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  • Nov 19, 2018, 02:40 PM
    Destruction of Papers in Condo Lobby
    Every so often I place a notice on the bulletin board in my condo Lobby about events concerning my published novel. Each time, the following day, someone in the building is crossing out my photo on the flyer. No other info on the form. Since I have other books coming in 2019 I need to straighten this out.
    The security cameras are rolling. The building mgr. claims he does not know how to operate the camera to view it and is waiting for the security person to show him.
    When I find out WHO it is... I am planning to tell the Police after I confront the person and ask him or her WHY they are doing this.
    I had an Officer here the last time it happened and he saw how they cross out my photo.
    He said it is a "misdemeanor". Must be someone in the building. I have been a unit owner for over 25 years.
    Several years ago I had a restraining order against a person who was "stalking me". But they subsequently "took her away". Her followers are still here to my knowledge.
    I have no idea WHY or WHO would do this.
    Any suggestions? Thanks
  • Nov 21, 2018, 05:31 PM
    You should not "confront" them, this is just an invitation to trouble. You could or should have your attorney send them a cease and desist letter to stop such activities.

    It may be a misdemeanor, which means the police can not do anything, unless they personally see it done or it is on film legally obtained.

    Next I may even have to disagree, depending on the law (perhaps more city ordinance?)

    Once you put the notice on the board, is there written rules about the board, who may post there, how the notices are approved by the building management.
    Since once you leave it in a public place on a public board, you would not retain custody and control of the item. It is not public property and it is not part of the actual building. I personally don't see any judge hearing the case.
  • Nov 30, 2018, 11:57 AM
    Thank You for your answer. The VP of my building and myself spent many hours watching the camera of the security equipment in the office of my condo to see the person who ruined my flyers re: my Novels being published. As I had suspected, it was the lady next door to me. I called the Police and they came immediately to speak to her. It's on the office camera and I took photos myself from the security camera. The Police questioned both of us separately. Apparently, she is still holding a grudge from 17 years ago when I asked her to lower her TV. Can you imagine this! The Officer gave it a Case Number and wrote a report later. I will obtain a copy of the report when available. She's DANGEROUS! Anyone who would tear and deface a person's posters like this for the past SIX MONTHS. At first I didn't have time nor want to be bothered with it, but she's off the track. She never speaks to anyone and smokes all day long in front of her TV. She left a note at my door, saying "she was sorry". She is not sorry. She left me a note 15 years ago and said the same thing. She has NO LIFE. I typed a letter back stating she should GET OUT AND FIND FRIENDS.Where I live there are thousands of fun things to do. They are not going to come to you... you have to find them and I do. In other words, "Enjoy life" It's short. I am NOT the cause of her loneliness and psychotic bouts.. SHE IS. Find a good psychologist and talk to them. NOT MAKE TROUBLE FOR ME. And I told her in the letter.
    Thank You for your reply, Sir. From before.
  • Dec 5, 2018, 05:18 AM
    Quoting Shakespeare here seems appropriate. This is much ado about nothing. Seriously, maybe you should run for Condo Board President and wield your power for the greater good. What she did was wrong on a very, very, very minor scale. She doesn't like you and that's okay. I am not sure I would appreciate you as a neighbor either.

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