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  • Oct 6, 2009, 11:11 PM
    lady althea
    My three year old won't speak
    My son just turned three, he can say the alphabet and count to ten, but not clearly.
    The real problen is he won't make sentence, would he be classified as dumb( that is unable to speak) he understands when I speak and plays well with other children, he had an ear infection but I didn't know because he didn't cry from pain. He normally gets what he wanted, it's like I could read his mind, does this have anything to do with him not talking? Will my baby speak?
  • Oct 6, 2009, 11:18 PM

    Originally Posted by lady althea View Post
    my son just turned three, he can say the alphabet and count to ten, but not clearly.
    the real problen is he won't make sentence, would he be classified as dumb( that is unable to speak) he understands when i speak and plays well with other children, he had an ear infection but i didn't know because he didn't cry from pain. he normally gets what he wanted, it's like i could read his mind, does this have anything to do with him not talking? will my baby speak?

    He is not unable to speak,as evidenced by him saying the alphabet.
    If you are concerned about his hearing,have his doctor order a hearing test.

    Play with him and read books together.
    Get age appropriate books and point out pictures and ask him to repeat what you say.
    Point to dog and say dog and reward him when he does repeat you.Say good job!

    Do not give in to his demands for things he wants but encourage him to ask for it.
    His understanding at three is well above his ability to express.He knows what you are saying.
    If he wants a cookie say cookie and ask him to say cookie ,when he goes give him the cookie.Give him praise for speaking.
    The key word is Encourage and do not try to force.
  • Oct 6, 2009, 11:31 PM
    lady althea
    His speech
    Thanks for responding so quickly.
    So should I be worried in any way about him being three and not talking? I had planned to take him in for testing do you think that's necessary? What about making a sentence? Should I send him to pre school? Do you think anything is wrong with him? I'm so worried.
    My heart breaks when he cries, I worry when I have to leave him in the care of others, could I be holding him back? What should I do?
  • Oct 6, 2009, 11:56 PM
    Hi, lady althea!

    I've requested that your response to artlady by starting a new thread at be combined with this one.

    This isn't a chat room. Please keep your responses on this one thread. Starting new threads about the same thing only makes things confusing here.

  • Oct 26, 2009, 09:08 AM
    Let me start by saying all children learn in a different way, he would not be classified as dumb. Contact your school district and request to have your child evaluated for a speech , language & hearing ,Because your child is only three early intervention services would benefit him. Also early services do not follow your child when he starts kindergarten!
  • Jul 11, 2010, 03:18 PM
    I would be concerned enough to work with your son on a daily basis, and have him tested. However, don't freak out! Every child is different, and will learn at their own pace.

    This could be a speech therapy issue, or a hearing issue. Get him tested, and go from there.

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