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  • Dec 26, 2011, 09:35 AM
    I want to die am I right says that others ptoblems are so small when compared to others bt am I. Dn rigth am a 19 years guys from india and I just like to live a every teenage guy with good looking bike and a good mobile lab bt hardly I could only afford a mobile and love a gal bt hw can I impress her with out anything such as a good bike or anything am the most important thing ma dad who I considered as the best one of ma life he is nt behavin as d same as before I couldn't just bare this I need abike as I thought would give me a bike if I passed d test and finally when it turns to ma father he just simply said that I couldn't afford and said if you want to get the bike go get it by uour own earning bt hardly I could nt earn it. So I thought its better to end up ma life
  • Dec 26, 2011, 09:38 AM
    So what is your question?

    Is it foolish and stupid to end your life because you don't have a bike?

    Yes, it is.
  • Dec 26, 2011, 10:03 AM
    Yes I very seldom use the word stupid, but yes, so you can't afford a bike, there are people who can't afford to eat. You go to school, you have a place to live and you have a place to live.

    Be happy with what you have. Next you are 19, how about finding a job if you want things?
  • Dec 27, 2011, 05:55 AM
    Well said, Fr_Chuck. I understand what u are going through mate, and it his hard nowadays because the main things people care about is money and whether or nor u have the latest gatjets. If u like the girl, just talk to her. Im sure if she liked u in return, she would not care about what you do and don't have. And if she were to only like u because of a bike, it would not be fair for you. However, if u still wanted the bike, u should definitely get a job and save up for it. Having a job gives you that extra bit of money that s
  • Dec 27, 2011, 06:02 AM
    Sorry, hit the button to early. It is handy for teenagers who want to do things. Also, it is very serious to consider taking your life like that and it is very upsetting knowing that a 19 year old is even thinking of it. Talk to someone if you need, there is always someone out there to help. Finally, be happy. You have things some children can only dream of.

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