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  • Jun 12, 2006, 10:47 PM
    please help me figure out this movie
    Ok, I saw this film when I was very little and can only remember a few scenes from it. I hope that with what I remember someone can help me figure out what it is. Ok some random info about it before I begin is that it was played by actual people.

    scenes I remember: There is a girl following a path when she comes to a castle gate/door. She does something special to open it with its knocker and then she goes inside. Inside she finds a banquet table covered with food and surrounded by people in masks who are not moving. She begins to touch them and hey begin to move. She is offered food and to stay with them but something is not right about the whole party and she runs out eating nothing.

    another scene: the girl has come up to a hill where a swingset is. On the swings are two old women, one dressed in white another in black. I think they were the queens of the land, or maybe witches, but I am pretty sure they were sisters/twins... I think. Anyway they talk to the girl about the journey she is on and something that she is looking for and of the seasonf and a prince I think. Their swings overlook a castle.

    That is all I can remember and it is driving me insane that I have these memories of this movie and can see certain scenes in my mind but have no idea what it is. I hope that someone can help me figure out thhis mystery. Thanks.
  • Jan 9, 2010, 01:11 PM
    If I'm not mistaken, that's the plot of Pirates of The Caribbean
  • Feb 20, 2012, 05:04 PM

    Its about tin sister that don't know about each other and they feel what each other feels. Of them get's there lung cut out and the other get's buried alive

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