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  • May 1, 2007, 02:20 AM
    Im Too Fat
    When people see me they say that I have a really hot body, but I can't see it. I'm 5'0'' and I weigh about 93lbs, but I swear its 93lbs of fat. I've tried diets and exercise to tone my body, but I'll just stay the same size and gain weight from the muscle. What is a quick and easy way to fix my fat issue?
  • May 1, 2007, 05:13 AM
    Question: Do guys who you think are hot hit on you?
    If they do then it's all in your head.
  • May 1, 2007, 05:46 AM
    It is not all fat, honestly. Yourself esteem and self image is suffering and that is what is causing you to see "all fat" when you look at yourself. This kind of thinking is a precursor to eating disorders, such as anorexia. One of my classmates suffered with that and even when she was a size zero, she still was "too fat" in her eyes.

    Do you have anyone you can trust to talk to and keep your conversation in confidentiality? Someone who can guide you to appropriate counseling? The body image is just the tip of the iceberg and I really feel you could use and need the benefit of counseling. For your emotional and physical health. You deserve to see a beautiful, vibrant young woman in the mirror, one who is confident in herself and in the way she looks.

    Best of all to you.
  • May 2, 2007, 08:48 PM
    Don't eat... if its socially acceptable to eat and eat and eat and get totally obese and then people shouldn't say anything about it... then same goes for not eating. Ive always said id rather be hot/thin andn unhealthy than to be obese and unhealthy. Can't wait or the negative feedback on this one, but oh well. Freedom of speech, eh?
  • May 2, 2007, 08:51 PM
    I think you look good. At least from the pic.
  • May 2, 2007, 09:25 PM
    Well of course that's definitely true, but isn't that what everyone else always says?
    Obviously that's not the answer she wanted because she would have done so already, just like all the TV shows and her friends and her parents say to do. But she doesn't want to do that. She wants an easier way. Easier is never better, everyone knows that... but easier is just that - easier.
  • May 2, 2007, 09:27 PM
    You'll get nowhere in life taking the easy way out!
  • May 2, 2007, 09:46 PM
    What would you call "Somewhere in life?" What is success? Is it doing what society wants you to do, the way that they want you to do it? Anything easier or counterfeit is unacceptable... but you can be obese, and to tall someone they are fat is "Cruel, wrong and malicious"
    But to not eat 'enough' is a sign of mental disorders, unhealthy, etc... "
    I will repeat what I said earlier, only more carefully so as you might understand...

    If the unhealthy route is going to be your alternative... at least do it and look good.

    There you go, bash away.
  • May 2, 2007, 10:31 PM

    Originally Posted by SnaveLeber
    What would you call "Somewhere in life?" What is success? Is it doing what society wants you to do, the way that they want you to do it? Anything easier or counterfeit is unacceptable... but you can be obese, and to tall someone they are fat is "Cruel, wrong and malicious"
    But to not eat 'enough' is a sign of mental disorders, unhealthy, etc..."
    I will repeat what i said earlier, only more carefully so as you might understand...

    If the unhealthy route is going to be your alternative... at least do it and look good.

    There you go, bash away.

    Oh no. Thank you. Now you put it that way you make a lot more sense and I finally understand!
    Thanks again!
  • May 2, 2007, 10:32 PM

    Originally Posted by SnaveLeber
    What would you call "Somewhere in life?" What is success? Is it doing what society wants you to do, the way that they want you to do it? Anything easier or counterfeit is unacceptable... but you can be obese, and to tall someone they are fat is "Cruel, wrong and malicious"
    But to not eat 'enough' is a sign of mental disorders, unhealthy, etc..."
    I will repeat what i said earlier, only more carefully so as you might understand...

    If the unhealthy route is going to be your alternative... at least do it and look good.

    There you go, bash away.

    No bashing here. Lol
    It all makes sense.

  • May 3, 2007, 10:52 AM
    Snaveleber not eating anything and becoming anorexic does not make you look good. When you have seen someone turn yellow because of kidney failure due to lack of nutrition and think that looks good call me. Dead is also not a good look. I think you have a lot of your own issues to deal with.

    Brokenbattered - I wrote on your other thread and I hope you can find some inner confidence like shygrenys said. You seem to be heading down a path I've watched a lot of my good friends go down (and to some extent myself) and I hope you can pull yourself back before you mess up your life too much and look back and go what the hell was I thinking?

    You don't need to lose weight and I'm sure somewhere you know this, your just projecting onto your body because it's something you can control, am I right?

    Good luck with your life - I hope your art works out.
  • May 3, 2007, 11:06 AM
    Hey now.

