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  • Nov 12, 2008, 08:17 AM
    Child custody
    I have been given an opportunity to take in a new born child. The mother and father of the child have been told by the courts that they can not have children. She became pregnant and would like for me to take the child and raise her. They had mentioned that I would not have to sp[end the money on adoption. Is this legal? What do I need to know before I go into this? How do I know that the child would not be taken from me at any given time?
  • Nov 12, 2008, 09:19 AM

    You need to contact an adoption attorney in your area and go over what needs to be done.

    While you may not have to pay the fees that you would at an acutal adoption agency, you will still have to pay for an adoption attorney... as one is required.

    I would call around your area and see who offers free consultations and set some appts to talk to a few different attorney's. Get plans of action and what they are going to charge... as it can vary greatly between attorney's.

    (for example, for my husband to adopt my daughter, with consent from the bio father, so not contested... one attorney told me he charged $1000.00 and I needed it all up front before he would start anything. I went to another attorney and he said he charges $500 and only needed half of the money to get started and then the rest by the time we filed.)
  • Nov 12, 2008, 09:21 AM

    Don't trust them. Without a court order stating that you are the legal parent, the child could be taken from you at any time.
  • Nov 14, 2008, 12:43 PM
    I agree although it seems so simple and easy, it has to be legal. If they don't sign over their parental rights, and you "adopt' or take care of this child they can come at any time and remove the child from your care.
    Go about it the right way. Have them sign over their parental rights, then file adoption papers and file them at the court house. This will make it legal and you will officially be the legal parent of this child.
    Without the documents, you're taking a huge risk, and really putting the child at risk as well.

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