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  • Dec 4, 2008, 05:28 PM
    They measured me at 4 weeks, could I be further along?
    My ultrasound on Tuesday says that I am 4wks and 4 days. My last period was on October 24th, so I should be five weeks if anything. But that period and the one before were not normal and I really think I've been pregnant longer than 5 weeks.

    Could they be wrong? I did have it done at Planned Parenthood and the nurse doing the measurement was taking instruction from another nurse on how to do the measurements. Also, since I had some bleeding on October 24th, they believe that to be my period. It only last 3 days and ended with brown fluid.

    Only a black blob was visible on the vaginal ultrasound (their machine was not the best) does this mean they are right? Could I have been pregnant from my September 26th period and really be like 9 weeks instead, even with just the gestational sac on the ultrasound?
  • Dec 4, 2008, 05:29 PM

    P.S. Really want to know cause I have to wait a whole month before I can see a doctor! Just tell me if it's even a possibility. My stomach got bloated around that end of October when my period came and then it just never went down. The month of November, it was popped out and firmer to the touch. Now, I look like I'm either pregnant or getting fat. It's softer and smaller in the morning and by the evening, it's just full on baby belly. That is what really makes me think I'm further along, too because my stomach was flat before and I had even lost some weight back in September and October.
  • Dec 5, 2008, 08:24 AM

    Ultrasound is often closer to the actual dates. If you count from your last period, you are going by gestational age... which is not wholly accurate because you are generally not pregnant right after your period. The ultrasound uses a combination of what can be seen and sometimes fetal measurements to determine fertilizational age... from the time you actuallly conceived.
    If you were 9 weeks you would be seeing actual baby at that time and not just the sac. They will likely do another scan a little further down the road and you may or may not have your dates altered a bit depending on what they see at that time. It would become pretty evident if you are farther along than first suspected.
  • Dec 5, 2008, 09:06 AM

    Thanks. Guess I was hoping to be further because otherwise I went through a month of symptoms for no reason. Hee Hee Also, my stomach was all bloated for the past couple months and oddly it suddenly went down some, but it's still larger. I'm not sure what all of that is about.
  • Dec 10, 2008, 03:03 AM

    If you were 9 weeks, the baby would be 7 weeks, and it would definitely be reconizable as a human being. All the organs,arms, legs, fingers, toes, eyes, mouth, etc. are there and there are even brain waves. Size: about 1 and 1/2 inches
    4 weeks and 4 days isn't that far off from 5 weeks.
  • Feb 5, 2009, 05:57 PM

    I'm 15 weeks now and at my OB visits at 11 weeks and 14 weeks they were surprised at how active the baby is and so I really think, again, that I could be further along. At the 14 week check, I measured 19 and the heartbeat couldn't be heard on the doppler because of all the movement. So we had to do a quick abdominal sonogram to check for the heartbeat. She told me the baby is very active and I would begin to feel the movement in a few weeks, but I've been feeling movement everyday for the past 2 weeks or more. So, with those two things combined and the fact that I've been gaining more weight and looking larger, I really still think it's possible. My friend was given a Dec. 15th due date for her first 5 or 6 months and then they said it was actually Jan.15th because of the development of the baby. (This is what she thought all along!)
    So they had her a whole month ahead all that time! I think that's what's happening to me, except a month behind. How can I get my OB to check further so I don't have to be surprised at the last couple of months? I already told them that my October period was not a real period, but they just took it from November because that's the month I didn't experience bleeding. I don't want to get further along thinking that I have more time than I actually do, especially since I will be moving in the summer and traveling by plane. It's very important that I don't think I'm due at the end of July, and then actually deliver in June because no one was really checking! There are 3 OBs in the office and I float around to all of them, so that is very possible.
  • Feb 5, 2009, 06:33 PM

    When they do an ultrasound they measure the baby and can calculate by its size how old it is.By now they will even be able to determine it's gender.
    Don't take my exact word for it, but boys move around more. Expect to be kicked a lot if it's a boy. Girls tend to "roll" (but they kick too, just not as much)
  • Feb 6, 2009, 03:50 AM

    If you continue to measure ahead, they will likely do another scan at some point. You can certainly ask for another growth scan. Midpregnancy scans tend to give the best results... later in pregnancy they will become less accurate for sizing purposes.
    I know with my first they were thinking mid July, I was thinking closer to the beginning of July and my daughter was born June 22. Due dates don't mean much unless you are very early, very late, or have a trip planned... :)
  • Feb 6, 2009, 07:41 AM
    If your last period was Oct 24, then you are 14 weeks and 5 days, as of today. Your due date will be August 1.

    Unfortunately, ALL of pregnancy is a guess until the baby is born when a Dubowicz or New Ballard test is done. We always give a 2 week leeway with a period due date.

    The gender is not typically found out until at LEAST 18 weeks gestation, sometimes earlier, but not always.

    Also, I have seen many girls born with "tails", poor boys have to go home in pink. LOL
  • Feb 6, 2009, 02:39 PM

    Shady, that's funny because I have felt some rolls and flips more than kicks. I've never heard of anyone explain it as a roll, but
    That's exactly it. Hmmmm... I will let you know if your theory is correct.

    J9, they have me at July 30th and 15 weeks as of Wednesday.

    Doula, yeah, that's the thing with my moving and such. I just hope I move in enough time to find a new OB and get delivered by him/her and not be in mid transition when I deliver this baby. CRAZY!

    I'm going to ask them about that possibility as well as the twin thing when I go to the lab for the anatomy ultrasound, since they haven't seen me before, they may be more apt to look around and invistigate for me without feeling like I'm insulting anyone's intelligence.
  • Feb 7, 2009, 03:52 AM

    A "due date" can mean 2 weeks either way, as a basic rule.

    The actions I refer to are the ones made when the baby gets larger. Right now your baby is not really that big to notice. At this stage, all babies are very active in the womb. (there's a lot more room)
  • Feb 7, 2009, 11:11 AM

    K, thanks Shady.

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