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  • Nov 27, 2010, 05:07 PM
    HELP: wanting my hair coulor lighter.
    I have dye my hair lots of times before. And now it's an darkish brown coulor. But now I want to dye my hair a very light brown coulor but every time I do so it's still stay the same coulor what do I do? ( p.s my naturally hair coulor was black)
  • Nov 28, 2010, 09:34 AM
    Hair color on top of hair color only goes darker. Hair "dye" cannot lift other hair "dye" to a lighter shade. Find a professional hair stylist to have them achieve the desired look you want without putting any other colors on your hair. With all the color you have put on your hair, it is hard enough for an experienced hairstylist to work with, let alone someone not professionally trained to work with it. The stylist will have to remove some of the color in your hair or use highlights to lighten your hair, and then tone it to the desired level. If you try to do this on your own, you will end up with an unflattering brassy result.

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