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  • Jan 13, 2009, 07:38 PM
    Bugs in your hair and in clothing
    I have something that is biting me on my body. It is in my hair and on my body and in my clothing. What ever it is it bites or stings and feels like it buries in my skin. I can feel it walking on my skin. It falls from my hair and I can feel it on my clothing when it falls. When I go to pick it off it goes into the clothing. It looks white and sometimes black. It looks a lot like lint. When I feel it biting or a sting it looks like a little black dot. And when I see it in my hair it looks white or shinny. I have used lice shampoo creams. I have been to a skin doc, my primary doc and a vet skin doc for my dog because I thought it might be mites. But I have not been able to get this problem away. Please if anyone knows what this is or a solution that might help please tell let me know. I have been dealing with this for about 8 months now. Like I said its in my hair, on every part of my body that has hair even my eye lashes everywhere. Please help. Thank you
  • Jan 13, 2009, 09:04 PM

    Here is a link with info and prevention...

    Head Lice, Body Lice and Pubic Lice (Crabs) Prevention and Treatment on

    You should see a doctor again and get proper medication.

    You should disinfect your house. Maybe it comes back because they are still in your house.
  • Jan 14, 2009, 06:06 AM

    It sounds like delusional parasitosis. You may want to consider seeing a psychiatrist.
  • Jan 15, 2009, 12:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Cinnabar View Post
    It sounds like delusional parasitosis. You may want to consider seeing a psychiatrist.

    No I see one and that is not it. I did think about that but they are not just on me they are also on my son. They are in the house around the kitchen and bathrooms and on wood.
  • Jan 15, 2009, 12:49 PM

    Originally Posted by lela211 View Post
    No I see one and that is not it.

    You have really talked with a psychiatrist in his office, and he said what?

    What have other doctors told you?
  • Jan 15, 2009, 12:56 PM

    I can imagine how awful this must be for you! Do you see any marks on your skin or little burrows under your skin from whatever it is that you feel crawling on you? Have you been depressed about something lately or in the past?
  • Jan 15, 2009, 01:44 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    You have really talked with a psychiatrist in his office, and he said what?

    What have other doctors told you?

    My psychiatrist referred me to my primary doc to get some blood work done, because this all stared after I got back from the domican republic. I first went to the dermitoligest and he could not get a scrap from any of the bumps because I had scratched them too much. So then I took my dog to the dermitoligest to see about mites and they said they were not sure because 75% of the time you can not see a mite so I spent $400 there got my carpets cleaned and they are still there. Then I went to the primary doc and got blood work and he also gave me a cream for the body but not hair or face because it was to strong but lice shampoo only helps for a few days and its killing my hair. They look white and when they fall out of my hair almost like a thin long string and when they get on my clothing and try to pick it out it comes more into the clothing.when I pluck my eyebrows or hair on my face the white thing comes out. Sometimes when I can get one on tape its white on one side and the other is black. They bite and sometimes sting. I look on the internet and I am woundering if it's a bacteria infection in my mouth from a took that has been hurting for a while now.
  • Jan 15, 2009, 01:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    I can imagine how awful this must be for you! Do you see any marks on your skin or little burrows under your skin from whatever it is that you feel crawling on you? Have you been depressed about something lately or in the past?

    Yes I guess when they come out they leave like a little hole kind of then they scabe over. When I shave my legs and I start to blead in different spots where I guess they were. I don't think I have been depressed. I thought for a long time I was going crazy but it has gotten worse. After one or two days of not washing my hair you can see them in my hair they fall out of my hair and land on my clothing. On my eyebrows at the end when I fell something and look it looks almost like a little pieace of hair hanging from the end of the eyelash and you can feel them trying to get into the skin around the line of the eye lashes I also thought maybe it was folical mites
  • Jan 15, 2009, 02:07 PM

    Have you ever heard of Morgellons Disease?

    It seems like there is a growing number of people suffering from this.. They say something is biting their skin and it looks like a thread or fibers that's in their skin.. and no doctors know what it is..

