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  • Jul 14, 2004, 08:21 PM
    In my right eye I'm farsighted.. and I'm going to the eye doctor soon.. and I no he's gonan tell me that this time I need glasses.. cause I went aobut a year ago and he said I didn't need glasses then.. but come back if its gotten worse.. I had 2 notes from my school to go to the eye doctor.. and I've been walking into walls cabinets doors.. etc. but I only hit my right side.. and I think it has to do with my vision.. and I don't want to get glasses and I can't use contacts(I hate anything that has to do with toushing my eyes).. I thinhk glasses would make me look dorky.. what should I do?
  • Jan 29, 2005, 02:38 AM
    Ehh glasses aren't that bad. I've had then since I was 5. ( 15 now)
    There a lot of different styles of glasses, just find 1 that you like and you think you look good in. don't get dorky once. And also some times glasses makes people look even hotter. Just gives a better look... try out contacts even though you don't like touching your eyes may be contacts won't be so bad
  • Mar 15, 2005, 07:45 AM
    Eye Contact
    Glasses aren't as bad as they used to be. There many different styles of frames and lenses.

    A lot of people who don't wear glasses regularly always think they look weird because they aren't used to seeing themselves like that.

    Ask the optician for their honest opinion ( which they should give anyway), and I'm sure you'll find a look that suits you.

    Even though your vision is bad, as in your having problems, it probably won't be a thick Rx in the scheme of things, so you're not going to end up with huge lenses.

    If you're concerned about thick lenses, go with a smaller frame, and maybe polycarbonate lenses ( they are thinner).

    Ask about warranties and stuff, too. As a first time wearer, you may end up being harder on your glasses than if you wore them all the time.

    Mind you, I have no idea what your Rx is, but it's just some helpful hints.
    As far as contacts go, if you think you may be interested in contacts, wash your hands, and put some water in a glass or bowl, stick your finger in the water and practice touching your eye. That is kind of what it feels like. Also, with contacts, you need to be able to hold your eye open. It's hard to open it naturally to get the contact in at first.

    If you are right handed, reach over your head with your left hand and hold your eye lid open. You should not be able to blink ( that's the idea). Use your right middle finger to hold down your lower lid, and your index finger to put the contact in.

    Sorry to ramble on, but I hope that I can help you.
  • Apr 13, 2005, 12:44 AM
    Glasses are in!
    Hey there,

    I'm a 19 year old female and have been wearing glasses for 3 years (it started when I wasn't wearing them for fear of looking 'dorky' but needed them for college.

    I've found that in the past 2 years glasses have really made a comeback, with many stores selling 'fashion glasses'. There are many, many types of traditional or funky frames in a whole rainbow of colours out there and I'm sure you'll find a pair to suit you.

    So don't ruin your eyes and keep going without!

    :) Star
  • Oct 13, 2005, 12:11 PM
    Get some glasses
    Glasses are fashion this days so don't worry. Also contact lenses has change so much that a daily disposables are so thin and soft that you won't feel it.
    But the most important is to get your eyes checked to make sure your eyes are healthy ( not only vision ways ).
  • Nov 12, 2005, 02:59 PM
    Glasses are a cool fashion accessory these days and some people even just get plain glass put into glasses so they can fit in with the in crowd.
  • Nov 13, 2005, 04:55 AM
    You have two choices; one is to keep walking into walls, the other is to get glasses... it's that simple.
    I have been wearing reading glasses for many years, now wear tri-focals.
    As others have said, there are so many designs for frames that it will take you 2 or 3 days to decide which pair you want.
    Some of the sexiest girls I've ever seen in my life wear glasses!
    If you can get over your thinking about this "dorky" stuff, you will be amazed at how nice it is to be able to see normally again.
    Please, Please, get some glasses, before your eyes start getting worse. Glasses can slow down this process.
  • Jan 22, 2006, 10:52 PM
    Hi, I had the same situation you were in. My teacher in high school kept me after class and told me I was "squinting" my eyes too much and that she was concerned, so she basically told me to get eyeglasses, because she said I was squinting too much and she sent a note home to my parents. Don't be afraid to get glasses, they are truly awesome and I love to wear my glasses. I have gotten so many comments about how good I look in glasses that I want to wear them all the time, which I do. There are so many types of different glasses that it is so cool, because there is always a pair that will look good on you. It won't be that bad. Good luck-matt
  • May 31, 2010, 12:15 PM

    Hi there, I'm wearing glasses since I was 15. (27 now). At the beginning it was hard to me, but in time, I used to wear it. There is some tricks I learned in YouTube about how to maintain them...
    You can see one of my favorite video here:
    YouTube - 100% method to clean your glasses / 100% metoda na czyszczenie okularów
    This is perfect way to clean you glasses for 1 minute :)
  • Jun 2, 2010, 07:18 PM

    This post is 6 years old. I think this has been answered.


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