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  • Aug 8, 2011, 03:05 AM
    Possible HIPPA violation?
    I work at a small office and I have had 4 surgeries to date and 2 were planned. I recently had my 4th operation unannounced and my recovery time has been twice as long as my others due to complications. Alongside the office politics and drama at my work, 2 of the employees have announced that “my life will be a living hell when I come back”. I have been released on light duty since the second week after my surgery but my employer is stating I am not allowed back until I'm 100%, that I would be a “burden”. Yet they found other employees work to do that's jobs did not consist of receptionist work or scheduling. I recently went to see my doctor who ordered more test and continued my “light duty” for another week, the note was faxed to my office with date to return as “after testing complete” follow . I received a phone call from my surgeons office notifying me that my employer called their office and wanted to verify that I was there, That I was legitimately not better and when my follow up appointment was and how much longer would I be off and why. A couple days ago I had the new note dropped off by my mother and just today she came forward and told me while she was there, my boss took it upon herself in front of a full waiting room of patients and the staff to mention how I am ill because I am anorexic. Then in my defense my mother stuck up for me and my employer responded that on top of that I'm an alcoholic and have a drinking problem. She stated I come to work smelling of alcohol, I am late everyday and I look like crap. In my defense, I have been late 2 times in the 4 years I have been there, I do not drink and I eat more than my boyfriend. Does she have any right to make such accusations? To top it off one of the girls in the front office I work with has told a couple patients about why I am gone; it got back to me because they know me. Another incident, I was told by 3 employees that she was discussing my replacement in front of the whole office. What should I do…? I am lost??
  • Aug 8, 2011, 03:10 AM

    Well first, this has nothing to do with HIPAA. HIPAA covers a medical provider giving out information to a 3rd party without your permission.

    Your boss is insensitive and crude, but doesn't seem to have violated any laws.

    But it appears that your employer wants to get rid of you, so I would dust off my resume and start looking for a new job.

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