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  • Nov 27, 2007, 08:01 PM
    Accounting Cycle HW
    I'm in an accounting class online. I have an assignment due on Thursday - in which I have to complete the entire accounting cycle. I am doing the Comprehensive Problem #1 on pg 207 in the Financial & managerial accounting book by Warren Reeve - 9th Edition. If anybody has this book or lives in Greenville, NC and would be willing to work with me please write back or email me ASAP PLEASE! I've been working on this problem for days... and I'm going crazy! Thanks!:confused:

  • Nov 27, 2007, 08:05 PM
    student 101

    Originally Posted by Rbiggs
    I'm in an accounting class online. I have an assignment due on Thursday - in which I have to complete the entire accounting cycle. I am doing the Comprehensive Problem #1 on pg 207 in the Financial & managerial accounting book by Warren Reeve - 9th Edition. If anybody has this book or lives in Greenville, NC and would be willing to work with me please write back or email me ASAP PLEASE!! I've been working on this problem for days.... and I'm going crazy!! Thanks!:confused:


    I will work with you over messenger just add me if you don';t have Yahoo [email protected]

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