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  • Sep 11, 2007, 07:05 PM
    Pain in lower right back side, accompanied by nausea and fever
    I started feeling a sharp pain in my lower right back/side at 5am this morning that woke me from sleep. I took two advils and fell asleep by 6am. In the morning I felt OK. I showered and went to work. Around mid morning I started feeling the pain again. I started to feel a wave a nausea around 11:45. When I got up from my desk and walked to get food from the food court I felt nauseous and light-headed.
    I came home and slept for several hours. When I no long felt nausea at around 2:30 pm I got up and ate soup and half of a tuna sandwich and started trying to do work from home. At around 6pm I started to get chills and feel feverish. I went back to bed until 9pm, at which time I woke up feeling extremely overheated.
    I still have the back pain when I move, but if I lay still in bed I cannot feel it.
    Please tell me what this could be.
  • Sep 11, 2007, 09:30 PM
    There are many posts that sound like your symptoms, I have answered many of them-I think you have kidney stones- you need an x-ray of your kidneys and ureters. Have you had any blood in your urine?
  • Sep 12, 2007, 11:35 AM

    Originally Posted by mfalzon
    I started feeling a sharp pain in my lower right back/side at 5am this morning that woke me from sleep. I took two advils and fell asleep by 6am. In the morning I felt ok. I showered and went to work. Around mid morning I started feeling the pain again. I started to feel a wave a nausea around 11:45. When I got up from my desk and walked to get food from the food court I felt nauseous and light-headed.
    I came home and slept for several hours. When I no long felt nausea at around 2:30 pm I got up and ate soup and half of a tuna sandwhich and started trying to do work from home. At around 6pm I started to get chills and feel feverish. I went back to bed until 9pm, at which time I woke up feeling extremely overheated.
    I still have the back pain when I move, but if I lay still in bed I cannot feel it.
    Please tell me what this could be.

    I hope you have gone to the doctor for this because I feel that you really should.
    The symptoms you are describing could be kidney issues or appendicitis, which needs to be taken care of right away.
  • Sep 24, 2007, 02:21 AM
    You may be pregnant? With the syptoms you are describing.
  • Oct 13, 2009, 01:11 AM
    I have the same symptons. They keep saying I have sludge in my gallbladder, but won't remove it. I'm 25 now, and have been dealing with this for almost 7 years. I'm at the end of my rope. I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I seriously consider hurting myself on that side, not stabbing but falling or hitting it, to MAKE the doctors find something. This has seriously crippled my life, from my marriage, sex drive, depression, and even work. I gain weight because it hurts to walk too long. It's horrible and I really hope you find out what it is.

    For the record I've had 4 upper/colonoscopys, two HIDA scans, and countless x-rays, blood work, and ultra sounds.
  • Sep 23, 2010, 04:18 PM
    You have a kidney infection. I've had the same feelings & that's what I had. Go to your dr & tell them you think that's what you have they'll do a urinalysis. & give you meds. :)
  • Jun 22, 2012, 09:13 AM
    Hi I'm a 25 year old female and I have had a slight pain in my right side above my hip going up into my back to just under my ribs I have also been feeling feverish and nausea I have also been loose whilst going to the toilet I went my out of hours this afternoon they just said they think it may be a kidney stone and gave me co-codamol has anybody else experienced this x
  • May 15, 2013, 02:44 AM
  • May 15, 2013, 02:44 AM

    Originally Posted by 1k3k7s View Post

    Slight temp
  • May 15, 2013, 02:45 AM

    Originally Posted by 1k3k7s View Post
    slight temp

  • May 15, 2013, 02:48 AM

    Originally Posted by 1k3k7s View Post
    slight temp

    Feel slightly warm

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