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  • Feb 20, 2007, 11:56 PM
    Alcohol Addiction
    Is there a cure for an alcoholic
  • Feb 21, 2007, 08:22 AM
    Being an alcoholic is being chemically and/or emotionally dependent to alcohol.

    There are treatment programs, there are groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, there are some medications that can be prescribed (such as Antabuse). None of them will be successful if the individual does not have the conviction to stay sober.

    Staying sober is a daily commitment, for some an hourly commitment. I used to work at a state hospital on the detox ward and then the chemical dependency unit. It is not enough to admit the problem (although that is a KEY step), you need the full support of family and friends. What often would happen would be the person would go home after treatment and find that his/her family did not really want the person sober. They could not deal with the sober person, they just knew how to deal with the drunk person. So it is vitally important that family and friends receive support also ( counseling, etc.)

    The success comes in the changed behavior. Recognizing the reasons a person drinks, understanding the stressors, seeing the situations as they really are, and then using that knowledge to regain the emotional and physical health, as well as maintain that. Sometimes it means dropping the old drinking buddies and activities that used to be "so much fun". Finding new outlets and new friends that will encourage and enchance your sobriety.

    Often times a person's faith becomes stronger, as you realize that you cannot stand alone. If you have not yet spoken to your pastor/priest/rabbi/spiritual mentor, I would hope you do so.

    You might hear from people who say, "Oh, I went through that program and it never worked". It did not work for them, most likely because they were not willing or ready to listen and truly work on becoming totally healthy.

    There are the traditional methods of treatment and there are holistic methods of treatment. I have seen both work and I have seen both fail. I do not think it was because of the treatment.

    One last bit - not every addiction counselor will use the same approach. I prefer the teachings of Carl Rogers, some will favor William Glaser, and so on. If you find an addiction counselor and you feel that person just does not "get you", please ask for a referral to another one.

    Best to you, whether this is on your behalf or for a friend or family member.
  • Feb 22, 2007, 09:37 AM
    I have heard that recovery is always one day at a time. I don't know of any cure. It is a life time problem.
    My sister uses A.A. and she has been dry for 8 years... Good Luck.
  • Feb 26, 2007, 03:09 AM
    There is no cure for being an alcoholic, if you are an alcoholic you will always be. However there is a cure for the disease. The best recommendation I have for you is to try a couple AA meetings... they may take some adjusting, just remember to keep an open mind :)
  • Jun 29, 2007, 08:08 AM
    My husband is an alcoholic but drinks alone. He keeps a bottle of vodka in the workshop and slips out hourly for a nip of vodka. I've literally found hoards of empty bottles. He denies he does this if asked. I've lived with this for ten years and nothing has changed. He has fybromyalgia which is painful and leaves him medically retired. So he does nothing with his life. I've had him in detox several times but the outcome remains the same. He comes home and within a short period he is back at it. The ONLY cure for an alcoholic is "self" determination which he does not have. His monthly meetings with a counsellor are to no avail. (he simply lies) I have given up on him as after a while, if HE does not want to help himself, why should I? I'm just biding my time. I heard there was a pill that he could take that would make him violently ill if alcohol is consummed. However, with a bad heart the doctors would not recommend it because if an alcoholic is not serious about being rehabilitated, they will find a way to have that drink. And, just for your information, there are those that recommend sticking by your man to help him/her get sober. Trust me, after a time of fruitless endevours, you gradually come to hate them because your life is being ruined as well, emotionally and socially.
  • Jun 16, 2010, 01:50 AM
    Just so everyone knows who continues to post on this thread...

    It's now very old and archived. So, it's no longer visible on the list of currently active threads. Plus, the original poster has never returned to post any responses on this thread.


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