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  • Oct 15, 2011, 11:44 PM
    In-Law Etiquette
    My husband and I went to his mother's retirement party last night and at the party he was properly meeting his cousin's new wife for the first time. (Currently, they happen to be living with the cousins mom and dad), who happen to be my husbands aunt and uncle. Within a minute of meeting this girl, my husband started asking her questions about what it is like to be living with her mother-in-law and what would she do if her sister in law, (who was standing right there), would essentially tell her to pick up after her husband! I thought this was a completely inappropriate joke - especially to be made with someone my husband barely knows. I was embarrassed - to say the least! He insists that there was nothing wrong with his line of questioning. I want to know what other people think about this.

    Furthermore, he also left me alone with one of his female cousins for a large part of the evening even though I told him before we left to the party, that she does not want to spend all her time with me at his family functions. (It is difficult to mingle with most of the rest of his family because they speak a language I don't speak). Basically, after quickly eating at the table he moved off to be with his uncles, brothers and other cousins outside, not checking once if I was comfortable at the gathering. I thought this behaviour was also discourteous and thoughtless. Shouldn't you be a bit considerate when taking your wife to a gathering of your family and consider her comfort? I want to know what others think.
  • Oct 25, 2011, 01:04 AM
    No, women generally over dramatize everything! If you love your husband, then it should give you pleasure to see him happy.
    When a man does not spend time with his wife in the family, is because he sees his family only once every? Weeks, while he sees his wife every day.
    If you don't want to end up with a plant in your house, I'd suggest to loosen up a bit, have some fun, get to meet some people, get interested in their hobbies, and at the end of the day, while driving home, tell your husband what a great day it was!
    It'll bring unity and fun into the family!

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