    I don't eαt αnd it's not thαt I'm αll "αhhhhh fαt!" I eαt mαybe once α dαy αnd the rest vαries in (heαlthy) snαcks. The reαson I eαt so little is becαuse I tend to get sick if I eαt too much (stomαch problem, yes I went to the doctor)

    Of course αdvising someone not to eαt esp. if they αre 93 lbs. not α good ideα αnd mαy I pleαse remind you brokenbαttered it tαkes α couple months for tone in your muscle to αctuαlly show up..
  • May 3, 2007, 01:51 PM
    brokennbattered - sweetie are you just fishin' for compliments? Because if you truly think that 93 pounds is all FAT then you really need to seek more professional help than what's on this board.

    I'm sure your bones, muscles, organs and skin weigh about 80 pounds of that. Don't forget to add blood, and then the food and water that you've recently consumed.

    Oh and to be HEALTHY all us ladies need a layer of fat. It keeps our hormones in check (severely skinny women don't have a period) and makes us look good. Anyone too skinny is sickly. Blech.

    Get help. Professional help.
  • May 12, 2007, 01:13 PM
    It doesn't sound like you have a weight problem, but you may want to considered talking to a Doctor, friend, clergy to discuss why you feel this way. You need to eat everyday, healthy foods, natural grains, fruits, veggies and lean meats. No eating will hurt your body to a dangerous degree, if your eating proper quantites of the right food and exercising on a regular basis, you just can't go wrong. But I think you need to find out the underlying causes of your opinion of yourself.
  • May 12, 2007, 04:18 PM

    Originally Posted by SnaveLeber
    If the unhealthy route is going to be your alternative... at least do it and look good.

    Of course you could just go the healthy route. There's no way 93 lb is "too fat". Get help before you permanently damage both your mental and physical health.
  • May 12, 2007, 04:44 PM
    Comment on SnaveLeber's post
    Why not he has a point though I wouldent do it but he's right so you all negtive people leave him alone your OK dude for get about them lol
  • May 14, 2007, 08:25 AM
    Broken , Not sure where to start here . I suspect you have a metabolism that will keep you slender ? Not a bad thing . Suggest you don't make it worse ! I ask you to never lose another pound the rest of your life . Suggest you gain a few pounds ! Try some weight lifting especially leg lunges and squats . Use stairs if you have to . Do some pushups . I think you might like the results . Never forget the sittups , crunches . I like muscles!! You don't have to go to a gym . Eat and drink anything you want and try to get to 107# in 90-120 days . Retrain your mind because you have no fat at 93# . You have decades to live and could be a miserable life if you don't change your ways / thinking .
    Keep in touch... Russell
  • May 19, 2007, 04:25 PM
    The media distorts our image of beauty and the way we see ourselves. We are taught to pick at our bodies and make sure everything is "flawless" and "perfect." But "perfect" doesn't exist. Perfect (what we are fed by media) is photoshoped, cropped, and digitally modified. The "ideal" woman only represents 3% of women. Not that being tall and slender and made-up isn't attractive, but so is the 97% of women who are not being represented.
    I think being conscious about your body and taking care of your body should be your first priority. Dieting isn't always healthy.If you exercise, eat whole foods, drink water, cut back processed foods and fast foods your body will naturally be at it's best. It is also important to send your body loving thoughts and energy.
    We as women focus so much on the outer appearance that we forget to really send gratitude for all the amazing things our bodies do for us.
    I know sometimes it is easy to be critical of ourselves, but you must remember you are perfect as you are, as cheezy as that sounds it's true. And try not to get caught up in the lies the media feed us. Those lies are told to us so that we became better consumers, low-self esteem is very profitable.

    I hope that you can let yourself out of this very narrow box you have created, beauty is a lot more than being thin and fat. You are a dynamic person, see yourself for entirety

    Here are some sources that may help, good luck.

    Web search
    Louise Hay | Author and Founder of Hay House, Inc.
    Healthy Body Image
  • May 28, 2007, 09:54 PM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    No bashing here. lol
    It all makes sense.


    You cannot be serious ?
    Do you know how many females would kill to have your body ?
    There are a tremendous amount of girls out there with very REAL weight issues.
    Losing weight is NOT easy.
    For some it is a tremendously difficult lifelong struggle.
    It is an insult to these people to hear you whine about being overweight.
    If you do seriously think you are overweight than you need to seek professional help.
    I would suggest a physiatrist.
  • Jul 13, 2007, 07:16 PM
    Your BMI is 18.2 and that's UNDERWEIGHT! You should eat more... not less!

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