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  • Jun 29, 2018, 07:25 AM
    SCOTUS Replacement
    "A president under active criminal investigation of whether he won legitimately and whether he has obstructed that very investigation should not be permitted by a mere Senate majority to designate the justice whose votes could prove pivotal to the fate of his presidency."

    Add that to the obvious crooked behavior of Trump re emoluments, appointing grifters to the cabinet, rolling back regulations protecting American citizens, and so forth, and, most egregiously, "winning" the presidency by a technicality based on an outmoded quirky electoral college while losing the popular vote by THREE MILLION votes AND by an election criminally interfered with by the enemy of democracies everywhere Russia - what more malfeasance is necessary to stop Trump from nominating a justice who will further tip the court to a place from whence it may never return?

    Time to see some Profiles In Courage rise from the ranks of the Republicans who object to seeing women dying in back alleys. Time for these to refuse to sell their soul for a mess of pottage. There must be someone on that side of the aisle with a shred of decency left.
  • Jun 29, 2018, 08:01 AM
    The investigation is under investigation. If they had any evidence, it would have been shared by now.

    "There must be someone on that side of the aisle with a shred of decency left." Really?

    Nancy Pelosi
    Maxine Waters
    Enough said...
  • Jun 29, 2018, 08:50 AM

    Originally Posted by Oliver2011 View Post
    The investigation is under investigation. If they had any evidence, it would have been shared by now.

    That's not how investigations work. Typical pro-Trump nonsense.
  • Jun 29, 2018, 04:55 PM
    Because Harry Reid broke Senate tradition waiving the filibuster rules for confirming justices ;Trump will get whoever he wants confirmed before the midterm elections . My choice is Mike Lee ;but I suspect that like Goresuch ,Trump will select a justice who clerked under Kennedy

    btw Collins and Murkowski are your best bet for defections . and if Roe was reversed (doubtful) ;the issue would go back to being a state power issue.
  • Jun 30, 2018, 07:55 AM
    Even lawsuits decided in the states over policy can rise to Scotus and I see a whole bunch of them rising RAPIDLY.
  • Jul 1, 2018, 02:34 AM
    all the more reason to favor a constitutional textualist .
  • Jul 1, 2018, 05:54 AM
    Isn't a great thing that the court only rules on what is submitted to them
  • Jul 1, 2018, 08:56 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Isn't a great thing that the court only rules on what is submitted to them

    Reread post #5... the right wing loony agenda will be submitted!
  • Jul 1, 2018, 09:45 AM
    you see because it is ok for SCOTUS to overturn law you don't like or that was wrongly decided ie Plessy was overturned by Brown v Topeka ...or you would like SCOTUS to reverse Citizen's United . But a decision that you do like cannot be reversed because it is now "settled law " . You will hear that phrase a lot in the coming weeks .
  • Jul 1, 2018, 10:55 AM
    Good god, get over yourself. He won the election and the only people who actually believe otherwise are the people who supported the career criminal Hildebeast Clintard who was PROVEN to have not even legitimately won her own primary without massive fraud. Proven fact, Even the DNC admitted to it and people were fired for it, and THEY don't disagree with it. Trump has the right and the duty to select Justices. As did the idiot that was in office the previous 8 years.

    And its NOT an investigation, its nothing more than a Witch hunt, by Clinton aligned operatives, and THAT has in fact been proven as well. And in fact there has been exactly ZERO proof Trump did ANYTHING, and lots of proof the Democrats actually have. Funny how none of them have been indicted yeat for THEIR collusion with the Russians, just more proof Mueller is a political hack and has actually committed many crimes himself.

    But then being Canadian, you really appear to be quite uneducated in how things are done and have been done for hundreds of years in the USA. You must be so aweful proud of Trudeau, not even most Canadians can stand him.
  • Jul 1, 2018, 12:36 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    you see because it is ok for SCOTUS to overturn law you don't like or that was wrongly decided ie Plessy was overturned by Brown v Topeka ...or you would like SCOTUS to reverse Citizen's United . But a decision that you do like cannot be reversed because it is now "settled law " . You will hear that phrase a lot in the coming weeks .

    It's a CIVIL WAR... No blood, just the right wing loony fringe and the racists rabble have the power of the government. Of course they will use it against their enemies, the left wing loonies, disenfranchised moderate conservatives, liberals, dems, and people of color. Which side are YOU on? Just want to be sure since the Lying cheating Dufus is your leader and has said more dumb stuff and done more wrong than anybody on both sides.

    Trump has absolute power, and of course he is corrupted absolutely. You'll see.


    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Good god, get over yourself. He won the election and the only people who actually believe otherwise are the people who supported the career criminal Hildebeast Clintard who was PROVEN to have not even legitimately won her own primary without massive fraud. Proven fact, Even the DNC admitted to it and people were fired for it, and THEY don't disagree with it. Trump has the right and the duty to select Justices. As did the idiot that was in office the previous 8 years.

