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  • Feb 8, 2011, 08:15 PM
    Should I tell her how I feel about her?
    I've known this girl for a while, as I went to prom with her. We have always been good friends since. I liked her once, but she wasn't interested as she was before. We didn't talk for a while until I texted her to see how she's doing. And ever since then I can't stop thinking about her. She is there for me, and I'm there for her as well. I moved 2 hours away and I can't see her often, but there's something about her. I've been getting a feeling that she has some interest in me. But she also said she has interest in someone else she dated before.

    Should I tell her how I feel? I don't want to make our friendship awkward if it doesn't go right
  • Feb 8, 2011, 08:58 PM
    I wish

    How often do you get to see her in person? If you don't even see her much, then how can you start a relationship?
  • Feb 11, 2011, 05:29 PM
    Tell her how you feel and care about her git her flowers and chocolate hearts and get her to come over and have a night in then exspres your feelings to her it should work
  • Feb 12, 2011, 06:54 AM

    Long distance relationships are hard, but if you really think you may have a chance with her, why not speak up and tell her how you feel?

    If she feels the same, great, but if she isn't interested you really haven't lost anything, as she's not with you now.

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