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  • Jan 6, 2009, 11:15 AM
    Cyst near vagina
    Help help I've never had these things before I have two cyst one is by my hole (sorry) and the other is at the fold my leg and vagina comes together. I hear it's a very common thing. I have tried everything I've popped them, I've left them along, done some weird remedies nothing seems to work. The one by my hole I haven't touched in forever and its still there, please help what SERIOUSLY MAKES these go away or what do I need to do to get rid of them its very uncomfortable if I mess with them and if I do they bump does get bigger till I release something. Gross I know I need help been with the same guy for 5 years so It's nothing like that! HeLP:confused:
  • Jan 6, 2009, 11:18 AM

    Have you asked your doctor if he/she could do anything for them? Remove them? Drain them? Anything?
  • Jan 6, 2009, 11:22 AM

    I go to the health dept for everything no insurance and they told me no they won't do anything about it it's a common problem in woman! Please someone help
  • Jan 7, 2009, 03:53 PM

    This is a SERIOUS question guys please help!
  • Jan 8, 2009, 09:24 AM

    I'm sorry. I would think a doctor would be able to help you better than I can. My suggestion was to go to a doctor. Maybe someone else on here can help you better?
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:35 AM

    I appriciate the help but I really do think there's a remedy or just leave it alone for so long and it will go away I don't know but I know its common for woman and some men to get them can someone tell me how you got rid of them without going to the dr, I currently have no insurance going to school for radiology! Help Thanks for the help and advice Zoemarie
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:41 AM
    I use tea tree oil. It's available in health food stores. I wet a q-tip and just dab it on the cyst once a day. It usually dries it up within a day or two. But it's strong. If it's too strong for you, wet the q-tip with water first so it's a little diluted.
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:50 AM

    Oh my gosh thank you so much. I'm so thankful for your remedy I hope it works I'll try just about anything now, I've even tried a potato as crazy as it seems there are a lot of sites or remedies that don't work. Thanks Lisa where did you get it I wonder if a place like walmart might have it, if not I wonder if a pharmacy would.
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:56 AM
    I got my last bottle at GNC. But I've seen them in other health food stores too.
  • Jan 9, 2009, 02:32 PM
    Well as far as the one by the fold of your leg, it may be a bartholian gland cyst. I've had that before. There's two glands, one on each side, that produce a secretion that lubes the vagina and they can become clogged (for lack of better word) or infected. I've had one on each side. Sometimes they go away and come back and sometimes they clear up. I do think you can get meds for it, but I don't know about having them removed.

    Hope this helps!
  • Jan 9, 2009, 03:18 PM

    This might sound gross again and I'm so sorry. Yeah the one on the folg of my leg does feel like more than one gland for sure and I have popped stuff out of it, but it gets bigger until I leave it alone, the other I can't get it to go away or come out. So I think I'm going to try that tea tree oil for sure, thanks for the name of the bartholian gland cyst maybe I can search that and see if anything comes up, but I hope and pray the oil works, its embarrassing to have anything like that down there. So rn2b2009 did yours go away on there own that is if you had one?
  • Jan 12, 2009, 08:14 AM

    I have a condition that causes cysts similar to what you are describing called Hidradenitis Supperativa.It is actually thought to be an immune system deficiency, but there is no cure. The only thing I have found to work is a shot directly into the cyst of something called Kenalog. Mine are in the folds where my legs meet pubis. Common areas are under the arms, around the waist line, in the groin, anywhere there are sweat and oil glands. They do return eventually however. You may not have this condition. But if they consistently return after you have released fluid from them, you might. They tend to worsen as time goes by, with more appearing and they become connected together under the skin. Please see a good doctor thatl takes time with you and will diagnose. This can ruin your life if left to run rampant. Call around to local derms and see if one will help without the exorbitant fees.

