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  • Dec 29, 2009, 06:05 PM
    Obama, intelligence gathering, and the honeymoon
    Well, well, well; so what's our little president up to these days? "President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the intelligence community had bits of information that should have been pieced together that would have triggered "red flags" and possibly prevented the Christmas Day attempted terror attack on a Detroit-bound airliner."
    Obama: US intel had info ahead of airliner attack - Yahoo! News
    Let's see: he can't blame Bush cause no one's going to believe that. Fire the homeland czar? That would be smart, but who says Obama's smart? Re-energize surveillance and intel gathering? Probably not. In short, he will do nothing. Obama was very fortunate, not to mention the passengers and crew of the aircraft. But Obama, the war on terror, Gitmo, foreign policy are now all in the cross-hair. The budget is burst; hopefully the health care debacle can be avoided.
    Guess he better enjoy this vacation cause I don't think he will get another one. The honeymoon is over.
  • Dec 29, 2009, 06:19 PM

    Hello George:

    Where you been? So, you don't like Obama, huh? Ok. I didn't like the dufus much. Are we even?

  • Dec 29, 2009, 08:28 PM

    I haven't been drinking koolaid, for sure. Obama's making lots of folk think kinder and gentler about Bush, who I don't particularly like either.
  • Dec 30, 2009, 04:43 AM
    I'm surprised they haven't used their ole reliable excuse... blame Bush . They could actually make that stick (sorta)

    Yesterday the President tried to throw the CIA under the bus. Evidently ;because the dad told the CIA that his kid was becoming radical jihad; In Obama's world that meant they should've connected the dots to the conclusion the kid would stuff explosives down his shorts and attempt mass murder on an inbound flight to the US. Because they did not reach that conclusion he reasons they withheld information that couldve prevented the attack.

    But the CIA did their job exactly as it was drawn up by President Bush and Congress . The CIA is required to pass that info to the National Counter Terrorism Center (NTCT) ;and that's exactly what they did.

    That is how his name got on a national security TIDE database.
    And AFTER that the system broke down.
    A prominent banker from a nation that is becoming infected with jihadism rats out his son .Then the son pays cash for a one way ticket to the US at the airport he just arrived at ;and only has some carry on luggage.

    One would think that and using common sense profiling would have bells ringing all over the place. Certainly my mom flying would not be a suspect for stuffing explosives in her shorts . But the rules being proposed are so intrusive I doubt she will ever fly again.

    As I contend ;that information is useless if all it does is collect dust in a massive database. Reasonable steps can be taken without further inconveniencing travellers to prevent this type of attack. That is ;if we get our PC heads out of the sand.

    And what about the State Dept. They were contacted first . Why wasn't his Visa revoked ?
    Evita has been awfully silent this week.

    For that matter ,major news is coming out of Iran and she hasn't commented on that either. Nor has any senior official at State commented on what is happening on the streets in many Iranian cities.

    She may be the most insignificant Sec State ever. Is it just because Obama has outsourced the functions of foreign policy leadership to various czars ? Or is she in so far over her head that she has decided to lay low until she has a chance to primary challenge the President lest people realize how unsuitable she really is to be POTUS ?

    But we did hear from State Dept. spokesperson Ian Kelly who deflected blame from the State Dept to the NCTC .
    Kelly said while the State Department had the authority to revoke a visa, it was not the department's responsibility. Kelly said when it comes to revoking visas, it's a question for the Nat'l Counter-terrorism Center (NCTC) and then they determined there was "insufficient evidence" to revoke the visa, despite the cable from the U.S. embassy in Nigeria sent to the State Dept. and NCTC on November 20, 2009. Kelly would not elaborate on how it was determined that there was "insufficient evidence," saying it was a question for NCTC.
  • Dec 30, 2009, 07:37 AM

    While Obama frets about US constitutional rights for terrorists, he screws the entire financial system, health system, environment, labor relations, and on and on. Instead of leading, which is unable to do, he reacts. Which means, for his ilk, he destroys anything that opposes his worldview. The world according to Obama: "Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told" Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist - Iraq | War | Map -
  • Dec 30, 2009, 07:54 AM

    Yes it is an outrage and an irony of this topsy turvy world we live in. While our enemies will be privilaged to have all the rights guaranteed in our judicial system ;our soldiers will be subject to a form of tribunal .
  • Dec 30, 2009, 06:01 PM

    Well I guess "apologizing for the US," promising to close Gitmo, changing the term GWOT to man caused disasters, Bush gone, giving terrorist a civil trial has done what?? Squat.

    Oh, we have soldier killings in Arkansas, Ft Hood, and now this attempted Christmas plane bombing.

    Hey, I did not vote for the guy.

  • Dec 30, 2009, 06:39 PM

    Hello in:

    So, I suppose you're going to say that the invasion of Afghanistan, the killing of Saddam, torture, rendition and unending imprisonment in Gitmo DID do us some good, huh? Really?

    Hey. I didn't vote for the dufus.

  • Dec 30, 2009, 06:45 PM

    8 years since 9/11 of Bush and no terrorist event in the US, at least on the scale of a Ft Hood. At least 3 in the past year?

    I'm not privy to information acquired that subsequently averted, prevented further deaths due to terrorism. Lives that are still led is harder to measure.

  • Dec 30, 2009, 07:34 PM

    Although I have read rumors about Obama "stepping down" sometime at the beginning of 2010 due to some "health reasons" I just hope that these rumors prove to be true. But then if something seems too good to be true, it isn't.

    If he does step down then the taxpayers won't have to pay for the trips to Hawaii in Air Force One and pay for the 22 different personal staff members for his fat wife costing the taxpayers untold millions each year.

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