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  • Mar 5, 2007, 01:09 PM
    Pregnancy Symptoms, negative test
    This is my situation:
    My husband and I decided to stop my birth control in January because I was having a lot of side effects. We were going to attempt the fertility awareness method and use condoms during the week of ovulation. Well the week after I stopped I had a normal week then I began to bleed again (light bleeding) which lasted 4 days. Then I assumed that may have been the actual beginning of my cycle so I calculated from that day as day one. Then the following week during days 12-20 we planned for condoms, well that didn't go well because 2 days prior to ovulation the condom broke, and 1 day prior it leaked out of the bottom! So a week after ovulation I began to have very sensitive nipples which slowly developed into extremely tender breasts, enlargement of my nipples, the appearance of blue veins criss crossing throughout my breasts. I also began to feel exhaustion and by this past weekend (3 days ago) I have developed kind of flu like symptoms: nausea, dizziness, weak, tired etc... but no fever or vomiting. So I went I took a home pregnancy test this am and it was negative. But technically I wouldn't miss my period for 4 days... or maybe even next week. I went to get a blood test today but I my doctor is thinking it may also be negative. I don't know about you women out there but when you know something is not right with your body... you know. And that is how I feel right now. This is nothing like any PMS I have ever experienced and the waiting for an accurate result has been agonizing. I am perfectly content with either outcome... but just desperately want to know.

    Has anyone else had an experience like this with multiple negatives (skeptical doctors) but still ended up pregnant? I would love your input.
  • Mar 5, 2007, 02:08 PM
    Sperm can live for up to 7 days inside a woman, so if the condom broke, then it is possible you are pregnant, also no birth control is 100% safe. My daughter had several false negative urine tests and only got a positive when she was 4 months pregnant, her hormones were slow to build up. Go back to the doctor when you are at least 10 days late and tell him you want a blood test, it is more acurate than a urine test, but most doctors prefer you to be at least 10 days late.
  • Mar 5, 2007, 04:51 PM
    (Also, just a thought,unless you are charting your basal body temp, and/or using ovulation predictor kits, chances are you may not know the definite timing of ovulation.)
  • Apr 2, 2007, 07:09 AM
    I agree. I'm almost in the same boat (except we're trying - no condom drama here). I am nauseated, weak, tired, cramping, etc. but above all, I feel like something is different. It's way too early for a pregnancy test - doesn't stop me from doing one daily:) but still negative.

    Do you know yet?
  • May 13, 2007, 07:12 PM
    I was wondering if anybody had any luck with there results? Because I have been experiencing the same thing. I have almost every symptom Nausea and throwing up, Sore breast, Frequent urination, Bloation, Pelvic cramping, Dizzy spells. I have not been experiencing none of this until a couple of days after I choose to have unprotected sex. I have tested but they were negative. I have not waited for the day my period is due yet. Still 10 days away from that. But how am I have all these symptoms so early?

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