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  • Jan 1, 2008, 12:03 PM
    MAYDAY! The tiitle of an old B&W Film-eek its driving us mad!
    :confused: My friend and I have been looking for this old black and white movie for about ten years. We both saw it on the TV about 35 odd years ago and we don't have a scrap of information to help us find it. It was set in the deep south of USA - possibly 1920's; The mother is a black slave and her mixed blood daughter has white skin. The little girl grew up to be in the films/stage and the mother went to see her on stage/screen but she disowned her mother, pretending she didn't know her because of the racist situation of the time. The mother went away so sad and later died. She had a big funeral with the black carriage and plumed horses and spiritual singing and the daughter rushed to go to the funeral, she had tried to say sorry to her mother for many years. But at the gates of the churchyard she was turned away because they said it was for a family funeral and not for the likes of a white girl. The final scene is the big church gates being clanged shut and the girl screaming for her mama through the gates. The moral of the story, at the time informed by our mums, was never fall out with your mum! Please please help: it is driving us mad. Not a sole we have talked to knows it or has seen it, and if weren't for each other we would have lost the plot! NB It is not the film with Shirley Temple with the black carriage and horses either - we very nearly got excited when we thought we had found it - to no avail!
  • Jan 1, 2008, 12:40 PM
    firmbeliever ?

    I am not very sure if these are the ones you are looking for... I just tried a search on the net and came up with these... :)
  • Jan 1, 2008, 02:04 PM
    I saw this movie. Imitation of Life.
    But.. I'm sure there were two made, one is a little different than the other.
    I like those old '30s and I'm sure that was when the first one was made.

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