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  • Jan 26, 2009, 11:56 PM
    under the stars
    Neg hpt then positive urine at doctors then negative blood
    :D Hello everyone I was wondering if this has ever happened to any of you or anyone you know? Im pretty sure I'm pregnant! I concived on 25/26 nov 08 and started having same pregnancy symptoms I had with my daughter who is now 2. nausea,tired,dizzy,heartburn,metallic taste in mouth,slight cramping,lower back ache,leeking colstrum as well. So last Friday I decided to take a hpt as the symptoms are getting more pronounced and it came back neg:( on Saturday I went to the doctor as I was really feeling it all, the urine test came up positive after about 3-4mins, I then had a blood test and that came back negative arrgh:mad:. I really really feel that I am pregnant and can even feel a small bump when I lye on my stomach.. Im around 11 weeks. Today I Decided to go to another doctor and the urine test was negative so she took a blood sample and I get the results for that on Friday. I don't take any medication and not on because so there isn't any thing in my system to give a faulse positive. Has anyone had this happen and was pregnant all along? Please help I'm going nuts waiting:eek:
  • Jan 27, 2009, 03:49 AM

    Likely the test she took this time was a quantitative one that will give you an actual amount of hcg. There is the possibility that you aren't as far along as you thought so the earlier blood test came back negative (some urine tests will be more sensitive than the qualitative blood test). It could be that you were pregnant but there was an early loss.

    Hope it is just a matter of timing and you get good results from your most recent blood test.
  • Jan 27, 2009, 06:46 PM
    under the stars
    I would defenitly be 11 weeks as my boyfriend was away for work and only came back last week. I am worried that the urine test at the doctors was a false positive...
  • Jan 28, 2009, 09:24 AM

    Do you have a reg cycle?
  • Jan 29, 2009, 09:44 PM

    Good luck , let us now
  • Feb 4, 2009, 09:28 PM
    under the stars

    Yes I have reg periods every 28 days. I got my blood test back last week and again it was negative! I've tried to ignore all the symptoms (thinking there in my head) but they are still there. I still haven't had my period so I took another hpt andgot a faint positive.. YAY. I took another test the next morning and it was negative. Yesterday I went back to my doctor to try and figure out what is going on? She did a pelvic exame but said 12 weeks is still to small for her to be able to feel my uterus! She did got me to do another urine test and once again it was negative. She sent me off for more bloods this time to check my hormones and thyroid. She did however say there is a very very tiny possibility that I am pregnant but wants to test me for everything else first.
  • Feb 5, 2009, 03:56 AM

    Good that she is checking into other possibilities. Usually they can get an idea by what your cervix looks like and feels like very early on, but not always. If you were at 12 weeks, she likely would be able to feel the changes in the uterus. Rare to get a false positive but there are some situations that may cause it. Ask her if the blood test was a quantitative one that will give an actual amount of hcg in your blood and not just a positive or negative.
  • Feb 5, 2009, 02:55 PM

    If I was you I would ask for an ultra sound. I don't mean to worry you but I had a missed miscarriage I thought I was 15 weeks but the baby had stopped growing at 9 I never had a bleed and still felt pregnant. Had to have a D&E 4 weeks later I fell pregnant with My little girl who is now 4.I hope this is not the case but is a possibility. Good luck x
  • Feb 5, 2009, 04:03 PM
    under the stars
    The first blood test my hCG was 2 and the 2nd test it was below 1. I just want to know what is going on, and typically for me whenever I'm waiting to see the doctor or wanting to get my results it's a bloody public holiday:mad: just in this last week I have had a lot of pulling and stercthing going on in my abdomen so if its not a baby then id hate to think what else it could be. The doctor did check for fibroids (in my overies) and there was nothing there. I've had 2 pelvic exams in the last 2 weeks and both times they told me that my cervix is very tight but wouldn't say anything other then that:confused: doc did say that if my results come back normal or suspect something is going on then she will send me for an ultrasound.:o. Well I guess il let you guys know what my results are on Monday. Have a great weekend:D
  • Feb 6, 2009, 03:57 AM

    Hope it is something simple and easily sorted out that is causing so much frustration. Try to have some fun this weekend and take your mind off things for a little while.
  • Mar 16, 2009, 06:44 PM
    under the stars
    Hello everyone,sorry its taken me soooo long to get back to you all, been having computer probs. Anyway it turns out I'm not pregnant so all my sympthoms must have been hormonal. Thanks for all your post and maybe il catch you guys on here another time.:o
  • Mar 17, 2009, 03:19 AM

    Sorry it didn't happen this time... hopefully you will be back before too much longer!

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