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  • Jan 25, 2008, 01:17 PM
    Anyone tried Benzyl Arbutin ?
    Just wanted to know if anyone had tried the benzyl arbutin cream from herbalinn and if so what their experience was, good or bad

    Herbal Inn Ayurveda Medicine Health Beauty Support Herbal Inn Fairness Cream Indian Ayurvedic
  • Jan 25, 2008, 02:09 PM
    Benzylarbutin isn't a real chemical

    It doesn't exist

    It's a scam
  • Jan 25, 2008, 03:03 PM
    What about alpha arbutin?
  • Jan 25, 2008, 04:09 PM
    Alpha arutin is legit
  • Mar 23, 2008, 01:53 PM
    What the hell are you talking about??

    I've tried fair and flawless which has benzyl arbutin and works for my hyperpigmentation
    Don't call something a scam because its not.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 06:19 PM
    chandani I didn't know much about BA back then

    Since it wasn't in any chemical index I assumed it was a scam

    chandani have you tried herbalinn ?
  • Mar 24, 2008, 06:39 PM
    My benzl arrived today, I didn't get it, it is still in the Post Office. I will try it out and tell you what happens.
  • Mar 24, 2008, 06:47 PM
    Yeah, keep us posted barry. I guess you got it from herbal Inn...
  • Mar 24, 2008, 07:20 PM
    Next time don't call something a scam without trying it

    I wanted to try this a while ago but didn't because I though you people knew more
    And now summer is here and I'm gon have to wait till fall to use BA
    God I've learned my lesson

    And yes mellowcat, I'm going to order tom

    I'm only going to order for my face and wait to lighten body in the fall
    I'm still deciding between the 5% and the fairness cream

    How about u?
  • Mar 25, 2008, 11:41 AM
    Well whatever whitening product I use (benzyl,alpha arbutin,etc.)

    It has to be this fall

    I might try bio claire in the summer to keep from getting darker
  • Mar 26, 2008, 02:28 AM

    Originally Posted by chandani
    next time dont call something a scam without trying it

    I wanted to try this a while ago but didnt becuz i though u ppl knew more
    and now summer is here and im gon have to wait till fall to use BA
    god iv learned my lesson

    and yes mellowcat, im going to order tom

    im only going to order for my face and wait to lighten body in the fall
    im still deciding between the 5% and the fairness cream

    how bout u?

    chandani, have tried the fairness cream with absolutely no results and I know that I am not alone, as members on other forums said the same thing.

    If you do try it, let me know how you get on.
  • Apr 11, 2008, 07:23 AM
    I've been using herbalinn fairness creams since when they were using methylarbutin: which is also used by other companies like rare extracts and fair and flawless, and they were using it a lot longer than these other companies. I agree that not much research has been done on this supposed benzylarbutin but the difference may be in that it is more stable and permeable to melanocytes. To everyone using this: the product will work for you but at different rates but ultimately with the same result, this may mean months for others a couple weeks. It may even appear to stop working sometimes. Remember when trying to lighten skin there is something even more important to use than your lightener: SUNBLOCK. The 2% fairness cream from herbalinn has 2% TIo2 which if you are like me and live in the caribbean is no where near enough so use neutrogena spf 45 dry touch even if you are spending the day indoors. The 5% one I think has none and is much harsher. Do not underestimate your skin's ability to repigment itself: this is what it wants to do. I have a much darker face due to sunexposure and of Indian descent. As far as herbal inn being a scam, on several occasions they were late with my orders and did not respond but fairly after I got responses and always got my stuff along with free bottles of product for compensation. Ultimately I think the BEST advice I can give is to use the 2% cream on mornings, followed by sunblock(religiously) and then use it again at night. Unlike hydroquinone this is not a bleaching cream so you shouldn't expect results to appear within a few days but you will. To everyone who says herbalinn doesn't work you apparently have a completely different physiology or maybe are expecting whiter complexions way too soon. Re: even on the bottle they say expect results in 4-8 weeks, so don't post like 2 weeks after and say it doesn't work. It's all about how dedicated you are to achieving your desired complexion corrections. RE. this thing takes time.
  • Apr 11, 2008, 12:45 PM
    BULL**** !

