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  • May 8, 2016, 08:19 PM
    Has anyone received a false positive Peth?
  • May 9, 2016, 06:53 AM
    A positive result on a pEth test indicates Ethanol in the urine. How that ethanol gets into your system can be a topic of discussion. If you're being tested then chances are you're under an enforced abstience. This isn't news but, while you've been avoid all alcoholic beverages, you might still be consuming alcohol. Examples are:
    - Hand sanitizer, this will be absorbed via the skin, not enough for you to get drunk but enough to trip the test.
    - Body/hair care products. They contain alcohol or alcohol derivatives that can trip the test.
    - Food. It is a myth that all alcohol is cooked off during the cooking process. It isn't. A white wine sauce will still have some alcohol in it. This goes for a lot of other dishes from sauces to cakes to marinades and BBQ sauces. It takes hours at certain temperatures for the alcohol to burn off. Most don't go that long.

    I would take a look at your routine and figure out if there is any secondary sources of alcohol that you might have ingested.

    Good Luck
  • May 12, 2016, 10:23 PM
    Are you by any chance in a monitoring program?

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