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  • Sep 22, 2022, 04:32 AM
    The Insanity Continues to Spread
    Air Force Academy diversity training tells cadets to use words that 'include all genders​,' drop 'mom and dad'. The Air Force Academy also tells cadets to be 'Color Conscious' instead of 'Colorblind'.

    If that's not enough, the chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer at the Department of Defense's education wing, who describes herself as a "woke administrator," wrote a series of disparaging posts about White people on Twitter, Fox News Digital found. After Fox News Digital reached out for comment, Wing's Twitter was put on private, but she did not immediately respond. She wrote in June 2020, "I'm exhausted with these white folx in these [professional development] sessions."

    Note that the means of dealing with all of this was to hide the tweets by putting her account on "private". Bob and weave, bob and weave. That's the strategy. Everyone should be outraged at these elitist strategies, but you can be sure that liberal dems will simply go about their day unconcerned. As aggravating as Trump's tweets could be, at least he was out there and open about his beliefs and responses. With this current crop, there is a veil of secrecy shrouding their actions. That is far more dangerous.
  • Sep 22, 2022, 05:30 AM
    The military has one mission and one mission only .......... kill people and destroy things . I don't see how all these social experiments the government imposes on them helps accomplish that mission.

    Our armed forces are facing the most challenging recruiting environment since the all volunteer force’s inception in 1973. Being woke will not solved it .
    The armed forces have become playthings for politicians to carry out political and cultural agendas. This can't help recruiting efforts .
  • Sep 22, 2022, 05:33 AM
    Most "real men" have no inclination to be involved in that nonsense. Sadly, those are the people you really want in the military.
  • Sep 23, 2022, 04:30 AM
    Kam the sham is concerned about diversity in the Space Force.

    The next step towards diversification is lowering standards for admission.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 05:27 AM
    Good ole Babylon Bee nails it again. Lying is in vogue these days.


    Stacey Abrams Claims Obesity Is Just Numbers Manufactured By Her Bathroom Scale.
    That is, of course, a spoof on her ridiculous claim that you can't really detect a fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks. She also claimed it is a lie invented by men to control women. What should we expect from a porn author?
  • Sep 25, 2022, 09:10 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    her ridiculous claim that you can't really detect a fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks.

    You can't. How many pregnancies have you had?

    She also claimed it is a lie invented by men to control women.
    It is. Men want women to be shapely and have long hair. I've dealt with males all my life. Trust me, you'd hate being a woman.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 11:48 AM

    You can't. How many pregnancies have you had?
    Please tell me you didn't post this.


    It is. Men want women to be shapely and have long hair.
    In case you missed it, the lie Abrams told was that a fetal heartbeat could not be detected at six weeks. That is such a wild tale that I am beyond amazed you would attempt to agree with it, but in this brave new world of dozens of genders, I should never be surprised at what people believe.

    So Abrams now has three strikes. She is a porn author, fat, and a liar. Hmmm. No wonder she's a democrat!!


    The peer-reviewed science on babies at 6 weeks’ gestation includes:

    • The heart is actively beating at 6 weeks. Between conception and birth the baby’s heart will beat approximately 54 million times.
    • The baby’s average heart rate is 110 BPM. This will rise to 175 BPM by 9 weeks’ gestation.
    • The presence of a heartbeat at 6-8 weeks’ gestation correlates with a live birth rate of 98% in normal pregnancies without intervention.
    • The brain has divided into three primary sections responsible for sensing and decision-making, moving and tracking objects, and vital body functions.
    • Eyes, ears, and nose start forming.

  • Sep 25, 2022, 12:12 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Please tell me you didn't post this.

    Aha! NO pregnancies for you!

    "Hearing a baby’s heartbeat for the first time is an exciting milestone for new parents-to-be. A fetal heartbeat may first be detected by a vaginal ultrasound as early as 5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation." But not before that! SIX WEEKS is the first audible heartbeat.

    From --

    Q: When is the human heart fully developed, and when are heartbeats audible during pregnancy?
    A: A developing heart has all of its primary structures after about nine weeks of pregnancy. Some forms of ultrasound can detect cardiac activity in an embryo in the sixth week, but a heartbeat wouldn’t be audible until about 10 weeks on a Doppler fetal monitor.

