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  • Nov 2, 2006, 09:33 PM
    How to find a hobby
    I am trying to find a hobby. I have never really had any hobbies in my adult life and I am now trying to find one. I don't know how to even start. I am looking for any help on how to find something that interests me.
  • Nov 3, 2006, 12:02 AM

    Originally Posted by brandiwyo
    I am tring to find a hobby. I have never really had any hobbies in my adult life and I am now tring to find one. I don't know how to even start. I am looking for any help on how to find something that interests me.

    What kinds of thing interest you?
  • Nov 3, 2006, 12:34 AM
    Hobies are easy to find, but first you got to figure out what kind of things interest you, just like helixfire asked. If you're a crafty person try modles, if your car person... try modles hahaha no, things like collections or speakers (speakers are my hobby)...
    Hey you could even go as far as making posting on this forum your hobby.. its as easy as that
    Hope I was of some help
  • Jan 1, 2007, 09:59 AM

    Originally Posted by brandiwyo
    I am tring to find a hobby. I have never really had any hobbies in my adult life and I am now tring to find one. I don't know how to even start. I am looking for any help on how to find something that interests me.

    Hobbies are about spending time doing something consistently. I suggest you narrow down your prospects first. Describe the environment where you will spend your time. Indoors/Outdoors, Quiet/Loud, Group/Single, Practical/Whimsical, Skill/Talent, etc.
    It's not as important what you do as How you do it.
  • Jan 25, 2007, 12:52 AM
    miss nafarious

    Originally Posted by brandiwyo
    I am tring to find a hobby. I have never really had any hobbies in my adult life and I am now tring to find one. I don't know how to even start. I am looking for any help on how to find something that interests me.

    I have been trying to do the same. Wish I had an answer for you.
    My problem is motivation. I am not into sport & excerise, so it rules out quite a lot.
    Lets wait to see if anyone ele can give some advise...
  • Mar 9, 2007, 10:46 PM
    Good approach, Special Ed!

    Go to your local hobby shop and look around. If you see something and go "cool!" ask about it. Some people think that certain hobbies are "geeky". They are the geeks. If you like stamps then collect stamps. If Star Trek is you thing then give' er. Your hobby is YOURS, who cares what anyone else thinks.

    For example, I am a 27 year old woman and here is a list of what I collect:
    Stuffed animals, especially horses and tigers
    Horse figurines
    Bookmarks (my geekier one lol)
    Lapel pins
    Disney movie posters
    Disney Masterpiece VHS and DVD
    Anime VHS and DVD
    Lion King Memorabilia
    Ghost, paranormal and cryptozoological archives

    My hobby activities:
    Dog Training (good exercise)

    My fiancée is 26:
    Video game memorabilia
    Online DJ ing
    Collects all video game systems known to man (geeky lol)
    Anime Movie Collection (common interests with spouse or kids is great sharing time)
    Lava lamp collection
    Re-builds computers (yeah, yeah he's the smart one lol)

    Anything can be a hobby. Pick something that you can spend hours doing but be sure that it can be something that can be put aside and picked up again later.
  • Mar 25, 2007, 12:19 PM
    My favourite hobby is walking and camping..

    It is cheap to do and you can find many scenic routes to do it. You can do it alone and you can join a club and make friends too.

    It is also good exercise! Healthy and gives you a chance to think and also take in nature.

    That is just an idea..

    Truthfully, you need to work out what interests you!

    Perhaps try a number of things and see what you like best. Variety is the spice of life, most of the time.
  • Apr 18, 2007, 02:49 AM
    Camping and walking is great.

    My main hobbies are: Badminton, kayaking and gym. All good social activities and I would say varied. Sports best hobby to have :)
  • Apr 30, 2007, 07:20 PM
    Agreeing with everyone else preceding...
    Just about anything you enjoy could be considered a hobby. If that stumps you, try searching for 'hobby' or 'hobbies' on the internet. Don't settle for the first few pages of hits, but instead skip to hits on the higher numbered pages.
    Good luck.
  • May 22, 2007, 10:11 AM
    Have you ever tried scrapbooking. I enjoy it so much it can be time consuming but worth it because it also cover photography too. I am always taking pics of anything from the people in my family to trees flowers and buildings. Then you can go home and scrapbook them!! There are a lot of dicount scrapbook products out and it also make wonderful gifts for family and friends, or just something to pass along in the family. What could be better than in 80 years members of your famly looking back at the way things in your life where through your eyes.. . hope you enjoy if you try it!! :D
  • May 23, 2007, 07:21 AM
    Personally I live for music, I have my sights on a signed guitar at the moment, signed by the eagles but my budget doesn't allow me to feed my passion right now...
    My man loves formula one/cars/supercars, he collects the 1`18 scale models, very expensive hobby considering he has over 60,still growing.
    It depends on a few things, how far are you willing to take it? Do you have the money to collect the stuff you have the interest in?
  • Sep 12, 2011, 11:04 AM
    How about building and racing a radio controlled car? You can get a complete kit for about £140 including petrol engine and all the radio gear... It takes a few weeks to build if you allow an hour or two a day then you can drive it, crash it, repair it, soup it up etc.

    You can even join a local clud and race against others.
  • Apr 21, 2012, 02:25 AM

    If you like card games and meeting people why not try to learn to play poker? Poker helps sharpen your mind, you don't need much money to start online, the minimum deposit is $10 but you can first kick off by using play money i.e. no money involved until you get used to the poker software you are playing on. The poker community is massive and always there to ans any questions, but again, you need to ensure you can play poker in your country for example in the US it's only allowed in a few states. In UK and the Nordics its allowed and poker is extremely popular there. Once you learn online you can move to play in proper card rooms and live poker events around the world. It's a super cool hobby really. There is also chess and pool which are other games of skill you might want to consider. A book on any of these skill games costs less than £25 to get you up an running. You need to be able to make the right decisions to win at these games thus the reason you need to read about them and understand them before playing. Losing will just put you off them. The bridge books are cheaper again another cards game which involves skill.

    To summarise the above, if you fancy a challenge and totally into sharpening you mind, try one of them.

    Take care and good luck..
  • Jun 18, 2012, 07:36 AM
    Why not get a book and start to enter your earliest memories and things you did as child and up to adulthood, all your thoughts and experiences, good and bad, and the lessons you learned and from who?The good times and the bad times, where your life has led you and the people you met along the way that left a mark in your life. The things that have changed around you (buildings/areas etc) Go through your family and have a separate episode about your life/experiences/love/thoughts and special times with this person (Fathers Mothers Grandmothers Sons Daughters Grandchildren) Do You Get The Idea? Then put them into order in either a "scrapbook form" or written diary, add photos relevant to the times.
    Hope this helps, that is what I am doing and I feel when I am gone (now 65) my family will find their own "gift from me" and maybe read some things that haven't been said, we all say "I should have said more" but its too late when they are gone and you don't know the true feelings that were held inside and not said.

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