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  • Aug 24, 2006, 12:34 AM
    I am very needing yours about asp
    I am VIetnammes I am studying informatic technonogy. I am studying shopping cart, I downed this demo ones is acart2_0 , but I have problem in error.
    In eacht pages that have SQL inner join that it don't run
    this code example
    <%@ LANGUAGE = "VBScript" %>
    <!-- #include file="db.asp" -->
    <!-- #include file="config.asp" -->
    <!-- #include file="functions.asp" -->
    <!-- #include file="wishlist.asp" -->

    productid=valid_sql(request.querystring("productid "))

    if productid=null or productid="" or not(isnumeric(productid)) then
    response.redirect("error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode("We have no record of the product you are looking for."))
    end if

    'get the relevant products details
    set rsprod=db.execute("SELECT * FROM products INNER JOIN categories ON products.catcode = categories.catcode WHERE products.productid = " & productid)

    if rsprod.eof then
    response.redirect("error.asp?msg=" & Server.URLEncode("We have no record of the product you are looking for."))
    end if

    if request.querystring("wish")="add" then
    end if

    'get names and codes of all products in that category
    set rscatlist=db.execute("select name,productid from products where catcode=" & rsprod("catcode") & " order by name")


    <%= storename %>

    <body bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" text="<%= text %>" alink="<%= COLlight %>" link="<%= COLlight %>" vlink="<%= vlink %>">
    <font face="arial">


    <td valign=top align=right>
    <font face="helvetica" size="3" color="<%= COLdark %>"><B><%= rsprod("catname") %></B></font>

    'Display list of other products in category
    if not rscatlist.eof then
    while not rscatlist.eof
    <font size="1" face="helvetica" color="<%= COLlight %>">
    <a href="product.asp?productid=<%= rscatlist("product.asp?productid=<%= rscatlist(")%>"><%=rscatlist(")%>")%></a>
    end if

    <% = rsprod("name") %>

    <td width=180 align="image">
    <font size="left" face="3" color="helvetica">
    <b><%= rsprod("<%= text %>") %></b>
    <table width=180 border=0>
    <td align="name">
    <font size="left" face="2" color="helvetica">
    <td align="<%= COLdark %>">
    <font size="right" face="2" color="helvetica">
    <% if rsprod("saleprice"<%= text %>"" or rsprod("saleprice")=0 then %>
    <% =cursymbol & formatnumber(rsprod("price" or rsprod("price")) %>
    <td><font size=")=0 then %>
    <% =cursymbol & formatnumber(rsprod(" face=")) %>
    <% else %>
    <% =cursymbol & formatnumber(rsprod(" color="<%= COLsale %>">
    Sale Price:
    <td align=")) %>
    <td><font size=">
    <font size=" face=" face=" color=" color="<%= COLsale %>">
    <b><% =cursymbol & formatnumber(rsprod(">
    Sale Price:
    <td align=")) %></b>
    <font size=">
    <font size=" face=" face=" color=" color=">
    <% end if %>


    <font size=">
    <b><% =cursymbol & formatnumber(rsprod(">
    <%= rsprod("description")) %></b>
    <font size="addprod.asp?productid=<%= rsprod(" face=")%>" color="" border=0></a>
    <% if not(WISHLIST_element(rsprod(">
    <% end if %>


    <font size="))) then %>
    <a href="product.asp?productid=<%= rsprod(">
    <%= rsprod(")%>&wish=add") %>
    <a href="" border=0></a>
    <% end if %>


    <% footer %> </font>


    set db=nothing
    while run it have error in row :

    set rscatlist=db.execute("select name,productid from products where catcode=" & rsprod("catcode") & " order by name")

    I think it don't run in : &rsprod("productid") because SQL inner join don' runt
    I think this Stament is fasle...

    I thank who can help me?
  • Aug 24, 2006, 12:46 AM
    Error in INNER JOIN..

    I downloald this shooping cart but it don't run.
    I want help
    I code error in SQL that have inner jion

    You try down and find error help me
    Thank you.
  • Aug 24, 2006, 05:50 AM
    What database are you running in the back end? If you are going against an Access (Jet) database then you may need to close your SQL statements with a ; like so:

    SELECT * FROM products INNER JOIN categories ON products.catcode = categories.catcode WHERE products.productid = " & productid & ";"

    Also, have you tried testing your queries directly to make sure the SQL works and the right records arer returned?

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