    So Abrams now has three strikes. She is a porn author
    You've never read a "bodice-ripper thigh-gripper" romance? (It isn't porn, soft-core if anything, verbal and stoking the imagination. Not like the photographic porn you looked at as a teen and young adult -- and probably later.) My childhood friend Elizabeth St. Michel has made tons of money writing her romance novels. This kind of novel is where we wives get ideas to titillate our husbands.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 12:27 PM
    I said, "...her ridiculous claim that you can't really detect a fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks." You replied, "You can't." And yet now you post, "SIX WEEKS is the first audible heartbeat."

    As is often the case, you are trying an end-run with this, but note that there was nothing said by me about the heartbeat being audible. It was simply said that it could be detected at six weeks which, despite the lying of Abrams and your hopelessly confused position, is absolutely true.

    Some forms of ultrasound can detect cardiac activity in an embryo in the sixth week, but a heartbeat wouldn’t be audible until about 10 weeks on a Doppler fetal monitor.
    So both of your posts agreed with my position and against you. Don't you ever tire of this? Same ole WG.

    I don't read or look at porn. That's your specialty.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 12:46 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I said, "...her ridiculous claim that you can't really detect a fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks." You replied, "You can't." And yet now you post, "SIX WEEKS is the first audible heartbeat."

    As is often the case, you are trying an end-run with this, but note that there was nothing said by me about the heartbeat being audible. It was simply said that it could be detected at six weeks which, despite the lying of Abrams and your hopelessly confused position, is absolutely true. So both of your posts agreed with my position and against you. Don't you ever tire of this? Same ole WG.

    AUDIBLE is the operant word!!! With very specialized equipment.

    I don't read or look at porn.
    You NEVER have? EVER???
  • Sep 25, 2022, 12:59 PM

    AUDIBLE is the operant word!!! With very specialized equipment.
    It is now that you see how nonsensical your replies were. However, I'll let you worry about that. Abrams actually stupidly said, "there is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks." You can plainly see that the word "audible" appeared nowhere in her statement. It was just an unspeakably dumb and ignorant comment, and it is sad that someone who claims to have been a librarian couldn't have taken five minutes to see for herself how wrong the statement was.


    You NEVER have? EVER???
    I have done a number of things I now regret. However, that doesn't mean that, like you, I will now try to justify them. Porn is a crime against women in my view. "Soft porn" is a term invented by people who like to read dirty literature and still maintain some self-respect.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 01:21 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Porn is a crime against women in my view.

    How is porn a crime against women? And women don't enjoy male porn? Is that a crime against men?
  • Sep 25, 2022, 01:32 PM
    Women are far less likely to watch porn than men are.

    It's a crime against women because it causes men to look far too much at women as sex objects rather than how we should view them, which is a life partner with which to raise a family. It creates a ridiculously unrealistic sexual expectation of women by men, and many men go from one woman to another in a vain search for a person who can satisfy their absurd sexual expectations.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 01:46 PM

    Women are far less likely to watch porn than men are.
    What rock have you been hiding under?!

    Where do you think we get ideas to tease and titillate you men?
  • Sep 25, 2022, 01:47 PM

    What rock have you been hiding under?!
    The rock of data. You should try it.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 01:49 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    The rock of data. You should try it.

    Nope, the rock I'm sitting on, even standing on, is the rock of human observation and life experience.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 02:09 PM
    Meaning your own personal experiences which is a titanically terrible rock to take your stand on. If you understood the world of science, you would know that.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 02:24 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Meaning your own personal experiences which is a titanically terrible rock to take your stand on. If you understood the world of science, you would know that.

    I've been a professional counselor since 1991. Oh, the real-life stories I've heard!
  • Sep 25, 2022, 02:25 PM
    Read my comment again, but this time think it through carefully.
  • Sep 25, 2022, 02:39 PM
    Data? Gathered by whom? The Mormons? The Pentecostals? The local barber? Data can't compete with real-life admissions and revelations.

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