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  • Jan 19, 2009, 02:15 PM
    Unique Bachelorette Party
    Ok, this one is an interesting one...

    I am coordinating the wedding of a good friend of mine... she's actually more like my little sister. The facts are these:

    Her maid of honor is 16.
    She doesn't drink, therefore bars are out of the question.
    She doesn't want any "guys" there... if you catch my drift.
    She has a very conservative upbringing.
    Her maid of honor is the groom's sister (the groom is 19, too, btw).
    The bride is 21.

    I will be hosting a lingerie shower (apart from the maid of honor because she is the groom's little sister and that is "disgusting.") separately for the "older" members of the brides circle of friends, invitation only.

    I'm looking for some creative ideas for a bachelorette party with these things in mind. I have some ideas, but thought I'd throw it out into the wonderful world of AMHD and elicit some help from my friends!

    ANY idea will help!
  • Jan 19, 2009, 02:25 PM

    So.. wait... bachelorette party with no booze, no guys, no bars? And conservative...

    Well... first off... take the word PARTY off that, lol.

    Gambling... out
    Umm... wow

    SCAVENGER HUNT, city wide. Not allowed to purchase the items (not allowed to steal either) - Prizes etc...
    That's about all I can think of at the moment.

    Good luck with that!
  • Jan 19, 2009, 02:26 PM

    Yeahhhh... I know it...

    That's why my idea bucket was coming up empty... :)

  • Jan 19, 2009, 02:31 PM

    Does this mean male strippers are out of the question? (Cancel my invitation)

    I don't know what you're planning but a very good friend of mine is very anti drinking, quite religious, and her bachelorette party was a very nice luncheon in a very nice restaurant. Not a shower, no gifts, but she wore a little veil and we toasted with fruit punch, there was a little cake and we laughed a whole lot. She seemed pleased that it was girls only and her wishes were respected.

    It was buffet so we all moved around and sat here and sat there and everybody got to talk with everyone else.

    We were all very sober and adult and there was no risqué conversation. We then waved good-bye to the bride.

    Then - keep in mind I was quite young at the time - a few friends and I went to a male strip club... without the bride but WITH alcohol.
  • Jan 19, 2009, 02:32 PM

    I think this is going to be more of a hen party but OK.

    101 Bachelorette Party Tips - Bachelorette Party Games

    Bunch of games which most are pretty tame.

    If you don't want to drink... you could replace it with sprakling apple cider or sprite or some bubbly drink that looks like beer/champagne/alcoholic drink but not.

    Here's also a idea for a christian bachelorette party

    Christian Bachelorette Party
  • Jan 19, 2009, 02:32 PM

    Go to a craft shop that holds parties, a chocolate making day, horse treking/outdoor sports, a concert/play/theatre, spa day, jewellery making or a learn circus skills day.

    Have a look at one of those red letter day websites for group activities. My boyfriend went to a great stag do that was quad biking, shooting and 4x4 driving (they went out and got pissed later - but you don't have to.)

    I think something quiet active would be fun and it gives longer lasting memories than a hangover ever would!
  • Jan 19, 2009, 04:11 PM

    Achem! 'scuse me miss Chicky?. where do you live? ;) How about a beach party? Get a bunch of beach blankets and some picnic baskets. Fill the baskets with all different kinds of food and drinks to have fun with, and have a giggle over. (PM me if you want to know, lol) Get the bride an "outfit" that she must wear to the beach, and also tell the others that they have to dress in "crazy" beach garb! Get a bunch of funky sunglasses, crazy clothes, (feather boa's, funny colored wigs... etc!) from a joke shop, and blind fold the bride and let the girls dress her up! Then you can play a few "beach games!" ;) Have the bride, bridesmaids, guests, find hot guys on the beach, and get them to go and ask them questions, or say something funny. You get the idea!

    Do it!. and send me pics! LOL!

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