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  • Mar 4, 2009, 01:47 PM
    Carmen M
    Bone deteriorarion
    My son has terrible backaches and has been diagnosed as backbone deterioration and it seems like nothing can be done about it. Apparently, an old injury has caused the bones to deteriorate over the years. He is taking strong medecine for the pain. He was told no operation could help him. He is no longer able to work. With new medical breakthroughs happening every day, could something be done for him? Would herbal remedies help?
  • Mar 4, 2009, 03:35 PM

    Hi Carmen, you don't say how old your son is. That would be a difference to how this questions is answered, but no herbal remedies won't help much but there are meds on the market, available from your doctor that would probably bolster his bones up enough to make it less hard to bare. So give us more information.

    I find it unlikely that an old injury would do this, in one spot maybe, but not his whole body.


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