    Here are some links, hope this helps

  • Jan 16, 2009, 01:36 PM

    I would recommend that you ask your psychiatrist to give you a proper dose of anti-psychotic medicine to help you calm down. There are way too many "bugs" everywhere in your perception area to be a real infestation, in my opinion.

    Why don't you talk to an exterminator who will reassure you that there is no such critter?

    Best wishes in the future, :)
  • Jan 16, 2009, 02:31 PM

    Originally Posted by plonak View Post
    Have you ever heard of Morgellons Disease?

    It seems like there is a growing number of people suffering from this.. They say something is biting their skin and it looks like a thread or fibers that's in their skin.. and no doctors know what it is..

    here are some links, hope this helps


    Morgellons - Morgellons Disease

    I did not no about this disease. I just looked at the site and I think that is what I have. I can not believe the information you just gave me. Like I said I have been to a tone of doc's and spent a lot of money and may fights with my husband about this thing on me that I can not explain. I can not thank you enough for the web site and taking the time to give it to me. Thanks again
  • Jan 16, 2009, 03:10 PM

    Your welcome lela211

    I'm sorry that people don't believe you, but maybe you can find solace in the fact that other people are dealing with this same thing..

    I wish you luck with this..
  • Jan 16, 2009, 03:17 PM

    Nice research, plonak :)
  • Jan 16, 2009, 03:18 PM

    I researched a little on the internet and saw that there are not any known medical cures

    However I did see that people who used iodine on their scabs it helped it heal

    Go here, Morgellons-Disease-Research - Iodine

    Please use with caution, I am not a doctor and if you are allergic, then do not proceed with this

    Also, look at this site
  • Jan 19, 2009, 04:02 PM

    Originally Posted by plonak View Post
    Your welcome lela211

    I'm sorry that people don't believe you, but maybe you can find solace in the fact that other people are dealing with this same thing..

    I wish you luck with this..

    Thank you again for the information. I started taking this antibiotic and I think it might be working a little my face seems to be clearing up but they are still there a lot. Im taking the info to my doc to see what he has to say along with some samples. If you no anything that will help cleaning products anything I would love to have that info. Thanks again
  • Jan 19, 2009, 07:26 PM

    I read online that pestisides don't work, like don't bomb your house. Also bleach doesn't work and don't put it on your skin!!

    For some reason they multiply and grow really fast when using those products.

    Go to the website below it has LOTS of recommendations on how to clean your house and what to use.. scroll down to the middle (also, there is a lot of helpful information throughout the site as well which I recommend you read)
  • Jan 21, 2009, 05:52 PM

    You poor thing I believe you,its not all in your head,just see an infectous disease specialist because that is what I did with my son to see what it is,I know they can help.good luck to you and your son and please be careful about what you put on your son its probably toxic.ask about morgellons disease,good luck and let us know anything you find out please,I'm very curious.
  • Jan 23, 2009, 07:33 AM

    Originally Posted by plonak View Post
    Have you ever heard of Morgellons Disease?

    It seems like there is a growing number of people suffering from this.. They say something is biting their skin and it looks like a thread or fibers that's in their skin.. and no doctors know what it is..

    here are some links, hope this helps


    Morgellons - Morgellons Disease

    Morgellons disease is just another name for delusional parasitosis. It is not real. There is plenty of peer-reviewed literature on the subject.
  • Jan 23, 2009, 04:32 PM

    There is such a critter and its BEDBUGS. The OPs description sounds exactly like bedbugs and it doesn't take much to get them in your house, after they are in, they take over.

    Her description sounds exactly like an infestation in many apartment buildings in Toronto.
  • Jan 23, 2009, 04:59 PM

    I remember that Dr. Phil had a segment a few years ago on Morgellons... perhaps you can get something off his website.

    The segment came off as Morgellons being a mental illness; that was my concluson.

    There is no reason why no insect or whatever hasn't been identified. That would be very easy to do.

    Best wishes to you, girl, :)

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