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  • Jan 26, 2006, 06:07 PM
    Friend wants his "future" GF think I like her
    Hello people. I am here for some advice from your experieces. Here is my story:

    It started one day when he noticed this "hot" girl at school. He started doing what every other guy would do. Have fantasies, drool, and stare at her. It got really annoying because he would pay attention to me. I tried to get him to ask her out or something but he refused.He thinks he should start a nice relationship with her. A few days later I found out he WAS talking to her, and that they were friends. He started bragging that he was going to get a GF before me, until he found out something that shattered his heart to pieces. Guess what. She liked someone else. He still tries to hang out with her. She still talks to him man times, but only for like homework. This is where my problem kicks in. After school, while I was walking home he came running toward me. He asked me if he could tell her that I liked her. I was surprised. I didn't even think she was pretty. He explained why, and it was because he wants her to think I like her so then she can talk to me about her little secrets. He wants me to be like a spy from him. I need some help on what to do. What if she likes me? What will happen to our friendship? What should I do? Please help me! :(
  • Jan 26, 2006, 06:14 PM
    I am not going to go into the moral aspects of this because there are plenty of others here who can do that.

    Tell her you like her, get her secrets and give them to your friend. Who cares is she really likes you. You don't like her so its irrelevant.

    So what if you are playing with her feelings like a yo-yo. Granted, you would probably feel awful if someone ever did this to you, but what are the odds that will happen to you?

    As I said, there are pleanty of other people here to tell you how morally wrong this is.
  • Jan 26, 2006, 06:20 PM
    This is a STUPID idea... Tell your friend to man up and either move on, or go for it. DO NOT get yourself mixed up in this kind of a situation, it will just be bad for you. What happens if this girl ends up liking you?? Your friend will get all upset, and then you will hurt her because you don't really like her. Tell your friend to grow up!!
  • Jan 27, 2006, 06:06 PM
    There is still a problem. If she does like me my friend will hate me forever! But if she doesn't she'll she won't talk to me because she will think I'm a IDIOT. How will I confront her if she does? He will also hate me because I won't do the favor. This is a very difficult decision..
  • Jan 27, 2006, 06:08 PM
    EXACTLY! How old is your friend?? I would tell him no, he will get over it in time. I would NEVER put one of my friends in this kind of a situation...
  • Jan 27, 2006, 06:39 PM
    If she likes you, your friend has NO EXCUSE to be mad at you since HE was the one who asked you to do this.

    Second, tell your friends you won't do this. He will be disappointed in the short run, but he will get over it.

    Or, if you feel that loyal to him, do it and read the part how if she likes you ITS NOT YOUR FAULT
  • Jan 27, 2006, 08:37 PM
    Tell your friend to take care of his own business,If he gets mad so what?:cool:
  • Jan 27, 2006, 09:58 PM
    From a female's perspective. I think your friend is lame if he really thinks that way and it's only a matter of time before this girl figures out he's lame too. If he gets pissed at you for not doing it, then pick better friends. I would highly recommend you stay clear of this situation, you don't want to be the one who looks like an a** for going through with it. Whether the girl falls for you or him or whatever, you're the one who's going to earn the bad rep with the girls at school. There are some things you just can't erase and this is one of them. Besides, if you're this torn up about letting your friend down, then you must be kind of a nice guy, would you want someone playing these kinds of head games on your sister??
  • Jan 27, 2006, 09:59 PM

    Originally Posted by momincali
    From a female's perspective. I think your friend is lame if he really thinks that way and it's only a matter of time before this girl figures out he's lame too. If he gets pissed at you for not doing it, then pick better friends. I would highly recommend you stay clear of this situation, you don't want to be the one who looks like an a** for going through with it. Whether the girl falls for you or him or whatever, you're the one who's gonna earn the bad rep with the girls at school. There are some things you just can't erase and this is one of them. Besides, if you're this torn up about letting your friend down, then you must be kind of a nice guy, would you want someone playing these kinds of head games on your sister???

    That analogy only works if he has a sister though :)
  • Jan 28, 2006, 09:20 AM

    Originally Posted by jeffatl
    EXACTLY! How old is your friend???? I would tell him no, he will get over it in time. I would NEVER put one of my friends in this kind of a situation.........

    Exactly, do you know how bizarre and riduculus that all sounds? And not only that but you and your friend are using and lying to this poor girl just to gain her secrets? Tell your friend to do it himself and not to get you invovled.
    And if you do do this you better make sure she doesn't find out, because if it was me I would drop kick both of y'all. I undrestand you want to be loyal to your friend but he needs to grow up and if you drop to the level that he's acting at right now then you are just as bad as him. Believe me if he gets mad then he is no friend of yours, and it'll just show you that he's using you too. A real friend doesn't put another in a position like this.
  • Jan 28, 2006, 02:42 PM
    Ok guys, I know what to do now. Thanks for yalls advice. Don't post here anymore.
  • Jan 28, 2006, 02:43 PM
    Saverwing that's not your prob its mine! And yes the posting ends here.

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