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  • Apr 18, 2009, 06:31 PM
    Am I bi-sexual?

    I’m 15. I have never had a proper relationship with a boy. My longest one was with my friend who is a girl ( I am also a girl). It was for 3 months all we did was kiss. And this is the only girl I have sexual desires about. I have gotten as far a masturbation between me and a boy. And I do find boys cute, but have never loved one. I have only loved one girl. I got together with her when I was 14 for about 3 months and then when we broke up she went out with a boy and is still with him now and loves him. It breaks my heart. For the first 2 months of her relationship with her current boyfriend she said she still had some feelings for me but now she says she doesn't. Because she has had sex with her boyfriend and it is serious. She is the only person I felt comfortable kissing and holding in my arms. I love her. But I don’t know what to do because this is the only girl I think about sexually but then I haven’t ever loved a boy even though I do think about them too but it didn’t feel as nice as when I was kissing my girlfriend to when I kissed boys.
    Am I bisexual?

    Please help me!
    Thank you.

  • Apr 18, 2009, 06:33 PM

    Of course at 13 or 14 you should not be sexual anything. And at 15 your hormones will be doing all sorts of things, and there will be sexual desires but not really "love" yet
  • Apr 18, 2009, 06:49 PM

    Only you really know who you are on the inside. You are physically going through a lot of changes and your hormones are playing all sorts of nasty tricks on you. Relationships aren't just about getting physical. The best thing to do is try and establish platonic relationships without the pressures of sex at your age and see how things work out on a more mental level.
  • Apr 19, 2009, 01:07 PM

    Yeah, we can't answer that question.. that's for you and you only to answer.
  • Apr 19, 2009, 07:59 PM
    Can't say whether you're bi-sexual, but agree with what everyone said already.

    You still have some growing up to do (or a lot) and you don't know who you are completely yet. Don't worry about this too much, and just live your life until your hormones settle.

    Read the quote in my sig, it really pertains to you right now.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 10:01 AM

    Look I know its hard and it kills you inside but thin about this is that person really worth all effort because I know how you feel trust me and being bi is perfectly fine there's nothing wrong with it and if she really loved she wouldn't have left you in the cold

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