

    ".. it was a circle "valve" on it (not a door knob.) I pushed the valve up and it opened. I went down the spiral staircase, I was in the hall of doors again. This time there was a door open and white light was flooding into the dark hallway."

    You will get another chance at a missed opportunity, and this time you will succeed.

    Elegant, beautiful, light filled room - very good sign. Sudden self-realisations, awakenings and enlightenment await you.

    A beautiful sad woman, but happy you came - you will find yourself - your true Self.

    A large bathtub filled above the brim with bubbles - a cleansing - off with the old and on with the new - new ideas, beliefs, opportunities...

    You are asking her questions - you are in fact questioning yourself and some decisions you have made or are trying to make.

    She gave you a key - you are very willing to unlock and push open doors that have been locked to you in the past. She is telling you that you can do it .

    "I was standing in front of the door I came in the very first time but got chased out of, I walked through it and back into the court yard. *dream flashed* I went back down into the "tunnel" where the spiral staircase was and went down the staircase.. I was in the hall with the doors again.. I saw a young girl walk into a door on the left (the door I walked into was on the right in the dream.) I went down the hall in the opposite way than before and found another circle "tunnel" opening.. I put my foot on the first step, and it seemed to turn into a slide that pulled me down and I woke up with the "falling" feel."

    You are going through some amazing changes, preparing to leave your old self, your young self behind. You know it is time to move on and when you finally make up your mind about what you want, the pace of your life is going to speed up so much that you may feel like you are on a helter-skelter ride. Don't expect miracles, but everything is going to work out just fine.
  • Jan 9, 2007, 06:21 AM
    Below is my take on your first dream.
    You might find it helpful. -
    I am an expert in nothing but my own life. ~
    This Is For Entertainment Purposes Only:
    Thank you very much bluerose, you wouldn't believe the number of "dream" forums I've posted this on and no one would touch it.. either of them... thank you too oridinary guy.. wish I would have came here when I first had them.. to me everything seems to be perfectly clear about them now. }}}}}to you both{{{{{
  • Jan 12, 2007, 08:29 PM

    Originally Posted by Savvy
    Sorry I forgot to mention that I posted two dreams within one post..

    I do keep a dream log, and I only write down dreams that I think need interepting, these are the main two I really do need some help on.. No one else has been able to give me any insight on either of the two and what "explinations" I got out of them were very, very little.

    I had a dream about 4 years ago, I was in a "courtyard" type setting and saw a door leading underground in open view for anyone to go through. I went into it like everyone else, I walked in and was standing in a dark hall and someone began to run towards me (feeling like they was chasing me out.) so I tried to get out of the door I just came in, but it was locked. I ran down the hall and ran up a spiral staircase that lead me back into the courtyard. *dream flashed to new scene quickly* I was still in the courtyard, and started to look for the door again, but I couldn't find it at all... I was getting angry, and frustrated. I looked down and there was the opening to where I had came out of the spiral staircase at. It was round, and metal... it had a circle "valve" on it (not a door nob.) I pushed the valve up and it opened. I went down the spiral staircase, I was in the hall of doors again. This time there was a door open and white light was flooding into the dark hallway. I walked to the opening of the doorway and looked in... the room was elegant, beautiful, white light filled this room there was a middle aged woman who was also beautifull, she looked very sad and she was brushing her hair while sitting down in front of a mirror. She saw me through the mirror and smiled, she didn't appear sad anymore but happy because I had came. In the corner of her room there was a beautifull and large bathtub filled above the brim with bubbles. I began to ask her a couple of serious questions, one was "Where am I going, I'm so confused that I am lost in life." She smiled and she did answer but I couldn't remember once I was writing in my log. I remember it calming me though. I said to her "I think he is lying... I'm afraid to believe him." she replied and this one was remembered.. "He believes in what he said about you. There will come a time you come to a cross-roads and you will go left... you will be pulled back to the right, and he will be the one to do it. He is not trying to harm you, believe in yourself, because he believes in you." She gave me a gold skeleton key with two prongs on it. (the color was vibrant) I walked out of the door. *dream flashed* I was standing in front of the door I came in the very first time but got chased out of, I walked through it and back into the court yard. *dream flashed* I went back down into the "tunnel" where the spiral staircase was and went down the staircase.. I was in the hall with the doors again.. I saw a young girl walk into a door on the left (the door i walked into was on the right in the dream.) I went down the hall in the opposite way than before and found another circle "tunnel" opening.. I put my foot on the first step, and it seemed to turn into a slide that pulled me down and I woke up with the "falling" feel.

    The second dream took place 2 years ago after that one, it wasn't so long.
    I was walking in a forrest and came to a clearing, there was an opening to a cave. I walked into the cave and everything went black with the feeling that I was still walking. *the dream flashed* I was standing in the "heart" of the cave.. there was a beautifull light aqua blue pool of water (a spring) I looked around and noticed that the cave had wooden support beams going along the top and sides. The sun was shineing through the top of the cave right onto of the spring. I walked over to the path which was on the left and against the wall of the cave. I stopped and looked around and saw snakes everywhere on the other side of the path. The one closest were coiled and ready to strike at me, but I had no feeling of being scared. I took one step and a python stretched down from the rafter above me... it held it's head in front of my face. Finally it touched the floor and slithered right by foot. I put my other foot on the path and looked back... all of the snakes were gone except for that one python. I got the feeling of "you're allowed to go." I looked down the path to the end of the cave and saw the sunlight on the other end.. I looked back at the snake and walked to the end of the tunnel. I walked out and I woke up.

    OK wel... What I think that happened was, All of these places you went you were there for short times right. So that shows that you have not yet found the right place and are very confused. In almost every place you go you see a girl asumeing you are a guy sorry if you are not maybe this place you are looking for is really a special someone. Sometimes it takes time to find the right person and you have to keep searching. Now the part with the chaseing is your consious(sorry if spelling is bad) It is scaring you of what's to come. Are you closterphobic because maybe in a small area you might find him or her. So the snakes I think that life isone huge obstacle and you are a very confident person and just have to go through each obstacle till the end. Only one more snake so maybe only a sdhort time till your needs I guess will be fulfilled. But you are of to a good start. So good luck!

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