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  • Mar 15, 2009, 02:17 PM
    Ants in my home
    I have a problem with lots of little ants all over my bathroom floor in the basement. I have put ant raid traps down and they do not seem to be going away. How long should it take to clear out my bathroom. And why are they hanging out in a bathroom where there is no food?
  • Mar 15, 2009, 02:24 PM

    The ants are after water. Use Sweet N Low on the ant trails or where they come in or around the baseboards of the bathroom. Aspartame is a great ant killer. I use it inside and outside with great results. Works on little black ants and big black ants outside.
  • Mar 15, 2009, 02:34 PM

    Originally Posted by jillbranden View Post
    I have a problem with lots of little ants all over my bathroom floor in the basement. I have put ant raid traps down and they do not seem to be going away. How long should it take to clear out my bathroom. And why are they hanging out in a bathroom where there is no food?

    I used to have this probnlem all over my house but they disapeard 2 yrs ago
  • Mar 22, 2009, 03:47 AM
    They have come in either for water or the sweet smell of something, probably a fragrant soap (they LOVE irish spring). You have 2 options: Mechanical or chemical. The mechanical option is to scrub down the bathroom with an aromatic cleanser that uses ammonia or chlorine (NOT pine oil) to disrupt the scent trail the ants have left and then caulk and seal the entry points such as the base of the toilet, the edges of the shower stall, window frames and pipe chases where pipes go into walls/ceilings. The chemical option is to find the hill outside and treat it with a bait material to both attract them out of the house and kill the nest. Exterminators do this every day all day long. If you don't have 3 weekends free in a row you might consider hiring a pro.
  • Mar 22, 2009, 10:01 AM

    I have to recommend a product I have used in a few different ant situations. It's called "TERRO" and it is available in hardware stores. It's a very small bottle... maybe 5" tall and the packaging is orange. It comes with these tear-off pieces of cardboard that you put small dots of the liquid on and place behind things in the area where the ants are seen. Each time I have used this, within two days the ants are gone. Check the package instructions about pets and children though. I always had this problem on my counter where pets and kids couldn't reach so I didn't pay attention to it.
    This stuff really works and costs under $5. I've bought it in Walmart too.
    Good luck...

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