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  • Aug 9, 2018, 07:51 AM
    Should I ask my crush out?
    And before you answer yes I need to say a few things.
    So we have just moved to a new school, I have only 5 girls in my class (Including my crush)
    I asked my old crush out last year, (She is also in the same class) and I don't want to seem weird for asking a girl out two years in a row.
    I don't really know her, and she is pretty much always in her friend group of said other 4 girls in my class, including the girl I asked out.
    I do have her number.
    She is the smartest girl in class, but I am the smartest boy in class (Based on grades)
    It's pretty much impossible to sit down and talk with her because of said friend group, and she goes by bus while I walk home.
    My class is REALLY judging and noicy, so the news are going to spread really quickly.
    We have been in the same class for 5 years.
    If I asked her out it would have to be online.
    Feel free to ask any further questions.
  • Aug 9, 2018, 09:38 AM
    How old are you both? You have her number, why are you afraid to use it?
  • Aug 9, 2018, 10:22 AM
    We are both 16, and I have had her number for so many years now and it feels weird to suddenly start talking to her more often.
  • Aug 9, 2018, 10:30 AM
    "If I asked her out it would have to be online." - Impersonal will not be impressive. Maybe that's why she said no last time, if in fact you did that last time.

    "I don't want to seem weird for asking a girl out two years in a row" - Persistence can be charming if not annoying.

    "so the news are going to spread really quickly" - who cares? This is about you and not about them.

    Do it in person, with a smile, and be confident.
  • Aug 9, 2018, 11:01 AM
    Just to confirm, I did ask my last crush out in person but we walked the same way home, giving me an opportunity to say something. Also I know you didn't ask this but, I don't regret asking my old crush out and did it thinking "What do I have to lose?" But the situation is a lot different this time.

    So how can I say something in person when she is glued to her friend group, trust me when I say, I would do it in person if I could. Also asking someone out is something I would preferably do somewhere alone, which is impossible to do in a school.

    You said that this is about me not them and you are correct, I should not care what other people think about me so thanks for that.
  • Aug 10, 2018, 07:27 AM
    "Glued" might be an overstatement. Go up to her and her friends, look her in the eye with a smile, and confidently ask "Can I borrow you a second please?" Now granted, depending on how many friends are in the group, all eyes will be on you. I would venture to say that even if she says no, you will have gained the respect and some admiration of that group. Good luck!
  • Aug 10, 2018, 10:03 AM

    Originally Posted by SomeRandomTeen View Post
    We are both 16, and I have had her number for so many years now and it feels weird to suddenly start talking to her more often.

    No more weird than asking her out again out of the blue.
  • Aug 11, 2018, 01:00 AM
    How would I even start a conversation anyway, I need a reason for it. Right?

    Also things have been generally looking better, she has asked me to do things she could easly do herself and I've seen her quickly take a look at me a few times during class. But my friend once asked her out, (When I didn't yet have a crush on her) thinking that they had something based on the same signs so I dunno.
  • Aug 11, 2018, 06:19 AM

    Originally Posted by SomeRandomTeen View Post
    How would I even start a conversation anyway, I need a reason for it. Right?

    You are attracted and that was always reason enough for me...


    Also things have been generally looking better, she has asked me to do things she could easly do herself and I've seen her quickly take a look at me a few times during class. But my friend once asked her out, (When I didn't yet have a crush on her) thinking that they had something based on the same signs so I dunno.
    That's the perfect reason to find out isn't it because you don't know. What are you afraid of, REJECTION or something? It only hurts for a minute. Ask me how I know.
  • Aug 11, 2018, 11:56 AM
    You know what. What do I have to lose? Thank you, and i'll keep you updated, if anyone of you are interested. It's not like I'm gonna tell her I like her. I'm gonna get to know her.

    And again.

    Thank you :D
  • Aug 22, 2018, 10:26 AM
    Update to: Should I ask my crush out?
    How do you delete thing you've posted by accident?
  • Aug 22, 2018, 12:26 PM
    I think at some point you should consider backing off and clearing your head of your hearts emotional hollering. Go get to know someone else. No point in keeping a crush alive that's so one sided. Not at your age. You miss some real fun that way.

    Go have fun without her. QUESTIONS?
  • Aug 22, 2018, 12:30 PM
    Wow - this seems to be a bit tougher than when I was 16.

    You might have to live with the fact that either she doesn't like you in the way someone needs to in order to date or she might not be allowed to date.

    But I don't think it would be annoying if you expressed an interest that she attends. Maybe she is just playing hard to get.
  • Aug 22, 2018, 01:46 PM
    So what next?
    First of all, read my "Should I ask my crush out?" post for some context.

    So just wanna say something before going to the actual topic.

    The way I saw it, some people have come to the idea that my current crush is not a kind, understanding, and/or someone I would actually wanna be friends with without any romantic interest.
    The truth is that, it took me to get a crush on her to just realise that she was actually a nice person. I would definitely be her friend without having a "thing" for one another.

    I am not forcing myself to do this. I wanted to do something about the crush, and so I did. Like I said in my last question, I have no regrets about asking my last crush out, and we're still friends without it being akward.

    And so we shall actually talk about what I'm here to talk about.
    So I asked her out to maybe hang out outside of school in some small group sometime, and she didn't really seem exited about the idea. She just kinda in a way "ignored" it and just said "maybe..."

    But even if she isn't interested I still want to become friends with her. I'm lacking of a female friend I can actually talk to, and I think it would bring a new angle at my more personal problems.

    So what now? School has started, like always we are the best ones in class, but I still want to be with her outside of school. I just don't want to be annoying and just keep asking her if she is gonna come. Becouse she gets annoyed and/or creeped out REALLY easly. Trust me... My friend knows.

    Any questions feel free to ask in the comments, I'll try to be active like before. And thank you in advance!
  • Aug 23, 2018, 04:12 AM
    Is there something you have said or done in the past that makes her be annoyed with you from the get go?
  • Aug 23, 2018, 06:27 AM
    The way I see it guy, you can keep trying to woo your crush, or find an easier date. I know nothing of her, or what she is doing, but I see your hopes building with maybe instead of a NO. Maybe she is a nice girl and doesn't want to devastate you, hoping you take the hint and forget this dating thing and just be friends with no strings attached. Clearly though only you can know how far you will go with this spend some time outside of school with you thing.

    Comes down to when you have had enough, or the crush fever lets you go, but that having a female friend has to be MUTUAL. Romance and dating has to be MUTUAL. I just don't think you and your crush have that MUTUAL interest right now so clearly it's up to YOU. Don't get carried away and frustrate yourself, but remembering back in the day, you won't consider anything else but what you want until she says GET LOST, or NO WAY.

    For sure you don't seem to be clicking on the same page and that's something you cannot ignore, and maybe it's not the right time for you to click like you want. So what are you going to do?

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