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  • Aug 20, 2016, 03:10 PM
    Panasonic Plasma TV
    I have an 10 year old Panasonic Plasma Model TH50PX60U that just stopped working. We were watching TV & the picture went out. Turned it off & back on. Nothing. Checked the connections & everything seems to be fine. Any suggestions?
  • Aug 20, 2016, 03:24 PM
    New TV time...
  • Aug 20, 2016, 03:32 PM
    In 10 years, it has never given us one problem. Hate to trash it & it can be something small as a fuse. I've read some people have had the same problem & it was a $3 fuse from Radio Shack.
  • Aug 20, 2016, 04:38 PM

    Originally Posted by cristy1129 View Post
    In 10 years, it has never given us one problem. Hate to trash it & it can be something small as a fuse. I've read some people have had the same problem & it was a $3 fuse from Radio Shack.

    If u have an answer then why ask us. New tvs are a dime a dozen and cheap ! Time to up grade if u enjoy your programmes !
  • Aug 20, 2016, 05:12 PM
    Look around your area for those small TV/computer/phone repair shops and see if it's worth fixing. Most estimates are free. That's what most people who don't have those technical skills, knowledge, or experience do.
  • Aug 20, 2016, 06:26 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Look around your area for those small TV/computer/phone repair shops and see if it's worth fixing. Most estimates are free. That's what most people who don't have those technical skills, knowledge, or experience do.

    Tal, estimates on that might be free in your area... but not anyplace I've been, diagnosing takes time, time is money, most people will walk away when they find out what repairs cost... and the shop if it gave free estimates would soon be out of business. Every place I know of charges a minimum diagnostic fee, payable up front, if repairs are authorized its credited towards the final bill.
  • Aug 21, 2016, 08:52 AM
    If the Plasma Elite, they were heavy, over 10K, A Tech would remove Back and follow the Power Cord, through fuse then through power supply, look for any visual signs, Burnt components, bulging capacitors, discolored board, Cold solder joints, if nothing found a Manual would be a must, I would also Youtube it, and Google it.
    Newer Tvs Are Very Nice, Draw less, Smarter

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