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  • Aug 1, 2016, 12:33 PM
    An atypical nutritonal challenge!
    Um just a goonies type hello. Love that show :) anyhoo... new to this site (ob-vee-ously) and really, forums in general! I'm 27, and a frizzy-haired goofball with autism (aspergers. And it don't bother me none to say :3 !) my name is cait, but ye all can call me keiyu if it tickles yer fancy.

    I'm here because I'm looking to eat healthier, despite the sensitivity challenges that come with bein' "aspi" :). I need advice BECAUSE of my unique challenges, as I find so very little (actually helpful) advice and or guidance, ideas, etc, etc, etc...

    NAMELY nutrition, for the moment.

    I have very pronounced taste sensitivities. If I don't like it, because of flavor, texture, etc... my body WILL, uum... "reject" it later if not immedietly... yup, not fun!

    Recipes that are mildly flavoured would be a start.

    As for my current eating habits.. well I'm afraid I quite like sweets (mild, though! White and milk chocolate, semi sweet breads and pastries, etc... ) and am a carb and sugar-head. Worse is, I don't just "dislike" veggies, I find them so terrible my body actually rejects them...
    I have a very smart and health conscious mom... so yeees I have a good grasp of the dangers with how I eat. But just don't know where to even start on healthier eating habits that will actually WORK WITH MY OWN ATYPICAL CHALLENGES.

    A few tidbits of extra (hopefully helpful) info..
    Green beans
    Spinach (somewhat, and ONLY fresh, on a ham sandwich!)

    That's about it for veggies... anything else that might be important info needed, please ask! I isn't shy :)

    I'm really unsure of how this will proceed. Id like to talk (online) one-on-one with a knowledgeable person... but general advice, ideas, tips, yada yada... will not be overlooked :)

    I know this was a bit long. But thanks for taking the time to read!
    Thanks again,
    ~Cait, (or Keiyu)
  • Aug 1, 2016, 01:18 PM
    Hi Cait, it actually sounds like you have a pretty good idea of what you can and can't eat, and I have a feeling that suggestions might not fit in very easily with what you can eat.
    I for one love spicy cooking, so that means no, right?
    You can't eat tomatoes, and I like to cook with them too.
    It's very easy to eat healthily, no matter what your restrictions are. You just need a good amount of protein, but not a lot from red meat (chicken, fish, eggs), vitamins/minerals from fruits and veggies, and a bit of starch from rice, pasta, or potatoes. Starch is the least needed, and there's plenty of it in many veggies.
    SWEETS and baked goods made with refined flours are the big no-nos. Now that I am 70, I am suffering from too many sweets my whole life. When I was little, we were told it made us fat and rotted our teeth. What it really does is much worse - it destroys healthy cells and the good bacteria in your gut.
    So if you can kick that deadly drug sugar, do it now!
    REALLY stay away from all fake drinks like Coke, and artificial sweeteners too.
    I buy very expensive mixed fruit/veggie juices and water them down about 10 to 1 or more.

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