    YOU are just one of those (sellers) who posts only 1 comment and leave

    Trying to pretend to be an honest customer giving us info


    Everyone on here who has used it says it hasn't worked
  • Apr 12, 2008, 06:20 PM
    Wow mellowkat you sure don't seem mellow! Actually I'm a third year medical student who has had discoloration issues with my face for the longest while, have used hydroquinone and odserved nasty but not medically serious side effects that have subsided and who has never understood the importance of sunblock because it was always too "hard" or too "messy" to put on. By the way to CHANDANI fair and flawless doesn't use benzylarbutin, they use a tiny bit of methylarbutin in their extrastrength formula. And by the way I'm not endorsing herbalinn as the only product that works there's a lot, just do your research and know your facts mellowkat, but understand this, uv light whether it even be from a computerscreen or halogenbased lightbulb used at night, and from the freakin hot sun will send your melanocytes KRAZY up to 100times more what normally pigmented areas would be, and there is NO lightener that can combat this kind of onslaught permanently on it's own. Also the bad side to using any lightener is that your skin is going to get even more sensitive to the sun than it was before. I believe the skinwhitening page on herbalinn says this at the end.I know a lot of people have issues with these things, but I really do believe that sunblock is even more important than any lightening cream, that's how most faces get hyperpigmented in the first place! So if you've used this thing for 4 weeks morning and night, and have really been dedicated with your sunblock and it hasn't worked move on! To ptr botanical gel, or meladerm or skinactives or whatever. Also, I do not believe that this product gives a permanent effect on it's own but I have not used it for the recommnded 18mnths to tell you so. I also do not think that you are going to transform your complexion into something people cannot recognize you anymore-why would you even want to? Re: there are also other active stuff like sepiwhitemsh, retinol, Ca panethiene sulfonate, vitb3 etc_ go read articles on skin bleaching at, and Do not let your herbalinn be exposed to light or air, do not just leave it on your skin and wait for it to seep in because arbutin oxidizes with air and loses efficacy, use spf45, and then maybe use peterthomasroth instant mineralsunblock over to mop up the oily look and add ultimate protection, together with any LIGHTening (not bleaching) product. Unlike HQ the more you use is not going to mean more results-but easy come easy go. Re; u are constantly inhibiting a chain of reactions to produce melanin, the first slip up you do and give it a chance it is going to be vengeful. That's all I have to say. Also you mite want to chek out this link I found ont eh net: Herbal Inn Ayurveda Medicine Health Beauty Support Herbal Inn Fairness Cream Indian Ayurvedic
  • Apr 14, 2008, 05:24 AM

    I was the one that stated that the fairness cream, not the Benzyl arbutin, never worked for me. I used it for several months and was not happy to continue as, at the time, I found something that worked better for me.

    I do agree that everyone can have a different response to products and sometimes, we just have to try something ourselves, but unfortunately there are products that offer us absolutely nothing and as so many people have received disappointing results and no one was saying that it actually worked for them, a lot of people have decided to avoid it.

    But once again everyone is free to choose what they want and if it has worked for you, then I am happy for you. And everyone is more than welcome to try it for themselves...
  • Apr 15, 2008, 06:47 AM
    Cool. Btw I also think skin lighteners (anything except hydroquinone) do not have any effect on pigment that is already present in the epidermis of the skin. Melanocytes exist in the third deepest layer of the epiderms the stratum basale and transmit melanin upwards to the firsy layer or stratum corneum. So u basically have to wait for the lighter skin underneath to "show" itself, while existing melanin is lost by normal skin renewal (every 28 days supposedly!) (very credible sites like dermadoctor who is run by an actual dermatologist actullay say that skin lightening can take up to a year!) or aided by glycolic acids or broken down by HQ. Just for thought, and by the way what product (s) gave you better results? I am also looking at one from a compnay called Rejuvi that uses a whitener cream and toner...
  • Apr 21, 2008, 07:59 PM
    U know what, I'll say that benzylarbutin doesn't work, I think I've been too dedicated and have seen the most minimal of results, I think if BA was real and it did what it says the entire cosmetic industry would pick up on it already, and all this from a Co that has no phone contact and is incredibly late with shipments.. BTW my skin is incredibly smooth but the product is inconsistent. I just wanted to clear up what I said, I wasn't even trying to be a lighter complexion I just had sunburnt/darker face and come to think of it it coundl't even restore my normal complexion. So to hell with this. And the search continues. I guess I was clinging on to hope.. hahah
  • May 11, 2008, 08:17 PM
    I've also heard that benzyl-arbutin doesn't work but I'm going to try it myself. I'm planning on buying it within the month.

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