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  • Feb 11, 2008, 03:38 PM
    Pregnant by illegally immigrant, does he have rights if I don't put his name on b.c?
    I am pregnant... I don't plan on putting the name of my child's biological father on the birth certificate for various reasons... I understand that he can still take me to court for dna, rights, etc.. He is threating me that he is going to get married to get a citizenship... so then he can take me to court... does he have rights not being a citizenship

    He has choice not to be in our life... He doesn't want anything to do with us...

    He told me when we were talking that he would kidnap her on a visit and take her to St. Lucia... how would you feel if you never got to see your daughter again

    I have a duty to protect my child...

    I talk to his family... he family supports me in my decision...

    Keep in mind that you don't know the whole story... I am not trying to deny him his rights... he wants nothing to do with us... he is getting married and trying to have a child with her... I would love for him to be in our daughters life, he doesn't... I am worried that he will regret his decision one day and get visitations and then kidnap her like it told me he would do
  • Feb 11, 2008, 04:59 PM
    Why in the world are you denying him the right to his kid? Just because he is illegal? Do you really want some long drawn out battle that may effect the well being of your child. Do you want your child to grow up not knowing he or she has a father that might love them very much. I know you will disagree with me, maybe I don't know the full story, but as a man, I think you are being very selfish
  • Feb 11, 2008, 05:04 PM
    He cannot force you to marry him. But you cannot deny him is parental rights. Him being here illegally is not the issue in parenthood. It was not the issue when you slept with him either.

    You need to grow up. Now he can apply for citizenship and become a citizen. Hope he does. If he does find some woman to marry, in order to gain a citizenship, that is fraud. That you can report but you need to prove it.
  • Feb 11, 2008, 05:19 PM
    Oh and I think you should put the fathers name on the birth certificate, I think you are being unreasonable.

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