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  • Jan 30, 2011, 09:24 PM
    I am gay and I kept convincing myself that I am straight... I don't want to be gay
    I am 22 year old. I am indian and being an indian and that too gay is a big problem. Its look down upon. I kept convincing myself that I am at least bisexual but I am not. If my family would find out they will be broken down to pieces. I felt like killing myself before telling it to anyone. I just freaking hate myself. I ask to god why I was made this way. Idk what to do at this point. This thought makes me cry every night. I want to kill myself.
  • Jan 30, 2011, 09:30 PM

    I know not every culture accepts being gay, but it is normal.

    Are you in india? Or another country? We get people from all over the world on this sire. Depending on where you are, maybe we can help you find a group in your area that you can talk to. Of course you'll always be welcome to post and talk to people here, but sometimes it helps to have an actual person next to you that you can talk to.

    Like I said, being gay is normal. It's not a choice, it's the way some people are born. Just like some people are born straight. And other people are born bisexual. It's all normal. It's important to love and accept yourself for who you are.
  • Jan 31, 2011, 01:29 PM
    Being Gay is not something inherited, caught or transmitted. It is a genetic predisposition. There are all too many societies in this world that do not understand the concept or accept it. If you accept it that is 99% of the battle.
  • Feb 5, 2011, 03:01 PM
    I think you should explore your sexuality in a safe way. Start to socialize and find yourself gay friends and get comfortable with being gay in a surrounding where people support you... you will feel less ashamed when you are around people who understand and accept you... eventually when you are more comfortable with yourself you need to tell your family... it's going to be rough but YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE. Regardless of how they take it, you have to realize that you have to self-actualize, you will never be at peace unless you accept who you are. Also you need to speak with someone about this... a professional or someone you can trust, because the burden of the secret is making you suicidal.

    I really hope things work... the best.

    "Be yourself." "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should" - Desiderata
  • Mar 23, 2011, 11:10 AM

    I am sad for you. It sounds like you are starting to accept being gay yourself and that is the first step. Now I would look for a discreet support group or some friends that you can talk to about being gay. Perhaps you'll even find some others with your same fears and be able to help each other through it. You deserve to be happy. You are not a bad person because of your sexuality. You did not choose it. Do not let your sexuality define who you are as a person. Be strong and much luck!
  • Mar 23, 2011, 11:49 AM

    Don't let the ignorance and stupidity of your society get you down, because as you grow and accept yourself, you will find others who feel the same way, and you won't have to define yourself by just your sexuality, but in your own character.
  • Mar 23, 2011, 02:06 PM
    We are not defined by our sexuality and unfortunately too many people who are Gay don't understand that/ That is why there is so much hatred towards homosexuality. You are the one who has to live being homosexual. There is no reason to "announce" it to everyone for them to know. There IS NOTHING wrong with being homosexual. What is wrong is making a big issue out of it. Most people that I know, do not care about it one way or another. Live your life as best you can. No one needs to know what goes on in the privacy of your bedroom OR life. Good Luck!!
  • Aug 3, 2012, 10:57 PM
    @lovelysam: Don't be sad friend. I am an Indian guy of your age and we are having the same problem... my family will get shocked if they come to know about my sexuality... my friends will leave me if they come to know that I am gay... I have also turned away proposals from many girls... No one knows that I am gay. I feel suffocated. I think there's a way out bro... we can keep ourselves busy with our own works and career. Life isn't only about sex... we can do a lot of things for other's benefit... I can feel your problem... being 'gay' was not our choice... so don't hate yourself... you are have a very good heart... love & hugs..

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