    I tried the Tea Tree Oil also, burns like hell, and doesn't penetrate the skin, so can't actually get to the infection. You may need an antibiotic also.
  • Jan 14, 2009, 12:57 PM
    Yeah the one by my leg got to were at one time it felt like three glands, and it seemed to worsen, I have bought the tea tree oil however, it does burn around the by my hole, but I'll tell you what they have both minimized tremediously. The one on my leg is now just one gland and it's so small now the other one its gone down but I was hoping it would be gone by now. No matter what I will always use this stuff better for the swelling and everything to be down then to have more then one huge gland down there. I've only been using it three days now and I will continue I am still hoping they go away completely. So far I am happy with the results but I will keep all posted and still up for hearing any great ideas on this topic!
  • Jan 14, 2009, 02:24 PM

    Originally Posted by jillrenee15 View Post
    I have a condition that causes cysts similar to what you are describing called Hidradenitis Supperativa.It is actually thought to be an immune system deficiency, but there is no cure. The only thing I have found to work is a shot directly into the cyst of something called Kenalog. Mine are in the folds where my legs meet pubis. Common areas are under the arms, around the waist line, in the groin, anywhere there are sweat and oil glands. They do return eventually however. You may not have this condition. But if they consistently return after you have released fluid from them, you might. They tend to worsen as time goes by, with more appearing and they become connected together under the skin. Please see a good doctor thatl takes time with you and will diagnose. This can ruin your life if left to run rampant. Call around to local derms and see if one will help without the exorbitant fees.

    I tried the Tea Tree Oil also, burns like hell, and doesn't penetrate the skin, so can't actually get to the infection. You may need an antibiotic also.

    This is interesting. I have HS too and that's how I found out about the tea tree oil. I suppose it works for some people and not others. Some of mine were connected under the skin (channeling) and the tea tree oil worked on those as well as the surface ones. My dermatologist found that antibiotics didn't do anything because the liquid in the cyst is sterile, not infected.

    I also found that following a low carb diet helped to reduce the frequency of recurrence. In fact I now rarely have a recurrence more often than once or twice a year and the tea tree oil reduces it to nothing within a day or two.

    If you want to try tea tree oil again and it burns you can try diluting it with a little water first. That might help.
  • Jan 15, 2009, 05:52 AM

    Thanks lisa, maybe I will try again. I am in stage two, and tolerating it all right. I really can't tolerate the smell of the TTO though either. PHEW! I wish they had a gentler gel form that could be rubbed in, like a hand sanitizer. Yes, cutting down on sugar/carbs DOES help! I have found that also. I am on my way to losing a lot of weight, (35lb so far) and I'm hoping that will also lessen the severity. Everyone has such good advice!
  • Jan 15, 2009, 06:42 AM

    Originally Posted by jillrenee15 View Post
    Thanks lisa, maybe I will try again. I am in stage two, and tolerating it all right. I really can't tolerate the smell of the TTO though either. PHEW! I wish they had a gentler gel form that could be rubbed in, like a hand sanitizer.

    The smell of the TTO is absolutely wicked. :) Try using it at night before you go to bed instead of in the morning so that you don't have to put up with the smell. Take a q-tip, wet it slightly and then dip it in the TTO. That will dilute it a little and may help with the burning.

    Yes, cutting down on sugar/carbs DOES help! I have found that also. I am on my way to losing a lot of weight, (35lb so far) and I'm hoping that will also lessen the severity. Everyone has such good advice!
    That's great! Keep it up! It definitely worked for me.
  • Mar 26, 2009, 08:27 AM
    I to have had these cysts in the same area. I put Iodine on it ( two or three

    Times a day for a couple of days) and it is gone;and it kills any inflammation. It doesn't hurt

    At all. From lolaetta (A NEW MEMBER)
  • Mar 26, 2009, 08:46 AM
    Really iodine eh? The one by my leg is now gone however I have one by my whole I can get to go away. And I have one now coming up above my whole on the inside of my lips. I can't believe this is a common thing it's horrible to go through took me forever to get rid of the one by my leg. I'm willing to try it since the tea tree isn't seeming to work in the other area. Has you tried or done this many times? I'm just curious I've heard and tried many of things that haven't worked. But Iodine might be worth a shot.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 03:38 PM
    Yes I have tried Iodine a couple of times and it has shrunk them down to almost nothing.

    I'm sorry it took so long for my reply but I have been so busy. lolaetta
  • Apr 1, 2009, 07:13 AM
    The suggestion of tea tree oil is a good one. Also you can buy castor oil. It is soothing. These won't go away quickly. Sometime, will come to a head and open on their own. I don't think I would try to open it with a needle if you can. You may really have a problem then. Just let nature take its course. Maybe some hot paks would help relieve the discomfort also... iodine is very drying but maybe use it first then apply the castor oil. Did you know that iodine will get rid of fungus toenail. I know it works from experience...

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