    And its NOT an investigation, its nothing more than a Witch hunt, by Clinton aligned operatives, and THAT has in fact been proven as well. And in fact there has been exactly ZERO proof Trump did ANYTHING, and lots of proof the Democrats actually have. Funny how none of them have been indicted yeat for THEIR collusion with the Russians, just more proof Mueller is a political hack and has actually committed many crimes himself.

    But then being Canadian, you really appear to be quite uneducated in how things are done and have been done for hundreds of years in the USA. You must be so aweful proud of Trudeau, not even most Canadians can stand him.

    No fair copy and pasting old posts.
  • Jul 1, 2018, 07:00 PM
    Do you hear yourself tal, I agree with smoothy, get over it. Your antiquated system of selection gave him the election, it wasn't first past the post or who got the most votes but how many states were in favour of him, it was a resounding victory on that front giving him a mandate to proceed in a certain direction. You may not like the man, I don't like the man, but get focused on how to beat him, not the past
  • Jul 1, 2018, 07:37 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Do you hear yourself tal, I agree with smoothy, get over it. Your antiquated system of selection gave him the election, it wasn't first past the post or who got the most votes but how many states were in favour of him, it was a resounding victory on that front giving him a mandate to proceed in a certain direction. You may not like the man, I don't like the man, but get focused on how to beat him, not the past

    (Smoothy's a troll - it's best to ignore trolls. He's good for comic relief, but little else.)

    Trump's "resounding victory" was aided and abetted by Russia. All that remains to be determined is how much and whether their interference was decisive. Trump is running scared, telegraphing his collusion with the Russians as he desperately keeps trying to change the subject.
  • Jul 1, 2018, 11:25 PM

    Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    (Smoothy's a troll - it's best to ignore trolls. He's good for comic relief, but little else.)

    Trump's "resounding victory" was aided and abetted by Russia. All that remains to be determined is how much and whether their interference was decisive. Trump is running scared, telegraphing his collusion with the Russians as he desperately keeps trying to change the subject.

    I don't believe that, you allow them too much influence and in that you think americans are mindless idiots. The fact is people were just tired of the same old raz-a-ma-taz and opted for something different. Anyway, poetic justice if the Russians did interfere
  • Jul 2, 2018, 03:48 AM
    the idea that the Russians can in any way affect our elections is the comic relief
  • Jul 2, 2018, 05:45 AM
    Don't laugh. Russia, and NK, China and a few others are more capable of cyber warfare than you think and to dismiss the capability and willingness to use it is a big mistake. Not only is it worth looking into, it's IMPERATIVE to investigate and understand that capability. Just ask Sony, and other big Bizz types (Read about Estonia cyber attacks). Open your mind a bit and get beyond the constant drone of lies and misdirection, and ego driven ANTICS the Dufus spews twice daily. What are you that technically challenged that you can dismiss that offhand?

    There is a history of data supporting Vlad and his sycophants as well as Kim and his horde undermine us at every cyber level.

    King Reagan said trust but VERIFY! The best advice I ever heard.
  • Jul 2, 2018, 09:33 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    the idea that the Russians can in any way affect our elections is the comic relief

    US intelligence agencies differ with you. So does President Obama and (surprise!) Donald Trump.

    Mueller has already indicted several people (including 13 Russians) and 4 have pleaded guilty with one currently in jail awaiting trial. The probable cause for interference is overwhelming and only the details remain to be revealed.

    Another erstwhile Trump supporter bit the dust today - Michael Cohen - who no longer is "taking a bullet for Trump", but has decided his family and country come first. The ship is sinking.
  • Jul 2, 2018, 01:43 PM
    The data is out there for those that choose to read it.


    What if Trumps lawsuits end up before the Supreme Court? Would his picks be made to recuse themselves?


    Trump Org Donates $151K in Foreign Profits to U.S. Treasury
  • Jul 2, 2018, 05:15 PM

    Mueller has already indicted several people (including 13 Russians) and 4 have pleaded guilty with one currently in jail awaiting trial

    Indictments that have anything to do with Donald Trump - 0
    Guilty pleas that involve Donald Trump in any way - 0

    The Russians he indicted;well their cases will never go to trial . Not that they don't want it .Mueller gambled that they would never have to answer the charges . But a couple of them want to go to the discovery phase and Mueller is stonewalling . Same thing with Flynn ,He has nothing on Flynn so he keeps on delaying the trial .Manafort he got on old business unrelated to the Trump campaign and is using that to try to turn Manafort .
    He MAY have something on Cohen related to Trump past business activities . Extremely doubtful that it has anything to do with the election . But as I have said from day one ;Trump's vulnerability is in sleazy real estate dealings . Any prosecutor worth their salt should be able to find something untoward on any real estate developer in this area . I don't think it is possible to have an honest real estate development business in this area .

  • Jul 2, 2018, 05:22 PM
    really ? Your best argument is Russian hacking of a 3rd world country's infrastructure a decade ago ? BTW Russia would have zero chance of pulling off a similar attack today in Estonia.

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